Motionless in barbecue

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I changed into my outfit and messed with my hair and makeup waiting for the others James came out in a black tank with a red flannel tied around his waist black skiny jeans and black vans his tattoos on show I smiled "hey" "hey" he sat down "you look amazing" he smiled again at me "aw thanks bro" I nodded then bic walked in she looked stunning "bic you look amazing" I grinned "aw thanks bae" she sat down next to me then came jasmine "jaz u look like a angel" I repeated I swear these girls mange to look stunning whenever then rose followed behind looking amazing as always "bae amazing" I grinned i stood up as there was a knock at the door i opened it and there stood Chris in a suit "wow you look amazing" he grinned i smiled and waved goodbye and left with Chris tonight would be fun.

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