Chapter One

134 6 0

September, 2013

Music waded trough the door of his closet. The only available plugin was in it's roof. It was annoying to say the least, having to reach up and switch the CDs out, but alas, he had a television and a lamp, so the other lonesome plugin was occupied. The other slot in the closet was almost constantly used by his phone charger. He really needed to get the third outlet set fixed.

He heard a 'holy mother of-!" Followed by a loud thud while he looked for a shirt. He looked cautiously outside of his door. "Gabriel?" He asked.
"Sorry Cassie. Shirt fell." He heard the reply
"Sounded way heavier than a shirt, Gabe." Castiel replied, marching back to his bed, picking a random shirt to through over his jeans.
"Yeah, well, I was in it." Gabriel explained, walking into Anna's room. "Come on you big lard, you're gonna be late." Anna groaned in response, rolling over, and hitting the floor. "Jesus Christ." Gabriel shuffled to help her up.

Cas looked himself over in the mirror, before scooping his shoes up and lacing them on. Gabriel and him took a while to get ready, but Anna was literally a small bolt of lightning. She got dressed in like ten seconds, and did her hair in five. Her makeup took two minutes, too, so she was ready to go in roughly ten minutes, where Gabriel and Castiel took almost an hour.

When they left , finally, for school, they just barely caught the bus,and by just barely, I mean that they got there right as the last few people climbed on. Gabriel took a seat in the back,along with Anna, and Castiel sat in the only remaining seat, next to a tall boy with long hair. He apologized for making the boy scoot over, and placed his bag on his lap. He was nervous as hell for the first day. He moved to the small town in the middle of the summer, and didn't get the chance to meet anyone his age.

Halfway to school, or, he guessed halfway, the guy started talking.
"My name's Sam." He stated.
"Oh, uh, I'm Castiel." Cas replied.
"What year are you in?" Sam asked.
"I'm a junior, third year of highschool." Cas replied.
"I dont look it, but I'm just a freshman. I have a brother, Dean, who's a junior, though." He said.
"I have a sister named Anna who's a freshman. My older brother's a senior, his name is Gabe." Castiel replied.
"That's cool." Sam replied.

It seemed to be the end of their conversation, so Castiel took a look back to his siblings. Gabriel, as usual, had already made a friend, and Anna was talking to some girls across from her. Castiel was happy that they were making friends.


When they made it to school, Castiel was first off the bus, followed by Sam, and two others he didn't know. He chatted with Sam for a bit, before the bell signaled for classes to begin. Castiel went to his homeroom (he was told in advance) and got his schedule. He had gym first. He met a girl named Meg, who was a bitch, but a fun bitch, who smacked his ass and ran circles around him, all the while calling him 'angelface' and 'Clarence'. In algebra, he didn't really do much other than almost fall asleep,and the rest of the day was alike. All he got was a bunch of syllabi for Gabriel to mess around with

On the bus, Sam pulled him into a seat in the back. Gabriel was sitting with a boy with blonde hair, green eyes. Anna was behind them, and Gabriel was reaching back and swinging blindly in an attempt to get something from her.

"Dean!" Sam said, a bit too loud. Everyone on the bus paused and the proceeded their chatter.
"Sammy, what?" The blonde guy, Dean, leaned over Gabriel's back and looked to Sam.
"This is my friend Castiel, he's in your grade." Sam announced over the roar of teens in the front.
"Nice to meetcha." Dean's accent came through to his speech. Castiel laughed once, and said hello.
Gabriel got what he wanted, his phone. He leaned back, squishing the extending Dean. Dean let out a yelp. "Oh, hey Cassie, see you've met Deano here, he's in my Spanish class, and art." Gabriel revealed his collarbones, making two girls stare and Castiel look curiously, until he saw a crudely painted rainbow. "As you see, we've gotten along well." Gabriel said, releasing his stretched shirt.
Castiel chuckled. "I see." He replied.

The bus came to a screeching halt. The students clambered out of the small doors, Castiel being pulled out of the seat by Gabriel and Anna.

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