Chapter Eleven

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"Castiel fucking Novak you tell me where you are or I swear to all that is holy I am going to have a manhunt and when I find you it won't be pretty." Chuck blared into the phone. Castiel actually had winced and had to hold his phone away.
"I refuse to come home and I don't want to." Castiel put it in the simplest of terms.
"You're fucking funny, Cas It's four fucking AM and I'm still sitting here and you haven't come home. Sam said you're not over there, Charlie went out out look for you, and Dean isn't allowed visitor at this time, so where are you? Anna also said hello." 
"Hi Anna, and Chuck, I'm seventeen! I'm fine for a night wherever I want to be." Castiel tried to defend himself.
"You're my child as of three years ago and I know you love Dean but really you're just wallowing in your own pity. I wouldn't say this normally because your boyfriend scares me, but I have  to let you know that you think you're so independent and we both know you're not. You depended on Michael, and then you depended on our family, and now you let your happiness depend on Dean. I know, Cas, I know this is the last thing you wanna hear right now but It's important you know." 
"I do not want to come home." 
"Did I ask what you wanted? No I told you what would be best for you and what you're gonna do."
"But Chuck-"
"No. One more hour then Charlie is turning on your phone's GPS for me."
"Okay bye."

Castiel didn't wait for his father to say goodbye. He was not going home. He didn't care. He was going to call his brother. 

"Castiel, you are aware it is four AM, correct."
"When is the next time I can go over there."
"You're always welcome, Castiel. You live with the Shurleys but you're still a Novak."
"I am Castiel." 
"Of course, brother."
"So, I know I am welcome but I have no way of transportation."
"Are you asking me to come get you?" 
"If at all possible, yes, Michael."
"Me and Luke-" Castiel heard a brief, 'It's Lucifer!'. "Me and Luke will come get you in the morning. Oh, and if Chuck is any trouble remind him you are supposed to visit the family at least once a month and we haven't seen you for quite a few." 
"That was not his fault, admittedly." Castiel bit his lip.
"You- you didn't want to come home?" Micheal sounded hurt.
"No, Micheal. I know you all love m now but you never did before. I couldn't ever help it. I couldn't stop being who i am, Micheal. I still can't. I need to come home, now, though. You were right." His voice broke, "It never helped anyone, and it never will."
"That was not me, brother, ad you know that. I love you, and you need to come home. You need freedom. I know you love Dean, but he is hurting you for now, and until he remembers-"
"Who told you." It was less of a question and more of a statement. 
"I heard it through the grapevine. As i was saying, Dean and you should stay apart until he is better. For your sake." 
"It wont be a long while, you realize." Castiel stated.
"yes, I know. I will see you soon."
"Goodbye Castiel."

//YikEs that was a short chapter but i have all of 2 readers so i doubt anyone would care. I'm gonna self- promo on instagram later and get this ole' thing riled up. I'm working on the next chapter already and ill update tonight or tomorrow I promisE. There might not be a lot left to this fic chapter-wise. I promise i lvoe you guys but i dind't know how  to crank out so e inspiration so this chap kinds sucks. Thanks for the non-existent feedback. I'm just messing, love you little shits. 

~Your faithful Mom

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