Chapter Four

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Mid October, 2013
The school days had become bleak. The pattern was repetitive, the only spark of color being his lunch hour. Dean was there. Dean and Jo. The two were almost cousins, but not anymore. Cas didn't feel like she didn't deserve him, because Dean was happy again. Dean smiled more and more, but he didn't see Castiel smiling less and less, maybe because the only few times he smiled was when he saw Dean.
Dean was becoming good at hiding his emotions. He was caving in inside every time he saw Castiel. He learned to control the tomato effect, but the butterflies were still going, his heart still beating as fast as a freight train, and craved Cas's presence. Why would he show that? Instead, he laughed and put his arm over Jo's shoulder and laughed at her bad puns. Castiel, smiling as usual, was chattering with Charlie, a new student. Redhead, gay , obsessed with bands and geek stuff. Like him.
'Well, unfortunately, he's not gay. ' Dean thought.
It was kind of okay, since I was just a thought. He still felt bad about it, though, and thought back to the lectures on the demon of homosexuality his dad gave him all his life.
Dean was snapped out of his daydreaming. "Oh, sorry. Hey, I'm gonna get to class early." He excused himself. It was only a few minutes until class anyways. Anything to avoid his feelings.
Castiel still sat with Dean, especially on Fridays. The new route held two stops, both small stops. They were the second. Castiel was doodling when his sharpie was snatched.
"Cassie I'm gonna draw on you." Came a playful threat.
"I hope the hell you do." Cas shot back, smiling. His stomach did a flip.
"You're asking for it Novak." Dean towered over him, before pouncing with the sharpie. "I'm gonna draw A DICK!"
"I will END you , Winchester!" Cas smiled, holding off Dean. He smiled also because he was nostalgic for before this silent drama happened.
The boys were interrupted.
"Hey! Cut it out!"
"Aw come on Mrs.Georgia , I wasn't hurting him!" Dean complained to the bus driver, climbing off of Cas. Castiel turned to face Dean.
"Can I come over today?" He asked.
Dean cleared his throat and sat up, an apologetic look aimed to Cas. "Sorry buddy, I think Jo's coming over tonight."
Cas felt his ears turn red. "Dean you're not gonna- you know- are you?" He cleared his throat.
"Oh my god, Cas, no!" Dean said, then laughed. "Boy can your ears get red." He chuckled.
"Wha- shut up! We all know you're not Mr.Innocent!" Cas shoved him out of the seat, onto Gabriel.
"Sammy, can you get this?" Gabe asked, crashing into Sam, who was sitting on the inside reading. Sam smiled and shoved his brother onto Castiel.
Castiel giggled as Dean fell into his arms.
"You sure you're not a thing?" Gabe asked, trying to press one of Castiel's buttons.
"Yeah well I could say the same with you and Sammy, if we were really related it would be incest, Gabe, don't be gross." He joked.
Sam suddenly became very interested in his book and Gabe's smile faded, and he stopped talking. There was an awkward silence.
The silence shattered with the screeching of the bus to a halt. The remaining people left the bus, the Novaks, Winchesters and now Charlie were the last off, following the horde of other teens. Cas and Charlie were neighbors. The house beside him had been vacant for a while before she moved in. They parted ways and went in their houses.
~That Night~
"CASTIEL OH CASTIEL LET YOUR HAIR DOWN OR OPEN THE WINDOW." Charlie called, tossing marbles at the window across the narrow space separating the houses.
Castiel chuckled loudly, pushing up the window in time for the screen to reflect a blue marble.
"What?" He asked, pulling out the screen window.
"I'm bored." Charlie answered. Followed by a loud beep.
"What is that?" Cas asked. The beep sounded like... a fire alarm?
"Oh, that's a bird." Charlie answered. Seeing his confusion, and hearing another beep, she went into her room and brought a small cage with an African Gray bird. The bird looked Cas directly in the eyes.
"Whore!" It screeched.
Castiel flared his nostrils. "Charlie what is your bird hearing from you?"
"Meow!" The bird yelped. It sounded exactly like a kitten.
"Oh my god that's awesome." Cas responded.
"Her names sausage." Charlie said, beaming with pride.
"Of course you would come up with that." Cas rolled his eyes.
"Can I come over for the night?" Charlie asked.
"I don't know, my da- Chuck is pretty strict about girls coming over." Cas reminded her.
"Dude. You realize I'm a lesbian, right?" She countered.
"I'll tell him that." Castiel cocked an eyebrow, before leaving.
Castiel exited the room and made the march to Chuck's room. He knocked before he came in, welcoming the fairly new sight of a sober Chuck. He sobered up because if he didn't he couldn't keep Anna and Gabriel, much less watch for Castiel. The lawsuit was a pain to go through, the worst being visitation rights. Castiel's biological mother had died, his father had gone batty, and his real brothers were off doing his knows what. Visitation rights. Brothers. Dad. Brothers. Visiting. Ew.
Cas lost those thoughts as he entered the room of his legal guardian.
"Chuck?" He called. Chuck looked to him from the bed, where he was watching a TV show about... fishing?
"Oh, hey Castiel." He sat up.
"Uh, can my friend Charlie come over for the night?" Castiel said anxiously.
"Well, Cas, we've had this talk, no girls over."
"She's a lesbian, Chuck." Castiel jokingly told him.
"Oh. Uh, I guess she can come spend the night." Chuck responded. Castiel said a short goodbye and raced to the window. Charlie wasn't there, but he got a clue where she saw when there was a knock on the door.
He rushed downstairs to meet a redhead and a confused Gabriel.
"Why do you never tell me when you have guests?"
"Don't tell me how to live my life, Gabe." Castiel hissed, pulling Charlie up the stairs.
As soon as the door was shut. "So, you and Dean?"
"Oh my god , Charlie, no!" Cas flushed. How did she know?!
"Oh my god, Cas, you have such an obvious homo crush on him. You blush every time you see him, you get all nervous, you're in love with him!" Charlie told him. "I mean, you've known for a while now, that you're in love with him, its ruining you isn't it?" She speculated. The last bit was playful.
"Okay, fine, I think that Dean's hot and a great guy and stuff but I don't think I'm in love with him!" Cas blushed furiously.
"Alright. Whatever floats your boat." Charlie said, sitting her bag down. "You got Netflix?" She grinned as she spoke.
"Hell yeah."
Castiel woke up with half his torso handing off the bed, Charlie was spread-eagle on the mattress. He fell down, of course. After brushing himself off, he woke Charlie up.
"Never said anything about pushing me off the bed."
Charlie went to the bathroom to change, and cas changed while she was outside of the room. They both then headed to the living room. Chuck was there on a typewriter, being frustrated by the lack of a backspace, and praising whiteout.
Charlie and Castiel were soon joined by Anna and Gabriel. They all sat in groggy silence, watching whatever show was on. Charlie occasionally called someone hot or insulted their eyebrows.
Charlie went home around five. Castiel went back up the stairs, down the hallway, and to his room. He pulled his phone from the charger, checking the messages. He had, of course, none. The messages saved had no reply. He typed out to Dean.
'I'm bored and did you deflower anyone?' He smiled
About a minute later he got a response.
'Almost ;)))) but Jo is an innocent 'child of god' so I'm gonna have to marry her first. ' His stomach dropped to his shoes.
'Planning on it?'
'On whut '
'Marrying her'
' Cas man why do you care? Are you planning on marrying me? '
Cas flushed, and decided on sarcasm, his hands shaking.
'Oh yes, I'm gonna be Mrs.Winchester, we'll adopt three kids and live on the beach down in Florida. '
'Did you just propose to me '
' ;))))))))))) '
'Omg crying at this yes we're married its canon '
'Dean cut it out, and where did you learn that vocabulary? '
'You and charlie '
'Mkay hubby, come over when your side hoe goes home (PS. Just joking about Jo being a hoe) '
'Alrighty wifey. '

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