Chapter Six

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Two Weeks Later
Dean was still avoiding Castiel. He was also avoiding Jo. He didn't want to see her. She just reminded him of love. He loved Castiel. He had to break it off. Breaking up was hard though.
It was after school, he waited for her to finish with BB gun team practice.
"Jo." He said, sadness toning his voice.
"Dean? What's wrong?" She reached a hand out to touch his arm. Castiel did that too. He pulled away.
"I don't think I can do this." Even he heard his voice cracking.
"Do what?" She said, despair in her voice.
"Us, I can't do this. I wish I could just say I stopped loving you Jo, I wish I could just tell you I never loved you. I'm so sorry." He let a tear fall.
"Dean- Dean what's going on?" She asked. "We can get though this Dean."
"No. Jo, its not like you would understand. I can't do this, Jo. I can't play you like that. I can't lie." He turned away.
"Oh." Her voice broke. "Oh." She continued to say. "Oh." She was trying to process it.
Dean walked to the impala. He already had dropped Sam off. Dean went home, and waited until he knew his dad had passed out from the drinking he did on holidays.
Dean didn't take the impala. He walked to the Novak household. It was near 3AM. His gut turned as he picked up a rock and tossed it, hitting the window of Castiel. Three pebbles later, a bleary eyed Castiel appeared in the windowsill.
"Dean?" He said quietly. His voice rose a bit with hope. "Dean!" He ran away from the window. And appeared in the yard, running as fast as possible to Dean. Dean caught him, scooping him up into his arms. They didn't speak a word as they snuck into Castiel's room.
In his room, Dean saw a mess. He clearly hadn't cleaned it. Cas locked the door. Word had got around that Dean was avoiding him.
"I'm so sorry Castiel." Dean broke down. "Im so sorry, Cas. I have to tell you though, I don't care right now. I can't take it man." He said, his voice shaking with anxiety. He walked to Castiel and took his hands.
"Dean? What are you saying?" He said, his voice also shaking.
"I'm crazy about you Castiel. I'm so crazy and I'm going insane not being able to be with you." Dean admitted.
"Dean- I"
"I can't get enough of you Cas. You're beautiful, oh god, you're beautiful." Dean was looking him up and down. "I'm so crazy for you, man." He said in a hushed voice.
"Dean, Im so sorry." Castiel apologized.
"Wha-" Dean started.
He didn't finish. Castiel crashed his lips onto Dean's. They moved to the bed, Castiel mounting Dean as they tried to get as much of each other as was possible. They broke apart only when Castiel went to close the window.
He got straight back to Dean. He didn't just kiss his lips. He left kisses on his collarbones, kisses on his arms, his face, his lips. Each time professing his love.
"Dammit, Cas, I'm so crazy about you, I know I said this so many times but god I'm not joking, I don't know how else to put it." Dean breathlessly announced. He leaned up to Castiel's lips.
"Oh god, I know." Castiel half moaned in his mouth as a response.
"Let's not get too carried away, though." Dean reminded him.
"Trust me, I would love to mark you up and make you scream." Cas bit down on Dean's lip softly. "I'm holding back."
"Same here." Dean said, thumbing at Castiel's shirt. The two parted just long enough to remove his shirt.. Dean ran his hands over Cas's skin, feeling the pale skin and every crack and crevice, exploring the chest of his friend, the same for his back. Dean smiled against Castiel's lips before he slowly pulled away. Castiel understood.
"But Dean, when will I see you again?" Castiel worried.
"At school, you idiot." Dean replied playfully.
"Dean, I see how Jo and everyone else patrols you, they keep you away from me." Castiel admitted. "Why did you think I was up at three in the morning crying?"
Dean stood, Castiel still sitting on the bed. He placed a gentle kiss to Cas's lips.
"I love you." Dean said.
"I love you, too, Dean. So much." Castiel returned, then stood to follow Dean out of the door.
Colors were brighter in the world of Castiel Novak. Dean had to practically beat blondes away with a stick now that he and Jo broke it off, but at least he didn't get with them. Charlie and he had two classes together, plus lunch. As soon as Dean left he climbed through her window, knowing she would be awake by the glow behind the curtains. She wasn't very surprised. He told her everything, but not the details. Charlie, being their number one shipper, was ecstatic. The looks she gave Dean in the hallways made it clear she knew what happened, and Dean wasn't surprised. Castiel was careful to avoid Dean, and Jo.
Vicious rumors about the breakup were circulating. Someone said he cheated and she broke it off, another claimed he just was playing the field. Dean took them well. Only a few tense words were exchanged between the two exes, but they knew it wouldn't work out. Dean, well, he's Dean, she had said. Dean was Dean. Castiel loved that, and didn't see how she had been able to make it sound offensive. She just did.

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