Chapter Two

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Mid-September 2013
Chapter two
Castiel woke up to the sound of a crash, followed by hushed chuckles. It was four god damn AM. It wasn't the first time he woke up like this. But his curiosity always won,even if the outcome was always the same, which was that Gabriel had rolled out of bed at four AM for some reason. A strange habit he had had for years. He wiped his eyes and rolled out of bed. He was in loose clothing, his hair ruffled. He snaked through the hallway to Gabriel's door, before peeking in through the partially open part of the door.
The outcome was not the same.
Gabriel was on his bed, a foot on the ground to suggest he had fallen. His leg retreated back under the covers, seemingly normal in the dim moonlight. Well, until he noticed something peculiar. A hand was ruffling his hair that clearly was not Gabriel's.
Then Castiel's eyes widened and he backed away as his eyes adjusted, and he noticed a larger figure besides Gabe's, Gabe cuddled up to it. He took a quiet step back, hoping to not attract their attention, and tiptoed as quickly as possible back to his room.
Castiel tried not to panic, and failed miserably. He knew Gabe was into guys, but he never saw him cuddled up to one like that. Okay. Deep breaths. Castiel calmed himself down. Probably his... boyfriend? Yeah, probably.
~~In The Morning~~
Gabriel was eating Frosted Flakes slowly. Very slowly.
"You okay little bro? You look disturbed." Gabe joked.
"I am disturbed." Cas replied quietly. Anna looked over in confusion.
"Why so?" Gabe let his spoon sit in the bowl.
"Because, Gabriel. I woke up last night at four AM." He gave his brother a glance. Gabriel had lost all color.
"You didn't see anything." Gabriel said in a harsh tone.
"Are we not talking about this?" Castiel replied.
"About what?" Gabriel pushed his bowl away. "I, I've lost my apatite." He looked seriously shaken up.
"Gabriel you know we love you right?" Castiel said after him. Gabriel slowed.
"Yeah Cassie, I know." His voice was calmer. "Next time dont come in my room, lucky for you we only were sleeping." He threw a wink and left the room to get his book bag. Cas poured the remaining milk in the sink, along with the bowl inside of it.
On the bus, they both sat in the back, a habit, now. But now Sam and Gabriel insisted on sitting together. Dean sat with Castiel.
"Hey, Dean, how old is your brother?" Cas asked. He had grown a bit more comfortable with Dean since he came over once or twice to spend the night with Gabriel.
"Oh uh, he turned 16 just before you guys came." dean paused and raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Well, I've known you guys for around a month now, I thought I should know. Gabriel's only 17. I'm 16." Castiel said. "I'm really proud of Gabe, he skipped a grade, born too late in the year to be with people he age, so he was with me." Dean opened his mouth to speak before- "I'm adopted, is how that's possible. He has a big nose and blonde hair and shit and we basically look nothing alike. I'm technically not even legally my dad's son, but Gabriel used to be my best friend and Chuck's technically my legal gaurdian." Castiel explained. Dean was giggling. "Dean, I dont understand, why are you giggling?" Dean laughed harder.
"I, oh man, I just never heard you cuss before Cassie." He erupted into more laughter. "Dont know why its so funny, maybe because you look so innocent." He finished, then got serious. "My name is Dean Winchester, I am 16, and I do NOT giggle!"
They had an hour long lunch period, so Castiel did get to see Dean and everyone else again. Halfway through, he had potatoes in his hair, and Dean handing him way too many napkins. He giggled again, and Castiel thought it was cute in a 'friendly' manner.
That was interrupted by a scream. It sounded like... Meg? Castiel's head whipped back, along with everyone else's, and holy shit. Lisa just punched meg in the nose. Everyone had gossiped about it. Everyone included Castiel. Everyone knew about it but Lisa. According to rumors, Dean and Meg got a little too frisky. They didn't sleep with each other or anything, but dean had been wearing high collared shirts for about a week.
Dean, poor, sweet, innocent Dean didn't even remember. He popped up out of his chair. Meg staggered and slurred a profanity, before punching Lisa in the stomach. There were a lot of 'oooooooooooooo" 's and etcetera. Dean ran over and caught Lisa right when she fell. Castiel shot up as well and rushed to the girls. That's when Metadouche came in. Literally everyone but Lisa, Meg, Castiel, and Dean scattered. Gabriel reached to go to Castiel and explain what happened to Metatron, but Sam caught him and kept him rooted to the spot.
Castiel and Dean were told to get away, Metatron luckily "saw the whole thing"
Lisa wasn't unconscious but was crippled over. With some effort, she got up. Meg was glaring at her and biting her lip. Lisa, however, was glaring at Dean. A glare yet said 'How about you go shove your dick up your own ass you bitch' and Dean didn't even know why.

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