Chapter 13

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The house was grand, and could be mistaken for a mansion, if, of course, you had never seen a proper mansion. There were two floors, and a deck on the top. Staircases lead up to them, starting directly in front of where they met the deck, but curved a longways around before getting there. The doors were nearly black, contrasting with the white and marble exterior. He turned to pull the door handle to exit the car.

They walked for only a few seconds before his mother came out.

"Castiel!" She had a huge smile, and enveloped him in her arms in one swift motion. He winced when he was released, upon seeing the scar stretching from her ear to her mouth. "You haven't come in almost two years, Castiel, I was about to go to you!"

Castiel put on his fake smile that he basically had to wear when he was there. "I'm so sorry mother, I've had so much to do."

"Well, let's not waste time here." She took her son by the shoulder and lead him inside.

What happened next reminded him vaguely of 'The Sound Of Music'. Balthazar and Raphael came down one of the stairways, Naomi coming down the second set. One out of three were delighted to see him. Balthazar.

Balthazar always had a charming air to him, and golden hair. He still lived with his parents on account of being a flamboyant  alcoholic. Raphael was young enough to be living with his parents, but still old enough to live on his own. Naomi was approaching 19.

"Cassie!" Balthazar called out. Castiel gave him a smile and released the arms he had unknowingly clutched to his chest to give him a hug.

Balthazar was a comforting presence. Raphael was brought into the household when he was around nine years old. Raphael was intense to say the least, but was a protective force for Castiel in front of his father. Naomi, Lucifer, and Balthazar had a different father than Michael and Castiel. It was the affair that created them, and it was the affair that Cas' father blamed for his abuse. 

"Castiel!" A deep grumble disguised a growl. No one knew what that man had done to him, other than Dean, Gabriel, and Castiel himself.

There seemed to be a stone stuck in Castiel's throat, because he merely turned.

"Come here, boy. I haven't seen you in years!" His father smiled at him.

His throat was thick, but he smiled, and approached his father. His smile was obviously strained, and he knew it, too. He could fake it for anyone else, but this man was the epitome of everything Castiel hated.  His father offered his hand, and Castiel shook it, struggling not to shake. His memories flashed behind his blue eyes.

He smiled at the family and greeted everyone else. He then stalked up into the remains of his room, and threw himself into his bed. His room had remained untouched for the many years, the only change being that his old wardrobe was replaced now by a ebony wardrobe. He threw his clothes on into the space. 


His mother came in. 
"Castiel?" She called tenderly.
"Yes, mother?" 
"I know you'd hate to have to transfer schools, so I'm going to see about online schooling. Would you like to help me choose the school?" She offered. 
Castiel sighed, "I don't care where I go." He didn't care, because he was going to graduate with Dean. He would go back. He had to. His mother left quietly. He pulled himself up, and went to the large kitchen. He knew that his mother had to cook for a lot of people, but the amount of space was surely extensive. He picked through the cabinets for something to eat.

He found girlscout cookies. It was not expected, but it was a welcome change to the healthy food his mother kept, undeniably for Naomi. He felt like there was nothing in hi stomach. It finally stuck to him, now. He hadn't eaten much in days, and he just noticed the pang of constant hunger.  He grabbed the rest of the Do-Si-Dos, and retreated to his room.

  //short af chapter i know i know but I have a really good way to end this fanfiction. In the next few chapters I will end it. That or it's going to have like 93476 chapters (around 30, more realistically) . If i end it now I'm going to write the ENTIRE sequel, and then I will get an update schedule. I love you guys.   

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