Chapter Nine

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Hello my small children! I will be updating more often now that I have more free time. About once a week, actually. Enjoy the episode on Wednesday, and enjoy episode 6, because Dean and Cas talk about their relationship in it. I haven't seen s11 yet, so dont spoil it.
Love you guys!
Dean staggered in around 4AM. His face was dripping with sweat and what appeared to be blood, slamming on the door of the only other place he could call home. Castiel was fortunately awake, lying a level beneath, able, just barely, to hear. He grumbled up the stairs, and reluctantly opened the door. He wasn't reluctant when Dean fell into his arms. He didn't care that sweat and blood was getting on his bare chest, he cared that it was dripping from his boyfriend.
"Dean, oh my god, what happened?" He urged, helping Dean limp to the couch. Chuck would deal with it if he got blood on it.
"Dean, Dean what happened?" Castiel ran in a frenzy to pull out a small gauze roll and wet a washcloth at the same time in their kitchen.
Dean mumbled something incoherent and groaned, presumably in pain. Tears pricked at Castiel's eyes.
"Dean please tell me just one word, any word, come on." He pleaded.
"Cas," Came the one word Castiel was anticipating.
"Oh my god," tears streamed down Castiel's cheeks, as he patted the dampened rag onto his boyfriends head.
"Cas," Dean tried weakly to reach out for him.
"It's going to be okay, Dean." Castiel tried to stay strong wit his reply. Fumbling, he gauzed up the wound as well as possible. "I'm getting you to a hospital." He shakily entered Chuck's room and came out with a set of keys. "I need to get Gabriel, I can't drive."
He ran up the stairs in a flash and came back in almost five minutes with Gabriel and a shirt. Gabriel's face contorted into worry before he struggled to help Dean into Chuck's van.
"We think he has a contusion." The doctor pointed to the image. X-ray scans. X-ray scans of Dean's brain.
"What's that?" Castiel asked, taking a break from chewing on his nails.
"A contusion is a bruise to the brain itself, contusions cause bleeding and swelling inside of the brain around the area where the blow took place."
His hand shot up to his mouth again.
"Normally, this takes place in sporting or car accidents, now, are you sure you have no idea what happened?" The doctor pushed.
"He wouldn't speak, he couldn't. I dont know what happened." Cas's voice was shaking.
"We dont know if it will have to be surgically removed or not, nor if it's severe, but as far as we know, he doesn't have insurance until February. We have to warn you about some symptoms of contusions, such as memory loss, attention problems, emotional disturbances, numbness, and loss of ability to understand and or express speech." The doctor held his breath and waited for the response. Castiel just closed his eyes and wished he was back in the camper.
"Gabriel, run home and get my pills. I haven't taken them, and it's been eight hours since we came here. I take them at eight." Gabriel patted him on the back, and left. Chuck was called, along with John, who made a bullshit excuse not to come.
"Can I see him?" Castiel asked, mostly to break the silence.
"As you're the one who brought him here, you may, but he might still be unconscious." The doctor warned.
"I don't care if he's awake." Castiel agreed, before leaving for the hospital room where Dean lie. It was cold inside, and smelled of cheap plastic and dried blood. It didn't smell like Dean. Dean smelled, even now, faintly of axe and cinnamon. He wasn't unconscious, but was clearly not focusing on anything or anyone, including Castiel.
"Dean?" His voice broke.
"Cas?" He turned his head, then went to hug his boyfriend. "Why are you crying- why are there tubes in my arms? What happened?"
"You have a contusion, a bruise on your brain, and you're bleeding. You're in the hospital, and it makes you forget stuff sometimes." Castiel tried to explain.
"I want to hold you, baby. You're crying." Dean was confused, but looked off to the ceiling in awe. Short attention symptom.
"You might have to get surgery, Dean." Castiel gulped.
"Oh, I'm going to be okay if I do." Dean trusted himself too much.
"I love you, Dean." He swallowed, a few tears streaming down his face.
Dean didn't hear, and oh god it fucking hurt. The love of his life, beaten, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew John did it. For being queer. For being with him. Now he couldn't even say he loved him back. Couldn't remember to. Castiel wouldn't ever forget anything about Dean. He started to wonder if Dean felt the same for him. He breathed for Dean. He loved for Dean, and was in every way addicted and devoted to Dean. He put no material object, and no man above Dean.
Dean just thought of Castiel as a replacement for Lisa. Black hair, defined features, pretty. He doubted the genuineness of Dean's love for him for the first time. He glanced uneasily at Dean, only to find his eyes already focused on him.
"I love you too, Castiel Novak." Dean replied.
Castiel knew then and there that Dean loved him. If he had something close to temporary young people Alzheimer's and remembered what happened minute ago, it was genuine. Castiel linked his hands with Dean's pale one. Dean had lost some blood.
"I love you." He repeated.
"I know. Love you too." Dean put on the Winchester charm, and even when he was pale and bleeding, it worked.
Castiel smiled and squeezed Dean's hand. Dean, however, was in lala land again. Castiel wiped his puffed up from crying eyes and took a deep breath. A knock on the door signaled Gabriel, who was waiting outside.
He approached Dean, before handing Castiel his pills and taking a seat next to Castiel.
"You okay Cassie?" Gabriel offered weakly.
"Hell no I'm not, Gabriel." Castiel fell into his own hands.
"Really there isn't anything I could say to make it okay, and you know that, but I know he can pull through this, and then you can do gay butt stuff again." Gabriel patted him on the back. "I've gotta get back to Chuck. He was worried, sorry." Gabriel apologized, and left Castiel alone, with only the steady beat of Dean's heart to his lonesome.
Castiel lied his heavy breaths into his folded arms. Dean didn't understand why he was crying, and didn't seem to care. Castiel hated seeing Dean all doped up, but was happy to see him again.
"Cassie?" Castiel's head shot up. Dean went red a little. "You're crying? You okay?"
"I'm okay Dean, just sad. Go to bed or something, I'm sure you would be feeling better when you're back awake." He smiled at Dean.
"Okay babe." Dean drifted off to sleep as told, under the influence of drugs not meant to be slept on.
Castiel woke up with being slammed out of the hospital room, urgent voices, and a falling heart rate. Dean Winchester was dying, and Sam Winchester was collapsing in the hallway. Seeing Castiel, he didn't know what to say.
"I'm so sorry to couldn't have been here for him." Sam's voice shook.
"It's okay, Sam, he's gonna be okay." Castiel tried to keep his own voice steady while Sam poured his eyes out.
"Dad didn't come- didn't wanna." Sam explained, attempting to gather himself.
"Your father did this, didn't he?" Castiel ground his teeth together to keep his nerves.
"I don't know, I-I was at a friend's and I came home and I just saw dad and I saw blood on Dean and I flipped and so I was beating my dad off him with a frying pan so he would hit him again." Sam finished, with an urgent and frightened tone.
"Has anything like this happened before?" Castiel let an arm out to Sam's shoulder, a reflex, and it seemed to work for both of the Winchester brothers. Sam's breathing slowed it's pace.
"Yes, my dad does this all the time, I just never thought to report it." Sam took up Dean's way of dealing with intense emotion, and bit down on his fingers, that were placed across his upper lip.
"Oh, Sam, you idiot!" Castiel half yelled, voice fraught with worry, "I don't give a damn if he flicks you, you report it, Sam. Child abuse is not a damn joke." Castiel was breathing hard. "I can't believe he didn't tell me. I know why your dick of a dad did it, too. You do, don't you?" Castiel wasn't sure if they ever had outright told Sam about them, but Jesus Christ was it obvious.
"I knew he snuck out to see you. I don't get it, just because you're gay? I know dad doesn't like it," his voice faltered, "But why would he beat him just for seeing you?" Sam
"We've been fucking, Sam." Castiel stated.
"Oh." He paused, "Ohhhhh, that explains a lot." Sam blushed. "Couldn't you have just said you were, dunno, dating? I don't wanna know what's been in your ass, Cassie."
"I haven't seen you in a while, Sam."
"I know you haven't; how's Charlie?" Sam asked.
"She's being her dorky self. She got a bird, and it's name is sausage. I was gonna go to her house but John decided to be an asstown and hurt Dean." Castiel swallowed the lump in his throat, before, once again, tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to overflow. "I just want Dean to be okay, Sam. What if he died?" Tears swam down his face.
"If he died I would have killed John." Sam answered.
"Same here, Sam." Castiel wiped his tears. "Damn."
"I know, Cas, I know." Sam breathed.
"We don't want more than three at a time in the room other than family. " The doctor announced to the now filling room of people. Charlie had gotten wind of the mishap, as had Ellen and Jo, along with Dean's uncle Bobby. Gabriel returned with Chuck and Anna. Garth, a dorky teenager who was not yet acquainted with Castiel, and Benny, who didn't live near, but Sam had notified, also came. Meg and Lisa came together, seeming to forget their differences for the time being. Everyone had been told through some means why Dean was injured and who did it. Castiel felt their eyes like daggers stabbing into him.
The first ones in were family. Sam, and Bobby, followed by Garth, who turned out, after some conversing, to be their cousin. After Garth left the room, Ellen and Jo ushered through, and a look of apology swiped across Jo's face as she briefly looked at Castiel while entering. Lisa went in after them.
After what felt like an eternity, Castiel was biting down on his lip, almost to the point of bleeding, while anticipating seeing Dean. Lisa burst through the door. Her eyes were wide, and almost to the point of crying. She couldn't even speak to them. Something was very wrong.

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