Chapter Five

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Jo left at Eight, and Dean came over, as promised. He walked into Castiel's room, interrupting Castiel's fast cursing.
"OH CRAP!" Cas ushered his ear buds out.
"Was that rap?'
"I, uh, I'm not sure."
"Wow, Cassie, you're a real hood bitch these days." Dean beamed at him.
"Shut up Harold."
"Whatevs, Michelle." Dean and Cas both had red faces. "You blushing?" Dean smirked
"What?" Cas lost his blush, his eyes widened. "O-of course not." Then he tilted his head and squinted. "Why are you laughing?" Cas was cut short by a tackle.
"Awe, you're so small, so delicate, such a small baby child." Dean mimicked Charlie.
"Alright Charles. Get off me, you're hot." Cas said.
"I'm hot?" Dean was barley suppressing a blush.
"I meant heavy!" Cas wasn't suppressing the blush. "I didn't mean hot!" He buried himself in a pillow for just a moment before popping back up. "Okay, dean, if you're so bent on my admittance, you're hot, a definite panty dropper, all the homo."
Dean rolled his eyes. "I know, didn't have to remind me I'm sex on legs."
Castiel laughed. "Oh yes, Harold."
"Oh yes Michelle."
The two spent the day goofing off and ignoring the show, having several popcorn battles. They went to bed late, but didn't care since it was Saturday.
"Thanks, Dean." Cas said suddenly as they tried to sleep.
"For what?" Dean sat up and cocked an eyebrow.
"Not freaking out."
"When I said I thought you were hot. I think I have to come clean about something, Dean."
Dean's heart fluttered with hope. Dean already knew he was in love with Castiel. He would leave Jo in a second. He would leave his homophobic parent for him too.
"Okay, Cas, what's up."
"Dean, I- ugh," he dropped his head into his hands. "Don't worry about it." Cas felt his heart throb.
Dean had a matching broken heart, and tried his best not to show his disappointment.
"Oh." He failed. Cas jerked his head up.
"Dean? No, no it's not your fault, I trust you. Youre my best friend! I just cant talk about it with anyone, I thought I could but I cant, I'm sorry." Castiel admitted glumly.
"Its alright."
Cas slept. Dean didn't. He clutched a stray pillow. It wasn't fair to him. It wasn't fair that he spent his life thinking that when you love someone you get to be with them, but this wasn't true. Dean had felt like this for Cassidy in Eighth Grade, Lisa since Freshman year, but he stopped loving her. Losing her was more like trying to convince himself he was missing her, not Cas. He had been missing Cas. He started to love him the second his saw the shy blue eyes turn into bright, happy eyes. Castiel had been barely hanging on, and it was easy to see so.
He was so hoping that Cas was gay or something, at least he would have a chance. He heard the way some girls talked about him. Even Meg, they all thought he was the hottest pie in the bakery. He saw what Castiel didn't. He saw a girl once spill something because she was busy staring at Castiel. Dean saw his freshman year photo. He was literally pitiful, but he had blossomed. He was gorgeous. He had the jawline of a god and his completion was clear and bright with youth and life, with eyes bluer than the skies.
Dean didn't like thinking about Castiel. It made him smile, but then when he actually saw him, he loved to be near him, but he felt sick around him, and he got hot and bothered. They make love sound amazing in books, but he really never understood it fully until now. Cas was the first person he couldn't get.
He fell asleep against his will.
Dean was woken by his father.
"Get up you lazy bums. We're doing the hayride again." He was yelling to the boys. Sam groaned, as well as Dean.
The two had to haul hay from the back of Bobby's truck to the trailer attached to their dad's truck. Then they had to put more hay on a trailer on Bobby's truck. In the end the two trailers were covered in blocks of hay and fall-themed blankets stapled into the hay. All that was left was the people on it.
Jo and her mom, accompanied by Bobby, were the first people to arrive. The boys' grandpa came, Samuel Campbell. Castiel, Anna, Gabriel, Chuck, and an older man in seemingly his mid-twenties with jet black hair and blue eyes staying by Castiel. Unexpected was the turn out of the oldest Shurley brother, Lucifer.
Gabriel was in a Toga and wearing a pipe cleaner halo, matching with Castiel. Lucifer had a pitchfork and a The older guy and Chuck both were not dressed up. Anna was matching with Jo, dressed as Zombies. Fake tattoos of cuts and and gashes. Fake blood dribbled down their lips. It wasn't that bad. Sam and Dean had fake tattoos of cut open skin that revealed mechanical parts on their arms and faces. The young man introduced himself to the Winchesters as Michael. He was Castiel's biological brother, and he was aloud to visit on holidays. Castiel adored him in a brotherly way.
On the way back they had bags brimming with candies, and felt frozen to the core. They all went to the Winchester's place, where Chuck and John talked about how angry and secretive their children were. That came to a halt when Chuck said something he shouldn't have.
"Yeah. Castiel wasn't my kid yet but he used to be obsessed with this kid, huge crush."
John replied with a "What happened with that?"
"Well, I think since Cas started getting tall that he scared him away."
"Him?" John stopped smiling.
"Yeah." Chuck said shyly, knowing he had royally fucked up.
"Oh." John scanned the area. He found Dean with an arm wrapped around Jo and the other on Cas's shoulders. John put on a dangerous smile. "Well, I think its best everyone gets home for the night. Dean, Sammy, can to talk to you?" Sam and Dean said goodbye to a the others and went to their father, watching their friends retreat out the door.
"Yeah dad?" Dean asked when they reached him.
"I have some bad news." John said. Dean's stomach dropped.
"Yeah?" Dean said, keeping his voice even.
"I don't think you can hang out with that Castiel boy anymore." John paused. Dean had, without realizing, dropped his mouth open. "What's with the slack jaw?" Dean closed his mouth, and Sam stayed quiet.
"Dad, he's my best friend. I can't just stay away from him like that!" Dean argued.
"Dean, I didn't wanna tell you the reason, but that boy's a faggot." Dean flinched at the word, and Johns eyes shone dangerously. "I don't want you and Sam being influenced by that abomination." He finished, his tone of voice showing it was final. He got to his doorway, before announcing to the frozen stiff boys, "You're not riding that bus near him. Dean, you're gonna drive the impala. You got a license now, right?"
"Yeah dad." Dean mumbled.
"Yes, sir." Dean said, louder this time.
"And I don't mean to avoid him near me, I'm gonna call Ellen and get Jo to keep an eye out. Don't be going near Gabriel either, he might as well be one too." This made Sam waver. Gabriel and him were a very obvious item, though not announced. Sam was often seen with a hand around Gabe's waist, an arm around his neck.
"Yes sir." Dean spoke for them. They went back to their rooms.
Dean cried himself to sleep that night. Sam didn't sleep at all.

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