Chapter Seven

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The year went on, full of honey soaked kisses and salty raindrops pelting onto their faces as they were separated. They prayed for salvation in each other's arms, and dreamed of the other's sweet lips against theirs. The last of the year went by cold and harsh.
New Years Eve, 2014
Castiel stomped the snowy crust off of his shoes. It didn't snow much that winter, but the worst had just hit. Almost a foot of snow piled onto the grass. Trudging back and forth down the rode cause three children to stay in sick, and a report of minor frostbite had occurred.
He entered his house, greeting Gabriel and Anna at the door. He hadn't seen Dean for a few days, and it was a little worrying, as he normally visited every day or every other day. He guessed that John ,his father, had been working him, as he had heard through the grapevine that the shiny black Impala they drove had broken down.
Surveying the room, Castiel said hello, and walked up to his room. It was too hot for someone else to be comfortable, but Castiel was not anyone else, and preferred the heat to be extreme. He stripped the blue sweater off of his body, tossing it in a pile at the bottom of his closet, before removing an article of clothing, pajama bottoms, and putting them on. What else would he wear all day?


Castiel pulled a binder out of his bag and slammed it onto the crammed desk that was next to his closet. Stepping onto the chair, and almost losing his balance, he slipped in a custom CD of his favorite songs, the result of a late night and too much time.
They were mostly love songs. Old songs, some. He pressed play, and let the end of a song roll out. He heard a familiar, slow, tune begin, and hummed along.
"I go out walkin"
Castiel opened his binder and flipped through to his homework. He reached for a pencil out of his cup, and stabbed his hand, but didn't miss a beat.
"After midnight, out in the starlig-"
The CD was scratched up after that, the CD player releasing hissing sounds as Castiel started singing along to it.
"In hopes that you're somewhere a' walking, after midnight" His tone carried out. He wasn't half bad.
"Searchin for me~" a deep voice rang in his ear.
He froze up. "D-dean!" He stuttered in surprise.
"Hey baby." Dean replied, "wanna dance?" He gestured jokingly.
"There isn't enough space in my room anyways." Cas muttered, standing to be eye level with Dean.
"Well we can move our party of two downstairs. You realize what day it is, right?" Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's waist.
"New years." Castiel realized.
"So," Dean paused, getting dangerously close to Cas's lips, "where's the family?"
Cas was frozen by the breath against his neck. The heater had long been turned off, but he was still sweating.
"Uh- out." Castiel stuttered.
"They gonna be back tonight?" Dean thumbed Cas's lips.
"N-new years party." Castiel cleared his throat. "No, won't be back until- oh!" His embarrassed stutters turned into small moan, hands shooting to Dean's shoulders.
I love you, Castiel Jimmy Emmanuel Novak Shirley." Dean used his full name. "Damn, Castiel. I love you so damn much." His lips trailed along the sharp collarbones that he was currently claiming.
"I love you, too, Dean," Castiel replied, halfway collecting himself, "I dont know your full name, but I still love you more than I've ever loved myself." He paused, "I love you more than I think I can ever love someone else." Castiel finished.
"I love you more than my self, too. I would die for you, I would kill for you." Dean paused. "No, seriously, give me a name and the bastard's dead." Then he went back to Cas's neck, and talked against it. "There's not a word in any language to describe how much I love you." Dean spoke.
"God damn it Dean, stop marking me up and kiss me." Cas demanded.
"As you wish." Dean left one more kiss against his collarbones, before Castiel put his hands on his chest, and slowly placed him on the bed. He sat down on Dean's lap, and felt a bulge. He was sure he had one too, but at this point didn't know, nor care. He slowly circled on Dean, before being dragged down on top of him. It was a slow progression. Lips were locked and the key thrown away, while they subconsciously moved against each other in a grinding wave. They broke apart only for air.
Dean shed his shirt, but his arms went immediately back in a frenzy. Cas took this opportunity to drag his hands up and down the chiseled chest in front of him. His own wasn't too bad, but not amazing when compared to Dean's. Dean caught Cas's hand as it fiddled with the loops on his jeans.
"How far do you want to go?" He eyed him gently.
"I wouldn't rather lose..." Cas paused. "Lose my virginity to anyone else."
Dean looked at him funny. "Oh Cas, you're beautiful. I hope I dont break you."
"You won't, where did you get that idea." Cas squinted his eyes.
"I dont know. Something I heard in a dream. It wasn't to me but it felt like it was, and it's true so far." Dean allowed. "I break everything I touch."
Castiel pressed his lips lightly to Dean's.
"You're not the one who made people broken, Dean, you only think that."
"Why would I think that unless it's true?" Dean mumbled.
"Because you're broken." Castiel pressed into the kiss.
And so they made love, slow and gentle. They made a moment so life changing that it would stay singed into their beings as long as time would go on.
Finally, Castiel collapsed against the bed, lying with Dean. He turned over and pressed one last kiss to Dean's head, before drifting off to sleep.

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