Chapter Fourty Three: Katie Hopkins Is Vindictive

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12th March 2016
4:15 am

"Shh... Come on shh" I whispered to Alice who was lying in my arms crying. I had been up six times in the night due to Alice's cries because Ben had been on the Graham Norton show the night before and was at the after party. This was my first night on my own with Alice and I didn't know what to do. I had changed her nappy, and I fed her. I also read to her and sang songs, but she still wouldn't sleep. I had practically no sleep so I was ready to blow. "Let's go for a walk" I say thinking that will help. I place Alice in her pram whilst I get changed into a clean pair of leggings and one of Ben's jumpers over the top of my pyjama tops. It was 4:20am no one was going to care what I wore, surely! Well apparently so!

Once leaving the house with Alice in her pram and my converse on my feet, I started to walk through the streets to tier out Alice, but as I did, paparazzi were following me. "Where's Benedict?" One called "Why isn't he helping you?" They all began to crowd me and Alice. This wasn't a good sign. "Please just leave me and my daughter alone." I said trying to barge out of the way, but as I did one of the paparazzi glared at me and grasped my arm tightly "Let us take photos, and answer our questions." I shook my head and pulled my arm away trying to escape them when I ran into Benedict who was walking home. He saw the situation and growled slightly at the paparazzi "Leave my fiancée and my daughter alone and back off!" Ben snapped and took hold of my hand. The paparazzi all looked shocked and then all slowly backed off and left the area. "Claudia, princess? Are you okay?" Ben asked cupping my cheek, looking down into my eyes. "I... I need sleep" I say looking up at him, shakily and exhausted "Alice has been awake 6 times tonight and I've had 40 minutes sleep. I've got Would I Lie To You this afternoon and I need to get rest before hand." Ben sighed and nodded "I'm sorry I left you to do that on your own. I didn't think I'd be so long." He said apologetically taking the pram from my hands so he could push Alice. I walked along side him as he looked down at Alice who was now asleep, causing me to get myself worked up, "Seriously?" I huffed and walked into the house with Ben following behind; "Claudia, go and get some sleep, I'll look after Alice." He said softly and kissed my forehead. I didn't need telling twice and went to bed to sleep. I was mentally exhausted. I had never been this tired since when Sam had 'died'. As I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I soon heard my phone buzz. I rolled over to check it. It was now 10:50 am. I then went to see an article from New magazine had been emailed to me entitled Early Morning Assault: Poor Digby. And it read;

4:20am and Benedict Cumberbatch's fiancée and daughter were out for a morning stroll.
They left their family home in North London early this morning whilst being followed by photographers from different newspapers and big gossip magazines, but poor Claudia Digby (18) ended up being mobbed.
A source had told us that 'Poor Digby had asked the paparazzi to leave her and her daughter alone, but a photographer wasn't going to let the Kentish beauty go, by 'manhandling' her and telling her to let him take pictures.'
Luckily, the British heartthrob came to save the day and told the camera monsters to leave.
Poor Claudia- let's hope paparazzi will learn to respect people's wishes after this attack.

I sat up and wiped my eyes, whilst reading the article over and over again. "Well.. That's always positive" I sighed holding my head as I felt a head ache come on due to stress. As soon as I thought that was all another article appeared Motherhood Hit Cumberbatch's Girl Hard;

Poor Benedict Cumberbatch (39) ; juggling his BBC Sherlock commitments, film demands and getting ready for playing his role as Richard III. Then you see his girlfriend, who's stuck at home with Baby Alice whilst still going to University.
It was reported today, that Computer Engineer student, Claudia Digby was seen pushing her little bundle of joy around the streets in London this morning, fashioning her boyfriends jumper and her pyjamas (YES her pyjamas!) with her hair thrown up.
Poor new mum! Opinionated Katie Hopkins had decided to sink her talons into the eighteen year old Kentish Sweetheart, who is rumoured to be working along side Moffat and Gatiss on a few projects over the next upcoming months for the BBC. Hopkins (41) tweeted early this morning "@ClaudDigby what are you doing? Wearing your pjs out!! You're only 3 months into motherhood?! Go back to nursery & leave it to the grown ups!" She then followed it with "@ClaudDigby you're 18! Still practically a child! Your parents would be ashamed to hear their daughter has a daughter. Sickening." How very rude Hopkins!!
Our thoughts and best wishes go to Claudia. Let's hope Hopkins will leave Claudia alone. #WeLoveClaudia"

I sat and my eyes were lined with tears. I hadn't been trolled before, but to be trolled by Katie Hopkins hurt. She was a vindictive cow who would say anything to hurt people. I wasn't in the mood for anything now. I threw my phone at the end of the bed and sighed. I closed my eyes but as I did I heard footsteps approaching "Claudia?" Ben asked as he opened the door slowly to see if I was awake. I wiped my eyes frantically and rolled over so my back was to the door. Ben sighed "Hun, come on, talk to me." He sat on the end of the bed and placed his hand on my leg. I pulled it carefully under me and I sighed. "Go away" I sniffled. Ben shook his head "I am not going. I read the articles and Julian texted me about Katie. Don't listen to her." I bolted my glare at him "Don't listen? She basically  called me a child. A child, Ben! That hurts!" Ben sighed and nodded "I know. I'm sorry." "She brought up my dead parents!" I cried and clung to Ben burying my head into his chest. His arms tied themselves around me like a blanket protecting a baby from a storm. In this case Katie Hopkins was the storm and I was the baby. Ben's hands rubbed my back to calm me down and his lips rested against the top of my head as he inhaled my scent. "B-Ben?" I asked looking up at my handsome fiancé. "Yes my Kentish Sweetheart" he smiled, as he cupped my cheek. "I.. I start university again soon. That means I'll be away for 6 weeks before I can come home and see you and Alice." Ben sighed and nodded "I know. Well Alice and I will visit you all the time and you can visit us." He smiled softly "And we can come for picnics and there's activities at the university, isn't there! We can take Alice there. And if it's during your lessons we can meet you after lessons, and William can join us too, if you like. And don't forget the Sherlock filming as you'd be needed as the writer and producer. I could bring Alice so you two can bond whilst I'm filming." I smiled and nodded seeing how excited he was made me so happy. I kissed his cheek and smiled "Ben, I should get ready as I've got to leave soon for Would I Lie To You." He nodded and kissed my nose and nibbled it playfully causing me to giggle. "That's the giggle I love" he smiled lovingly, as he allowed me to get up and get my clothes. I opened the closet and looked through trying to pick out an outfit. But as I did, Ben shook his head "I've brought you something that you could wear" he giggled and put his hands over my eyes and guided me to the spare room..

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