Chapter Fifty Four: Unicorn Love

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7th April

So do you remember when I got the job to be in Doctor Who? Well, today was the day I started filming! I had everything I needed, except one vital thing needed to go out. Clothes. I was running around my dorm in my bra and underwear trying to find some clothes when Adelaide burst in. "Claudia!" She had hold of her laptop and lots of gossip magazines that she dropped on her bed. Her Australian accents squealed, "Claudia! You've made the front page!" I looked at her puzzled. I picked up a copy of OK! and I had a look. The words Alice Premier. Selfies. Signings. And lots of Fangirling! was plastered across the cover. In the centre of the page there was Johnny Depp (Mad Hatter) Mia Wasikowska (Alice Kingsleigh) Stephen Fry (Cheshire Cat) and Helena Bonham Carter (Red Queen) who were all posing together, and then in the bottom left hand corner was a picture of me getting excited over Stephen Fry, with Ben's hand on my shoulder. See inside for interviews and pictures of excited guests! "Let's have a look!" Adelaide squeed and I opened the page and it was a photo of Stephen Fry signing my book and me in shock. "C! You're proper famous now!" Adelaide gleamed, ruffling my hair. My face crinkled and I shook my head. "A, can I get dressed please?" I asked as I tried to make it clear I was in my underwear. She shrugged and nodded. I changed into a cream jumper, very similar to John Watson's. It was wholly and thick but breathable. It was a few sizes too big, so it was extremely snugly. I put on a pair of tight skinny jeans and a pair of black leather combat boots. Around my neck I put on a white tube scarf and a black beanie. Nice and cosy! "A, if you see Will, can you tell him I say hi please?" I asked as I grabbed my bag and folders and script. She nods "Yes, just go! Go and bag yourself a BAFTA nomination!" I looked at her oddly. I clutched my stuff and left.

"Woo hoo! The Poisoner!" Mark Gatiss called as he hung out of a car window, in the car park of the university, waving to me, as I walked through the car park. I smiled wide and walked over to a black car, with tinted windows. "Hop in! We've got to go and pick up The Killer." Mark shouted, not caring if people heard. I chuckled and jumped in the passenger seat. "Looking mighty fine today, Claud." The Strangler smiled friendly looking me up and down as I put my seat belt on. "Why, thank you! Looking very sharp, yourself, Mark!" I smiled looking Mark up and down also. His suit was sharp and his hair was combed. He was definitely dressed to impress! I placed my folder on my lap, and my bag in the footwell. "How are you feeling? I heard about the other night at bar?" Mark asked as we drove to get Moffat. "Better, thank you. I just feel a bit run down because of the presses attitude, but I've wrote them a letter. They think I'm cheating on Ben with an Italian bartender." Mark looked shocked "Oh. What's the letter?" "I'll read it to you." I pull out my phone and find the email that read.

Dear [insert gossip magazine],

I would like to make a complaint about your article about Claudia Digby and the Italian bartender. I know for a fact, your source is wrong. I was actually there when the events happened.

Claudia went up to the bar and ordered a drink from the bartender. A double vodka and Coke actually. She was then tapped on the shoulder by a fellow celebrity, Katie Hopkins. Katie Hopkins, as you know, trolled Claudia a few weeks ago. So what you should be thinking is 'Why is Katie Hopkins approaching Claudia?' Well the answer is, to start a fight. She paid for Claudia's drink and sat her down. As she sat her down, an oath of a man sat beside Claudia and constantly touched her. Katie didn't care. She was aware but didn't stop him. The mans hand tore off Claudia's underwear causing Claudia to leave.
Claudia went back to her university but stopped at an ally. She looked in and was disgusted by the amour of rats and how filthy it was. As she looked, the same man from the bar, picked her up and threw her onto a broken mattress that was in the middle of the ally. The mattress was covered in animal feces. Claudia then had her arms tied together with a belt, and her underwear shoved into her mouth. The man then started raping her. He poured vodka into her mouth, making her drink a whole bottle of vodka, rapidly making her feel drowsy. As he continued to beat and rape Claudia, a man stood at the other end of the ally. It was the bartender. He ran down and knocked the man out, pushing him off of her. The bartender saved Claudia and helped her get decent by taking her dress off and putting his coat on her, and walked her back to the university. Nothing happened between the pair, except him trying to calm the poor lass down. She adores her fiancé and wouldn't dare to cheat on him, so please, stop saying she is as you have hurt a lot of people with your misreading of signals.

I hope that's cleared things up for you.


Claudia Digby

Oh, and sorry for writing in the third person, but I wish not to talk about this in the first person. Cheers!

I looked over at Mark and I smiled slightly, "I sent that to all of the magazines and newspapers that mentioned it." Mark nodded "Good! But, Claud, you need to be careful. Exposing such a personal matter can back fire." He sighed softly, putting his hand on my knee in a fatherly manner. I nodded "I know. I, I would rather people gossip about the truth instead of lying." Mark nodded again, and focused on the road. I sat on my phone and checked my Twitter. Well, what can I say! My email had gone viral. A gossip magazine had took a screenshot of the email and posted it on their Twitter page commenting it '@ClaudDiggers we are very sorry for our previous article. We are on it to put the word out.' They then tweeted saying '@ClaudDiggers DM us sometime and we will arrange an apology present.' Of which caused me to scoff, but I knew they were trying, but no, I'd leave it. For now.

I carried to scroll through my tweets and found a tweet from a fan. It had a link to a picture of Ben and I from the premier, that we uploaded on Instagram. I clicked on the link and the fan had wrote this as a caption 'Benedict and Claudia. They've taught us that no matter how the press have tried to dragged them down, they've always shown the press how perfect they are. They are made for each other. Ever since Ben has got with Claudia, he has been happier than ever. She's given him everything he's wanted. A family. A beautiful little baby girl. Claudia has been getting hate. A lot of hate, but what I want to know is why. What has she done? She is an university student, a mother, a fiancée. She isn't a monster! She cares about our idol, so we should be loving her for that. Not hating her! She's one of us. You need to remember she was a fangirl! She still is a fangirl! Have you seen the way she looks at Ben? She looks at him with love and life. Claudia loves him so much! Would she hurt him? Nope. Why? Because she loves him. Yes, she has had rough times with depression, but do you think that's an excuse to hate her. Look at us! We have probably all suffered from a form of depression in our life. Yes, Claudia has battle scars, but they are a scars from a war she fought in to get to where she is today. With her knight in shining armour! Today she is going to be filming Doctor Who. I've read her fan fiction (what are on Wattpad) and they are brilliant so I know her writing is going to be brilliant for Doctor Who! Guys, spread the word and let Claudia know how much we actually love her! We love you Claudia! Thank you for everything, our Queen C! @claudictdibatch 🦄🙃💕💕💕

@cumberslumperwumber you perfect person! I love you too! I love you and all of the fellow fans out their! I cannot put into words how much this has made me feel, but Mr Gatiss is looking at me like I'm weird, because I'm smiling so much! To all of the 7831 people who have liked this, and to everyone who's sent me this link or who has said they love me- I love you! Have a cookie 🍪 everyone drop me a DM on Twitter, and I'll reply to everyone of you this evening once I'm back at uni! I love you all so much! Aaaah! So much live here! I feel warm inside! Don't tell Moffat😳 lots of love guys! Live long and prosper! 🖖😘💕 Claud!xxxx <- that was my reply. Tears crawled down my face and a smile spread across. Mark glanced over at me oddly and patted my head "You're okay. No need for tears! Happy please! Happy happy happy!" He said unsure how to make me stop, as we pulled up outside Moffat's house. "I'm okay. Sorry! It's just that, I received a lovely message from a fan!" I chuckled shaking my head. I unbuckled my belt and sat in the back, so Moffat sat in the front. "Hi Poisoner! Hi Strangler!" Moffat grinned as he climbed into the car. "Hello Killer!" I smiled and so did Mark. "Ready for your first day of filming?" He asked, looking at me. "I was born ready!" I chuckled. "Good, Mr Capaldi cannot wait to meet you. We've changed something though. He's not regenerating after the kiss. But once you kiss, him, you both end up in the TARDIS and he gets on one knee and asks if you'd like to travel with him and then you say yes, and kiss him again. And then that will lead us into the next series!" He grins, "Will you be okay kissing Peter? It only has to be for a few seconds." I chuckled and shook my head "It's fine! I'll kiss him." I flicked through the script and off we went to the studios.

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