Chapter Fourty One: My Beautiful Girls

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February 1st

Alice came home! Due to her being premature she was weak and feeble. She needed the incubator and the help from the medical staff. At home I wouldn't have been able to hold her when she cried, nor would I have been able to feed her when she needed it. Instead I would have had sat there. Sat there like a numpty not knowing what to do, unfortunately. But today was the day! I was going to be able to hold my little girl and feel her skin brush mine, without the wires sprouting out of her body.

"Claudia?" Ben called up the stairs to me as I was getting dressed, to get my bundle of joy from the hospital.
"Yes, Ben?" I called down as I tried to slip on my dress.
"Are you okay? Do you need any help?"
"Stop worrying, Ben. I'm okay!" I chuckled as I finally got my dress on after a few minutes of battle, of trying to get it over my chest, before realising there was a zip to undo at the back.
Ben laughed and came up anyway "I want to see my beautiful fiancée before we go to the hospital."

Once Ben arrived into our room, I was stood in a white lace, floral dress, that was cut above my knee. I then fashioned them with simple black pumps. My brown curly hair was tied up into a pony tail and it was held securely with a black ribbon. My make up was very minimal as I wasn't really up to dolling myself up, especially as I was still feeling rough. Ben's mouthed dropped slightly as his mystical eyes, were laid on to me. "Wow, you look- beautiful" He was lost for words. I smile and blush lightly and I flickered my eyes up at Benedict. His hand took hold of mine and our fingers interlocked. I looked him in the eye and smiled. "Why are you so beautiful?" he whispered softly as he bent down to kiss my lips. I kissed back softly, and smiled, "I don't know, but I know one thing- you need to get your eyes checked if you think I'm beautiful!" I said jokingly. Ben tilted his head slightly, like a confused Labrador. I giggled and kissed him again softly but quickly. I placed my left hand on his cheek, so my engagement ring rested against his cheek. He blushed deeply and then scooped me up, bridal style. He then slowly kissed me again, his tongue resting softly between my lips as our noses interlocked. I smiled through the kiss and then slowly pulled back, "Ben, we need to go" I said with a slight giggle to my tone. He sighed and nodded, resting me back on the floor, he then took my hand and guided me down the stairs. I smiled and followed behind my fiancé as we ran down the stairs and out to the car. Photographers snapped pictures as we ran out of the door, asking us pictures about Alice and when we were getting married, so we ignored them and got into the car. The adrenalin that ran through my veins at this point was unreal. I felt alive again. Running away from press and being swept off my feet by the man of my dreams.

When we arrived at the hospital, we walked hand in hand through the hospital to the children's ward and we found our little Alice through the sea of poorly babies. As Alice saw us she gurgles and smiled. I took her out of the incubator and held her close, as I kissed her forehead. Love filled my eyes as my eyes laid on Alice's big blue eyes. Her brown curls rubbed under my chin as she nuzzled into my neck. Ben watched us and his eyes lined with tears. He pulled out my phone from my bag and took a picture of me and our little angel for my Instagram page. He posted it online with the caption "My beautiful girls are fit and strong. Thank you all for your sweet and loving messages. Claud & I couldn't be as strong as we have been without you! We love you all and we have lots of announcements coming up soon! God bless guys- CD+AC+BC💕" more sweet and kind messages roles in from the fans after that picture was uploaded. "Little baby looks like you, Ben. So happy for you and Claud- love from fans in Russia" "Babybatch!! When will bridebatch happen? You and Claud are so sweet together- love from, the universe 🌍"

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