Chapter Eleven: And With That He Kissed Me

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I woke up properly, three hours later to find myself in a NHS gown attached to wires what were linked to different machines. I rolled over to find myself surrounded by beds. Beds full of sick people. I couldn't hear a thing or focus properly until I tried to sit up. I turned my head a little to see Sam had dozed off in the chair on my left but on my right sat an empty chair. I heard voices say, "She's awake! Doctor! Come quick!" I saw a doctor walk towards me smiling. He was tall, with huge blue eyes, his hair was blonde and in a quiff. He had a kind smile that was small but full off joy!

"Hi, you're awake! Fabulous!"

"Yes, what are all of these wires? What's happened?"

"We've had to operate to put your leg back in place. Your bone popped out of its socket. It would have been very uncomfortable to do whilst you were awake"

"Did it go okay?"

"More than okay! It went amazingly, all you've got to do now is to have an x ray and then you can go home, but you will not be able to use your leg to lean on for a few weeks, so we will be sending you home in a wheelchair and a pair of crutches! Do not overdo it please as the stitches are internal and they may pop. Your uncle will explain more when you get home probably" the doctor said coughing trying to wake Sam up. "We will get a porter to come and take you to x ray and then you can go home if it's clear!"

"Okay, thank you!" I said. The doctor walked off and I turned to Sam, "Why are there two chairs and everyone else has one chair?" Sam replied, "Because you have a visitor other than me!" He smiled and waved down the ward to the man down the other end, holding cups. He walked over to me and sat down in the chair alongside me. "You're awake!"

I replied, quite tiredly, "You're here! I thought you have rehearsals?"

"I had rehearsals they finished at 2 today, it's nearly 5 o'clock, princess" Ben replied smiling.

"5 o'clock?! I'm meant to be meeting the girls in half an hour!" I tried to get out of my bed before Ben and Sam stopped me, "Don't worry" Sam said, "I've already phoned the girls! They said not to worry coming and that they'll phone you later if you're up for a conversation"

"Oh, okay thank you. Did you bring any spare clothes?" I replied, trying to cover myself up with the blanket as I remembered I've got no clothes on underneath the gown, "Yes, I have! The ones you had folded on the end of your bed?"

"Thank you!"

"That's okay Stinks!"

The porter came wheeling a chair up to my bed and both Sam & Ben helped me into the chair. "Sam?"

"Yes darling?"

"Have you phoned mum and dad?"

"Yes, they came up here earlier when you were asleep, they are going to phone you later to make sure you're okay and want anything being dropped off"

"Dropped off?"

"Yes, they think it'll be best if you stay over mine until you are better because the dogs will end up jumping on you and it will really hurt your leg"

"Oh, okay. So I'm staying at yours for 6 weeks?" I asked.

"Yes, they said it's a trial"

"A trial?"

"Yes, if you are okay with me for 6 weeks you will be able to stay permanently. One of the teachers you'll be working with lives around the corner from me so they said they could take you to and from school, if you don't mind staying until 4.30-5 most days?"

"Really, wow! This will be amazing!"

"Yes, mum said you seem happier over my house than at your own house. This will also give you independence!" The porter turned to Sam and Ben and said, "Sorry, you cannot come in here. Please wait outside"

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