15. Misunderstood fuckboy

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(Selena:16,Niall:17) a cute chapter.


I'm going with my family on a Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents on their farm. I love it there , I love the nature, the fields, but I'm not really a fan of the animals. My grandpa told me that there will be her old friend's family too. She also told me that there will be a boy my age. I really don't care about that. I like this guy called Niall from my school, but there is a problem about him. He is a fuckboy. And I the schools biggest nerd had to fall for him. But I can't help it! He has adorable smile and incredible blue eyes. And his blonde hair.Oh my god! I want to make house in it and live there for the rest of my life. So it's official. I am a creep. "Sis are you okay?" my three year old sister asks me. I probably zoned off. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired." I said and she nodded her head and looked out of the car window. Oh did I mentioned we're on the way to the farm. We arrived there in ten minutes and my grandparents immediately hugged us. My grandma told me that family is gonna arrive in ten minutes. I went to my room and fell asleep because I was tired. When I woke up it was 03:00 pm. I groaned,stood up and stretched. I heard laughing and I went into the living room and saw my mom,grandma and some other women drinking coffee together. "Hi." I said walking in. "Oh hello my dear. I see you woke up.Do you want coffee?" my grandma asked me and I shook my head. "Hi I'm Maura." that women says nd I shook her hand."Hi nice to meet you I'm Selena. " I said politely. "Where is grandpa?" I ask. "He's outside smoking with the guys." my mom answers me. "Okay." I said and left search my grandpa. I heard laughing and I almost screamed at the person in front of me. It was Niall. "Selena?" he knows my name!!!!!! "Niall, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here with my family." "Oh hello Selena I see you met Niall. You should show him around a little bit." my grandpa says and my eyes widened. "Do I have to?" "Yes, now go." my grandpa says laughing. " C'mon." I say and we go to my favorite field. There was two big trees on the middle of it and a little bench under them. "You're so beautiful." I heard Niall whisper. "What?" I ask. His eyes widened. "It's -It's beautiful here." he says chuckling. "Yeah it is. Let's go to that trees." I say. "Let's see who is faster." he yells and starts running. "Hey not fair yo a a head start." I whine and run after him. He laughed and came to the trees first. "Not fair." I pouted. "C'mon babe I won don't pout." he says grinning. My stomach fluttured when he called me babe. We sat on the bench. "Do you hate me?" he asked. "What?" "Do you hate me?" he repeated himself. "No." I said quietly. "Then why are you always ignoring me in school?" "Because I don't want to have any business with a Fuckboy." I said and he frowned. "I'm not a Fuckboy." He says quietly. "That's how sleeping with the half of the school is called so yeah you're a Fuckboy. " I said and I saw his eyes saddened. "I didn't sleep with anyone fro school that's just a rumor." he says. "Yeah right." "I'm serious, I'm... I'm-still a virgin. " he says looking at the ground. "Why should I believe that? You didn't even had a girlfriend ever." "I didn't ha a girlfriend because the girl I like doesn't likes me back." he said frowning. Oh okay. "So why are we even talking about this?" I say and I stood up. "Let's go." I say and he stoods up. I started walking but he pulled me back and kissed me. "Please... Kiss back just once, I know you hate me but... please." he mumbled against my lips. I kissed back and he smiled. I felt like my stomach is about to explode from the butterflies. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine. "I like you Selena. I like you so much." he whispers looking me in the eyes and I was about to pass out. "I like you too." I say and he smiled. "Really?"he asks me I nod smiling. "That was my first kiss." I admit. "Really? How was it?" "It was nice." I say. "Let's make your second incredible." he says and leans in. I lean in to and we kissed. After a few seconds he bit my lip and I think that means that he wants me to open my mouth. I opened them and me slid his tongue in my mouth. I moaned softly and he gripped onto my hips pulling me closer. We pulled away when we were out of breath and smiled at each other. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks nervously and I nod my head he smiled and put our lips together. We decided to go back home as we walked he grabbed my hand and slid his fingers in between mine. Oh my God I'm holding hands with him. I looked at our hands then at him and smiled. He smiled back and pecked my lips.

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