Chapter 4: Fed Up

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        The next morning I woke up and I felt groggy. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 7:19 AM, which meant my mother was already gone for work. It also meant I had enough time to get ready for school.

        I took a shower, and then stood in front of my closet naked with the doors open, for about twenty minutes. Since Shaun was starting to notice me, for some reason I wanted to dress to impress.  

        It was going to be hot outside, so I finally decided to wear grayish-white mini shorts, a black halter top, and a strapless bra. I knew for sure I couldn't wear my Nike's because my feet would sweat in my socks, so I went into my mom's room and wore her delicate black flip flops.

        After I was fully clothed, I grabbed my purse off my bed, and sat on my living room couch to wait on Janelle. It was 8:33 AM, so once again we were both going to be late.

"Yo Ken, open the door!"

"Damn girl, what took you so long!?"

        I opened the door, and then we started our long walk to school.

"Kendra, don't you ever wish we had a car so we could get to school faster?"

"Yeah, I guess...but those are just dreams, so why talk about it?"

"I don't know, I just been doin' a lot of thinkin' and I wanna be rich."

"Well, that's why we go to school. Pay attention in class, then you'll be makin' money after college."

"Nah, but there are faster ways instead of college."

"Look, I don't know what possessed you, but I'm not gonna talk about this with you."

"Whatever, cause you know it's true."

        Janelle and her negative ways were starting to get on my damn nerves. Luckily, we arrived at school, so I didn't have to hear her talk about no more bull shit.

        After me and Janelle parted ways, I began to make my way to my first period class. I heard a familiar voice call out my name and my heart skipped a beat.

"Sup Kendra, you ready for the party tonight?"

"Oh! Hey Shaun, of course I'm ready."

"I've been wondering if I could get ya number though."


        That question made my heart beat fast, because I knew I never owned a cell phone before, and giving my house number out, wasn't a good idea.

"If you don't wanna give it, it's all good. I just wanted to keep in contact with you so we can meet up on time tonight."

        When he said that I was a bit hurt because I thought he wanted to call and talk about random stuff on the phone. Having a phone buddy other then Janelle, would've been pretty cool.

"Yeah you can have my number."

        He pulled out his iPhone, and I got jealous. I gave him my number and we said our good byes.

       I walked into my first period class when there were twenty minutes left and my teacher Mrs. Campbell yelled at me. It's not like it would be the first time anyway, so I just stood there and took it.

"To the office! You're not going to walk into my class this late and expect to join in on the lesson!"

       I rolled my eyes and marched straight for the door, although I was only about four feet away from it. I knew I wasn't going to the office for sure, so I just stood in the cafe beside a Coca-Cola vending machine. I was going to sit at a table, but of course all the tables had left over crumbs, food and squirted condiments from the day before. 

       Since I knew Shaun was in my next class, I was getting excited to rush and finish our conversation. I don't know why, but I was drawn to him for some reason. I wanted to get to know him better.

        When I arrived in front of the door for my English class, Shaun was standing there with wandering eyes. When he saw me, I could see a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Aye, you wanna skip this period and chill outside."

        I got nervous because if my mom found out I was skipping again, I was gonna get my ass beat.

"Yeah, I'm down."

        For some reason, I couldn't reject his offer. Plus I was anxious for tonight, and skipping English would make it go by faster.

        When Shaun and I reached outside, he headed for the furthest bench from the school, with me in tow.

"Can I ask you a question? I don't want you to be offended though."

"Yeah, sure."

"Why do you dress so wack, and look like you never eat?"

        If Shaun wasn't trying to offend me, he definitely did and I immediately became uncomfortable. That was such an insult and I wanted to get up and walk away, but my body wouldn't budge.

"Well not everyone out here has money like you. I don't have the guts to sell like I know you do. And--"

"I don't sell."

"Then why you have so much money then? You have nice clothes and a cell phone."

"Don't worry about what I have and how I have it. I just asked two simple questions. You don't have to catch an attitude."

        What I hate the most about males, is when they say or ask females a question, without realizing how much it can hurt. Those "two simple questions" Shaun claims he asked, has me feeling even more insecure. How could he just sit there all chill like his questions weren't all that bad?

"Those questions aren't simple to answer because you're diggin' into my personal life and I don't even know you like that."

"It wasn't that serious. I'm tryna get to know you, chill out." 

        Let me get this straight. I have to put all my business out there about why I look the way I do, and he can't do the same. Males are always "tryna get to know you" but they want to hold all of their background history back.

"Anyways, imma get to class. See you tonight, if you're still 'bout it."

"Yeah, whatever."

        As I made my way to class, the "two simple questions" he asked me wouldn't quit haunting me. I thought it was rude, and he definitely didn't think before he opened up his mouth. 

        I stopped in the stairwell, turned around and made my way to my locker. I was just going to get my purse and walk to the park, past my apartment building. I needed to clear my mind, and school wasn't the best place to be in order to do it.

        After I closed and locked my locker, I decided to exit from a different side of my school because I didn't know if Shaun would still be outside.

        On my way to the park I tried to let my mind run wild. I took in the sounds of cars passing by, dogs barking angrily, people conversing and the birds singing.

        After about a twenty-five minute walk past my apartment building, I finally made it to the park, where there weren't many people. I knew back at school it should almost be lunch time and I would start to make my way back to school later on for fourth period.

        As I sat on the uncomfortable rusted brown swing I began to pick up speed, and swing away all my anger. As I swung back and forth I could hear the creaking of the metal and it sounded as if the swing wanted to fall apart. At the same time, the sound of the swing hypnotized me and sent me into deep thought. 

        While my mom and I waited on the officer to return, I could hear her crying silently. It sounded as if she was in pain. Her cries didn't comfort me at all. Instead, it made me feel like I should be crying I did.

        The officer returned about thirty minutes later, as if he didn't care how long he made us wait. His absence turned me off from his great looks, and I wanted to attack him.

"Sorry for the wait ladies, so..."

        He pulled a chair along with him as he was talking and it made it hard for me to hear him. He placed the chair facing us and plopped down.

"Mr. Watson was involved in an altercation." He continued, but still acted as if he didn't want to spit it out. I wanted to cuss him for taking so long.


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