Chapter 20: The Outcome

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        After accompanying me at the hospital for 3 hours, my mother left  Shaun and I alone because she  had to go and take care of work related paper work . I gave her kisses and felt relieved that she was leaving because her and Shaun weren't getting along and I could feel the tension growing. 

        When Shaun and I were alone, I took it as a chance to talk more about our future and our baby. I didn't care if he wanted to hear it or not, we needed to work something out. 


"You don't look like you're in pain no more..."

"I am...It just come and goes."


"So you got a job yet?"

"Nah, I don't need one. I got this don't worry about me."

        I hated when males thought they had everything under control. I was in pain and I didn't want to deal with Shaun's attitude and ego, but this was the perfect time to talk. I decided to change the subject, so I could lighten our situation. 

"So what about names?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Can something matter to you!?"

"Fine. If it's a boy then I want him named after me...If its a girl, I don't really care."

        Shaun's attitude was disgusting me. I was about to give him a piece of my mind, when a male doctor calmly entered the all white room. She said in a soft tone,"Sorry to interrupt, my name is Doctor Burke and I'm hear to see how you're doing so far."

       I swallowed the anger that I was feeling towards Shaun, and politely greeted her telling her my name and how I was feeling at the moment.

      The tall Caucasian women checked the charts above the hospital bed and said expressionless,  "Well, that doesn't sound too good since you're not due until March."

       I sat up worriedly and asked with concern, "Will my baby and I be okay?"

       She gave another expressionless answer, "Of course. I'll just have to schedule a  C-section." 

       I kept my upright position, on my side, leaning up on my right arm and yelled, "What!?"

       The doctor finally showed emotion by trying to calm me down, "Sorry Ms. Watson, but due to noticeable stress you've been going through and lack of food and nutrition, the baby needs to be removed immediately." 


        While Kendra was speaking with the nurse, I walked towards the tiny window in the center of the left side of the room, and rested my folded arms on the window sill. I stared down from the third floor and the room was two windows away from the main emergency entrance, so I could see all of the commotion going on. I could see about five paramedics near the front of the hospital assisting a body covered from head to toe with a white blanket. I continued to stare blankly out of the window, but I brought my mind back to the conversation between the doctor and Kendra. When I heard about a C-section, I could hear the panic in Kendra's voice. The only thing that was running through my mind was, "better her than me." 

       My last name was called and I turned my body to face the doctor. She asked, "Would you like to be present for the birth of the baby?"

        The doctor was staring straight into my eyes with a bored expression. I was hypnotized by her ocean blue eyes and I couldn't bring myself to answer her question. She was a young doctor, and she had a tiny white name tag pinned to her shirt, on top of her left breast. It read "Dr. Burke" in black writing.

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