Chapter 18: What Did You Just Say?

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        While I was on the bus heading to the grocery store, I thought about how it was seeing Janelle for the first time in over a year. I remember when I used to hang with Janelle everyday. We knew everything about each other to the point that if we wanted to expose each other, our lives would be ruined. 

        Janelle seemed so cool about the fact that I was pregnant. I started to wonder if she thought I was a hoe. When we were younger, we used to say we would have children and be each others next door neighbors in the suburbs with our husbands. We also made a promise to each other that my children would have her and her husband as God parents, and vice versa. 

        I almost missed my stop due to my day dreaming and had to quickly rush from the back of the bus to the back doors. I stepped off the bus, and most of the people on the bus were giving me attitude since I bumped them  while rushing to the doors. 

        I made a right after exiting the bus and walked with my head down. I was afraid to see anyone I knew, since I was only about sixteen stops from my school. 

        I walked for about seven minutes until I entered Mariano's Fresh Market and made my way into the dairy isle. I picked up a bag of homogenized milk, and opened a couple of large white chicken egg cartons to make sure none were cracked. When I was satisfied with a carton of  eggs, I made my way over to the bakery, on the other side of the store. I looked around at the prices of the white bread, then picked up the cheapest freshly baked loaf. I made my way to the front of the store and chose to be checked out by an old Indian lady instead of the middle aged Caucasian man. There was no line so I was able to check out right away. 

        I walked across the street with two shopping bags in each of my hands, one with the bread and eggs and the other with the milk. I stood at the bus stop so I could make my way home. I started feeling sharp pains in my pelvis area and it was making me feel nauseous. I walked slowly back across the street and stood in front of the pay phone, contemplating if I should call Shaun or my mom. 

"Who dis?"

"Hey...Shaun...I-I'm feeling sick and I'm not to far from your house I was won-"

"Why you calling me cause you feel sick? Do I look like a doctor?"

"Well...I-I came to pick up a couple-"

"Man...why you gotta call me outta all people!?"

"Well, I only had a dollar and I used it to call you and I don't have anymore change left so if you could please get me...I'm in front of Mariano's."


        The line went dead and I didn't know if Shaun was going to come get me or not.


        I was high as hell and the fact that Kendra wanted me to pick her up was pissing me off. I know she had a mom that she could've called, but she just had to choose me. 

"Who was that?"

"Man, Anthony! I'm pissed."

"Man...who was it?"

"Kendra talking 'bout she want me to pick her up cause she sick or some shit."

"I can't even lie...I mean...You was lovin' the girl for the past couple of months."

"But now she pregnant with my baby so it's different."

"How? You can't act like you don't have feelings for her. I mean, I know she's wack...But if you like her, you might as well date her and make shit work."

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