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"Yeah mom."

"Stop running up and down the stairs!"

"Mommy this is the first house we live in! I like the stairs..."

"Get your school bag, so I can drive you to school."

"I think I lost it..."

"You better fi-"

"Here it is son."

"Thanks dad!"

"No problem...Ken, I'm leaving soon to go open up my shop."

       I let out a long sigh then said, "Alright."

        Shaun bent down to match the same height as Junior. The two boys looked alike, just like I told Shaun the day in the hospital our son was born, and he tried to argue with me. They had the same skin tone, face structure and they even walked the same. The only features Junior had for me, was his eyes, nose and lips.  

"Make sure you behave in your new school. I know being in the third grade is easy to make friends, so you should be cool."

       Junior smirked the same way his father would then said with confidence, "Yeah...I'm not scared you know...I got this."

        Shaun chuckled, and then stood up and made his way over to me so I could gave him hugs and kisses before he left. He put his left arm around my shoulder and squeezed playfully. 

"Stop stressin', Junior will be fine.

 "Yeah, I know he'll be fine, but I'm just hoping he adjusts well..."

"That's my boy, so he will. I'm worried about you though. This was a big move, coming all the way out here to L.A."

"Trust me, I'm okay. We've been here for three days and I love it already. I'm glad we made it out of Chicago after struggling with rent, college fees and daycare fees. This is truly a blessing." 

"Yeah we made it, that's for sure. We have a lot of unpacking to do, but the most important thing is that you eat properly, so that this time our baby can come home right away without the lack of nutrition."

"We'll do the unpacking day by day and yes of course I'm going to eat properly this time around."

       Shaun looked at the time on his all black Gucci watch then quickly removed his arm from around me and started walking backwards towards the front door. 

"I gotta go baby."

       I followed him towards the door and said, "Wait, I'm worried about you...Be careful with those cars in the shop. I'm hearing a lot of accidents are happening with mechanics."

       He smirked then said, "Yeah, Imma pro though."

        Shaun turned around then walked out of the door. I cleaned up in the kitchen then yelled from the front door, "Junior! I'm ready!"

       He ran down the stairs once again and shouted, "Yes!"

       I grabbed my turquoise Michael Kors Weston shoulder bag from the hook behind the front door and searched for my keys. After pulling my key fob out of the zipper compartment inside of my purse,  the two of us exited our white-brick three story home and made our way across the grey granite cobble stone driveway, towards my new silver 2017 BMW. Pretty soon I wouldn't be able to drive with my big belly, but in the meantime, I was loving the fact that I wasn't poor anymore.

       Before leaving Chi, I paid a last visit to Janelle's grave, leaving behind a bouquet of white flowers and a framed picture of the two of us when we were eleven years old. It has been eight years since her death and her passing has encouraged me to make it out of the ghetto for the both of us. My mother on the other hand, stayed back in Chi, because she felt she belonged there. I'm hoping I can fly her out to Beverlywood soon, so that she can view the home Shaun and I bought.

        After registering Junior at Castle Heights Elementary School, I walked him to his class, then wished him good luck.

       I eagerly made my way back to my car so that I could make it on time to the salon. After driving for about fifteen minutes, I sat in my car in the parking lot, in front of my beauty salon named No Worries. I said I long prayer, thanking God for all of my family's financial breakthroughs and for bringing us to L.A, so that my children could have a better life. I wiped my tears with my hands, hoped out of my car, then entered the salon. I stared down at my black name tag with gold writing, which read Mrs. Miller, I loved the sound of that. 

        I looked all around and began to tear up again. Everything was in black, gold and white because I felt it looked more grown and sophisticated. I walked across the black tiled floor to the back of the salon, while enjoying the echo of my bi-color block-heeled Prada sandals. I stared up at the gold door and read the white wooden letters, which read "Mrs. Miller" once again. I loved seeing my last name everywhere because it was a reminder that I was married to a good man.

       I twisted the metal black doorknob and walked towards my black modular desk. I sat in the white leather cushioned five-wheeled chair and stared down at the snow-white-stain-clear kaleidoscope carpet. I rested my elbows on the edge of the desk and closed my eyes. I sat very still and began to reminisce about where my life was at the moment, and how far my little family had come.

       Since my best friend had passed, our dreams of living next door to each other in big houses, with children, and a husband were crushed. But for her, I fulfilled our dream. Yeah, my life is a bit common, with the happy ending, but it isn't all that happy since there are people missing out of my life. My father, my best friend and in a way, my mother too.

        Getting married and making my way onto a family of four is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Who would've thought I could accomplish all of this at the age of twenty six. I've learned a lot of things in my complicated upbringing. No matter what, never doubt yourself. Dreams and visions may not turn out the way you want it to, but make the best of it. Which is what I'm doing. 

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more usful than a life spent doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw 

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. - Mark Twain 

Stereotype (Two Books in One) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now