Chapter 19: I Don't Like You

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"What do you mean she's having your baby?"

        Kendra's moms eyes began to tear up as she brought her voice to a painful whisper. I didn't want her to see me as a bad person, but I think it was too late.


"Listen young man, don't you go near my baby. You need to take your fast self home and don't ever come near my baby."

        Kendra's mom was stepping closer to me with every other word she spat out. I was scared because I didn't know if she was going to to and hit me, and I definitely didn't want to put my hands on a female again. 

"Ma'am, I have to be near her. I wanna be in my child's life."

   She responded tearfully while pointing her index finger in my face, "Uh-uh, Kendra doesn't need you...My grand baby won't need you...I knew I shoulda left this neighborhood when I had the chance! There are too many no good boys runnin' around Chicago."

        This woman was starting to make me get upset and I wanted to punch her in the face. How dare she classify me with the niggas in Chi! My mama and pops didn't raise no dog, they raised a man. For some reason, this lady not wanting me in Kendra's life, was making me want to be there even more. She gonna have to deal with me now.

       I yelled back at her, "Well I'm not one of them! You don't know me! Imma be around for my child and Kendra and I don't care if you don't like it!"

        I walked out of the apartment and made my way downstairs so I could join my girlfriend in the back of the ambulance. 


         When I finally made it downstairs on the gurney, there were a lot of people surrounding my building. Most went to my school and everyone had shocked faces. My stomach wasn't covered up with a jacket, so everyone was able to see my round belly. I was so embarrassed! The people in Chi are nosy as hell and that's how innocent people got shot. 

        As I was in the back of the ambulance I was hoping Shaun would hurry up because I was in a lot of pain and feeling alone. Just then, Shaun appeared with a smirk and asked sounding out of breath, "You good?"

       I sighed then answered him, "Yeah, thanks for making the phone call."

        It felt good to have Shaun by my side for the ride to the hospital. He was holding my left hand and looking down at me, but I wasn't starring back at him because I felt weak and in pain. 

"No problem...Sorry for all the heartache I put you through."

"It's okay...I've been through a lot in life, so whatever happened between me and you is the least of my problems."

"Your mom is trippin' though...She sayin' how she don't want me in your life or the baby's"

"She'll eventually get used to things.."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Where is she anyway? She was supposed to be coming."

"She back at your apartment I guess...Look, I don't wanna talk about your mom right now."


        We rode the rest of the way in silence and Shaun was no longer holding my hand. I must have said something wrong, but I was in too much pain to give a damn about him.

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