Who Are You?

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"Jem, stop jumpin' on the bed! Go play your video game or something."

        I was trying to catch re-runs of last nights game on ESPN. It was The New York Knicks Versus the Toronto Raptors and surprisingly, the Raptors won. My five-year-old son Jeremy Junior was distracting me from getting all of the game highlights. 

"Dad-dy can we go to the mo-vies to-day?"

        With every bounce Jem made on the pillow top queen size bed, he spat out words that I was barely even listening to. He giggled as if I was playing with him, and when the male Caucasian reporter finally announced the commercials, I gave him a piece of my mind.

"You don't listen! I had a long day at work, and when I come home you needa give me time to regroup!"

        Jem stopped bouncing and tears began to build up in his eyes. I think I was being a little hard on him because he really was happy to see me. I just got in from work about twenty minutes ago and Jem been all over me since then. 

"Fine then!" He pouted.

        He folded his little arms across is chest and bowed his head. I reached for the little black television remote and hit the red button on the left corner, which read "OFF" in white. I couldn't blame my son for missing me since my new job as a security guard at The King Edward Hotel, in downtown Toronto was consuming most of my time. I scooped him up, then leaned against the off-white faux leather headboard, with him in my lap

       I pinched his right check, then made my voice sound like a kindergarten teacher, "You don't needa cry baby boy."

       He responded with a groan, so I decided to ask him about how his day went. I wanted to take his mind off of crying, so that Shanice didn't hear him and come running to his aid. For now, I just wanted peace and quiet.

       I looked up at me and whined, "Nothing! That's why I wanna go to the movies...Mommy just played with Mya only and not even me."

        I knew for sure we wouldn't be going to the movies since it was 7:00 PM. It was bed time for both of the kids soon, and then I would finally get some time to myself. I took a couple of seconds to think about what my response would be to him, "We can't do the movies tonight baby boy..."

       He whined again, "You alw-"

       I tickled his flat stomach and said, "But maybe we can go tomorrow night...Since it is the weekend."

       My answer still didn't seem to satisfy him, "But, it's not even that late..."

        I looked into my sons dark brown determined eyes and he reminded me of myself so much. He had a dark complexion, oval head shape, full light brown lips, a flared nose and I could tell he would be slightly buff, just like me. 

"It is late, and guess what? Since you've eaten and showered it's bed time."

"What about Mya? She has to sleep too, not just me."

"Yeah, both of you needa get in bed. Come on, lets go get her."

        Jem and I wrestled for a bit, until we finally rose from the bed full of laughter. I loved spending time with my kids, but I needed some time to myself too.

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