Chapter 7: Revelation

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        When I woke up, I felt a lot better. I rolled around and looked at my clock and it was 2:38 PM. I was glad it was a Saturday. My mother must have slept with me in my room last night because I was on one side of my bed, when usually I sleep in the center.

        I hopped out of bed, then wondered what I would do since me and Janelle weren't talking. To be honest, I had no other friends. 

        I walked down the hall and used the bathroom, which was right across from my moms room. On the bathroom door, it had a sticky note at eye level.

        I will be at work until 9 PM training for my new position! There is $20 on the kitchen table! Spend it wisely. xoxo

        Usually when I ask my mom for money she gives me attitude stating that is isn't a money tree or an ATM machine. All of a sudden she wants to leave me tweny dollars? This new position must be making her feel like she hit the jackpot. I won't complain though because I would love to be able to start buying lunch at school. I entered the bathroom, grabbed my red and white toothbrush and began to brush my teeth and tongue. After I was done, I grabbed my cloth and washed my face.

        I made my way back to my room and decided to shower. I wanted to go out and eat lunch. Knowing there is no food in the kitchen, I could finally fill my growling stomach with something. 

        After my shower, I opened the window above my bed, and stuck my hand out. Since we had no cable, that's how I checked the weather. It was humid outside.

        As I stood in front of my closet naked, I decided to wear a cute native looking dress that I got from the Stitches store. It was beige with an elastic around the waist that hugged me tight. It also had little orange and brown triangles designs below the elastic. The dress ened just above my knees and after putting it on, I did a little twirl in the mirror.

        I went into my moms room and removed the same black flip flops from her closet and put back on the same jewelry I had on last night.

        As I was oiling the parts of my body that showed, I heard a the phone ringing. My heart was beating fast with excitement because I figured it would be Janelle calling.


"Sup Kendra, come down stairs."

"And this is?"

"Shaun fool!"

"Oh! Hey Shaun. Why you downstairs?"

"I thought we could chill today."

"Uh, is Anthony with you?"


"Alright. See you in a minute."

        Shaun had perfect timing because I was dreading the fact that I had to walk to Starbucks for lunch. It was humid outside and by the time I would have gotten to the restaurant, I would feel sweaty and gross. I had the biggest smile on my face. I was glad Shaun actually wanted to hang with me and I was more happy that Anthony wasn't with him. I grabbed the twenty dollar bill and stuffed it in my bra, then headed out of the door.

        When I arrived downstairs, Shaun was leaning against the passengers side of his car. He smiled when he saw me and walked towards me.

"I came here earlier., but you wouldn't answer the phone."

"I was sleeping."

        He wrapped one arm around my neck and led me towards his car. He opened the door for me, then ran around to the drivers side.

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