Chapter 13: Disagreement

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       My mom exited my room and slammed door on her way out. I was shaking, and I felt sick all over again. Aunt Nessa was on her way over, and I was hoping I could convince her to have my back. I rose from the bed when I heard a knock on the door, and I rushed so I could answer it before my mom.

       I gave my aunt an exaggerated greeting and with a huge smile on my face, I yelled "Hey Nessa!"

       Neesa stepped inside the apartment and while she was embracing me, she said, "Hey, little one."

       I was hoping my mom wouldn't enter the living room, so I could quickly ask Nessa to lie for me, but I was too late. My mother ran towards my aunt yelling,"Girl, is that you!?" Both of them rocked back and forth as they embraced. 

       Nessa was released from my mom's embrace and smiled while saying, "I missed you so much Mrs. Watson."

"I missed you too, although it has only been a day. Come on let's sit."

       While Nessa removed her coat, took of her shoes, and placed her purse on the door handle, I took my seat on the left side of the couch, then my mom and Nessa joined me. I was glad when my Aunt sat beside me because then my mom wouldn't be able to hit me during our conversation. Nessa always had my back when it came to my mom beating me, and she saved me plenty of times in the past. 

       My mom turned her body in Neesa and my direction and started the conversation, "Nessa, can you believe that this little girl said that you're lying when you said you seen her in the baby section today?"

       Nessa's head snapped in my direction so quick that I flinched. I tried to defend myself by saying, "What? That's a lie. I said that I was there, but I was just passing through the section."

       Nessa disagreed, "Baby girl, little did you know, I had my eye on you from the minute you stepped into the store. I recognized you from the way you swing your hips when you walk. Just like your mom, and family can't hide."

       I felt like I was being choked because my mom and aunt were cornering me with questions and accusations. "Yeah, I was in the baby section, but it wasn't for anything."

       My mom budded in the confrontation, "Which one of the boys were you with? Is he the father of your child?"

       I stood up from the couch and faced the both of them. I was getting so angry because instead of having a mature confrontation, they wanted to act immature to try and embarrass me. I lost control of my emotions and yelled, "All you guys wanna do is make assumptions! You both know nothing about me, nor do you care to know anything about me!"

       My mom quickly rose from the couch and before I knew it she was in my face. She fired back, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to!? I'll drag your ass down the hallway, by the hair that I just paid to get done today." 

       As of right now, my mom wasn't intimidating to me because I was too angry, so I yelled back, "You never trust me! Instead of having a one on one with me, you're too busy trying to entertain yourself by humiliating me! You're not in high school, you're forty one!" Right after those words flew out of my mouth, I was on the floor and being slapped all over by my mom. My aunt stepped in and pulled my mom off of me while yelling, "Mrs. Watson, this is not what I came here for!"

       I rose from the floor and burst into tears. I ran to my room and slammed my door, then sat on the cold floor against it. I was crying out loud, when usually I cried silently. It had been years since my mom beat me like that, and for some reason, I felt like she was taking her anger out on me about other things.

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