Chapter 15: Unbelievable

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                                                                                      PART 2





        I sat in my room on my bed, with my legs crossed. My head was slightly faced upward towards the ceiling. I was waiting for my mom to yell out why she was calling me. 

        I hated when my mom called me then stayed silent. I know she wants me to get up and go to her, which is why I slowly got up. I walked sluggishly down the hall and poked my head in my moms room.

"Yes mom?"

"You're always in that damn room! I exist you know."

        I've been trying my best to avoid my mother for the past six months and I was lucky my stomach was growing slowly. She was rarely home due to work, but when she was, I stayed in my room. If she was in her room, I'd quickly use the bathroom or get food from the kitchen, then go back to my room. 

"Kendra, come here"

"Uh, I needa pee hold on."

        My heart was beating fast. Since the bathroom was in front my moms room, I walked right in and shut the door. I been wearing baggy clothes so my mom wouldn't see the growth of my stomach. I was due in two and a half months, which would be sometime in mid-March, but I wasn't too sure since I've never been to a doctors appointment. 

        I took a couple of deep breaths, then slowly entered my moms room. I had a huge smile on my face to block my nervousness.

"Hey mom!"

"I have a question for you."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you..."

        I wanted to faint. How could she have found out? I wasn't ready to let her know. I thought about why she was so calm about it because knowing her, she would beat my ass or kick me out.

"Am I what?"

"Are you...a...les?"

        My eyes popped out of my head. A les? Ha! I was far from that! If she knew I had a baby growing inside me, she wouldn't have even asked. Not that lesbians couldn't get pregnant, but you know...

"I aint no les! Why would you even ask me that?"

"I've been noticing the way your style has changed. You've been wearing your fathers baggy shirts..."

"So, because I wear baggy clothes imma les?"

"I don't know...I was just asking." 

"Well, I'm not."

        I acted as if I was mad and stormed out of my moms room. I had to get away from her before she asked me any more questions. In reality, I wasn't mad at all. I was just happy she didn't ask me if I was pregnant.

        I laid in my room on my back. I thought about how long I've been avoiding Shaun, Anthony and Janelle. I haven't spoke to Shaun since July, when I was contemplating on moving in with him and although its selfish of me, I'm afraid to tell him about my situation. 

        Shaun calls a lot and he also tries to stalk me in the school halls. I never answer his calls and during school, I'm always peeking around corners or slipping into the female washrooms. When I'm sometimes tempted to answer his calls, I usually just sit with my phone in my hand while its ringing, and just stare at his numbers on the phone.

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