Chapter 10: Insecurity

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"Yo, Shaun look who it is! It's your boo." 

"Yo, shut up."

       As soon as Anthony said that, my mom whipped her head to the left and stared at me long and hard. I held my breath a little, because I was afraid she would embarrass me. We walked away from the semi-circled bright red desk, with her leading the way and me behind her. As we made our way to the waiting area, I glanced at my new phone to check the time, and also to use as a way of dealing with my awkward situation. Since the two hairdressers were just finishing up with clients, we were told we had to wait about five minutes. I never even greeted Shaun and Anthony, because I didn't want them to say something inappropriate around my mom.

       As soon as we sat down, my mother started to ask questions about them in a whispered tone. She also kept stealing glances at them while they were speaking with the secretary at the desk we just walked away from.

"Who are they?"

"Just two guys at my school."

"Just two guys? But you never told me about them."

"Cause they're not important."

"How long have you known them?"

"I just see them around and stuff. It's not that serious mom."

"Why did the skinny one say something about "boo" then?"

"Cause he likes to tease."

       Shaun and Anthony walked over and it brought our conversation to an abrupt stop. I tried not to look up and stared down at the bright red and white checkered floors, but of course Anthony had to call me out.

"Oh so, cause you with your mom you tryna act like you don't know no one. Alright, its all good."

       I awkwardly looked up and tried not to look nervous, when really I was hoping Anthony would tone down his boldness.

"I'm not ignoring you guys."

"Yeah you are, don't you see your boyfriend over here? You can't give him a hug and a kiss?"

       I was in shock. He knew damn well Shaun and I were not dating, yet he tried to make it seem like we were. I figured he was doing it only because my mom was there, and Shaun had the nerve not to defend me. He knew we weren't dating.

       Anthony stuck out his left hand towards my mom and said, "hey, Kendra's mom."

       My mom took his hand in hers and shook it and tilted her head to the side. "And you are?"

"Call me Anthony, and this Kendra's boyfriend, Shaun." He winked and let go of my moms hand.

"Nah, she aint my girlfriend."

       Surprisingly, Shaun never shook my moms hand and I wondered why. Was he trying to be on her good side or bad side? It better be her good side because we were going to be a family soon. Although he didn't know that yet.

       A dark-skinned big boned woman covered in a black apron called out to me and my mom, "ladies we're ready for you."

       Thank God! She saved me from having to continue a conversation that was going wrong, and making both Shaun and I look bad. When we were a safe distance from the boys my mom whispered beside me, "we'll talk when we get in the car."

       I hoped that by the time we were finished getting our hair done, she would decide not to bring it up. Knowing my mom, she was probably eager to finish up, just so we could discuss it.

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