Chapter 6: The Temptation

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        As soon as the three of us stepped into the tiny brown brick house, I noticed chaos. Females were twerking, males were behind them, while other people were posted against the walls conversing or gawking.

        I was on the lookout for Janelle because I didn't want to get caught. If I did, I think Janelle would actually try and fight me. She hates when I betray her and right now, I am.

        Shaun yelled above the music at me and it took me a while to finally make out what he was trying to say.

"You wanna dance !?"



"Oh! Not really!"

"I didn't bring you here for nothing!"

        I rolled my eyes and walked away. Yes, I wanted to dance, but not with Shaun or Anthony. That's awkward as hell.

        I made my way towards the living room and stood against an empty spot on the wall. In the living room, there was a wall separating it from the front door so I can only see a part of Shaun's body.

        I looked all around the living room. Two black leather couches were pushed against a wall. Next to that, was a glass shelve with a huge flat screen TV on top of it, turned backwards facing the window.

        On the opposite side of the wall, across the living room, there was another wall with a doorway which leads to the kitchen and dining room.

        This house was huge compared to what I lived in. But right now I didn't want think about how poor I was. I was here to have fun and dance away all of my horrible feelings.

        The song Down on Me by Jeremih and 50 Cent was blasting through the speakers, and I could feel the thin walls vibrating. I took a step away from the wall and shook my hips to match the tempo of the beat.

        I felt a guy come up behind me and I bent over to dance with him. I had the palm of my hands on my knees and I looked back just to make sure it wasn't Shaun or Anthony.

        The guy dancing with me was fly as hell. He looked Latino and he had a long silky pony tail that suited his skinny face. His medium sized hands fit perfectly on my hips and our bodies seemed like it fit perfectly together.

        After the Latino dude, I danced with a whole bunch of other guys until Shaun came over to me. I danced away from him trying to get to the other side of the living room and he sped walked after me.

        After about two minutes, I gave up and just danced with him. We danced for about four minutes, until Anthony came over and wanted to join, so they had me in a sandwich. Anthony was in front and facing me, with Shaun behind.

        While we were dancing I felt a tap on my shoulder and I was in complete shock. It was Janelle!

        I immediately stopped dancing and Shaun and Anthony gave Janelle dirty looks. Janelle grabbed my hand and led me outside and I was stumbling trying to keep up.

        She shoved me against a medium sized tree in the front yard and started yelling at me.

"You lying ass hoe!"

"Janelle, I wasn't gonna come until I was invited."

        I tried not to raise my voice because I didn't want Janelle to get physical with me. I knew for sure I would lose.

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