Broken Two - 12 (What Are We?)

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Broken Two – 12 (What Are We?)

Trey’s Point of View:

It was about 2am when I woke up and slipped out. Peeling my clothes back onto my warm body, I watched Khayla as she slept naked within the bed that we once shared. I didn’t regret what we had just done but it shouldn’t have happened. We should have been stronger in staying away from each other but we weren’t. Now look. Our bodies entwined, we committed the ultimate showing of Love. As I watch her breath in and out in a trance-like sleep, I thought about whether I should stop what I was doing and slip back into bed with her. I could. She would never notice. She would never know. Yet I would. Finally placing my trainers on and taking my glance off of her, I grabbed my bag and opened the door. I took a final look at her before closing the door softly behind me and slipping into the cold night.

Khayla’s Point of View:

When I woke up the next morning, my arm instantly stretched out in order to feel Trey. He wasn’t there. I sprang up and walked out into the hall to expect to see Trey watching TV with Leah playing in front of him. Still, he wasn’t there. Instantly, I knew he had left and I was just a one night stand. It was as though I was now Dami and some other girl was his Khayla. I threw myself into the shower emotionally broken to remove any ‘dirt’ that I felt was left from Trey. After getting out, I threw a tracksuit on and checked on Leah again. She was fast asleep sleeping with her bottom up to the sky. I have no clue why she sleeps like that but she was peaceful so I wouldn’t question it. Tucking her in, I sent a text to Ethan saying:


Are you in?

Khayla x


I just wanted to talk to someone right now and Ethan was the perfect person. What people didn’t realise is being a mother can be a very lonely life which is why most people don’t want to do it alone. Yes, there are pros and cons but for me, nothing can put a price on sacrificing your freedom as a human being though I do live for my daughter, I wished she came later in my life then now.


I looked at the door then back at Leah who would have normally woke from such a loud crack on the door. I walked calmly to the door and looked through the spy hole to see Ethan standing there with a guilty facial expression. Opening the door, I asked “What’s the face for?”

“I knocked a bit loud didn’t I?”

I nodded.


“It’s fine, come in.”

I told him the whole story as he sat on my sofa just listening with a cup of tea in his hands.

“Didn’t you expect him to leave?” He said after I finished the whole tale.


“Why not? You are not together so you in a way shouldn’t have got your hopes up.”

“I know, I shouldn’t have but I would because we have Leah.”

“Khayla, just because you have Leah doesn’t mean that you have to stay together.”

“I know but….”

“I know what you mean but it isn’t always like that.”


I watched Leah who was crawling in front of us. She was half of me and half of Trey yet as she grew up, I noticed that she was gaining more of his features than mine. It was making it harder to look at her because although she was beautiful, her beauty was his.


“Yeah.” I said looking over at Ethan with a pain in my chest that was indescribable.

“Are you going to be okay?”

I thought about his question because I knew he wasn’t asking just the usual “Are you okay?” He was asking “Are you okay with this whole process of Trey?”


Trey’s Point of View:

“You did WHAT!?!”

“You heard me.”

“Why would you sleep with her?”

“I don’t know. It was the whole emotion of it.”

“Emotion of what? Trey, you shouldn’t have slept with her if you don’t care about her in the slightest.”

“I know that mum.”

My mum found out from the look on my face on what I had done. She knew I was going to Khayla’s to see Leah but from the timing of my visit and my facial expression, she knew there was more.

“Sometimes, I don’t know what is wrong with you.”


“You know, Dami came round here knocking for you.”


“Something about saying sorry about something.”

No, my mum didn’t know about me and Dami. Very few people actually did because I didn’t want the information out there like that.

“I’ll go round there.”

Dami was still living next door to my mothers home so it was quite easy to make that decision.

“Alright, come back soon.”



Outside Dami’s house knocking the knocker waiting for a response. If Dami was the same girl I knew, she would come to the door about ten minutes from now.

The door finally opened and I was greeted with a black boy at the door who I didn’t recognise.

“And you are?” Rude.

“Trey, you?”


Author’s Note: Personally, I enjoyed writing this chapter purely for the fact that I didn’t do the conventional story thing which would be to place them back together. It would be too simple and too unrealistic. Just because you sleep with someone shouldn’t mean that means you are attached to them in a romantic way. After all, the definition of sex has changed…



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