Chapter One

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The annoying, repetitive beeping of my alarm fills my ears and my room. It's six in the morning already? I feel like I just closed my eyes and I already have to get up. When I decided to go to college, I thought that it would be different than average school. I don't know why I did, maybe because it costs twice as much as regular school. I'm studying to become an Alien trainer/doctor/caretaker, so I can have one of my own and help others that also have one. Of course, being young and naïve, I didn't even think about the fact that Aliens are illegal to keep without a license and that license takes over four years to receive.

Sitting up, I turn off the alarm and then lay back down. Which, didn't work because my signal has a motion sensor to make sure that I get up. I should've known that it wouldn't work because I try that trick almost every day. With the annoying beeping continuing to go off, I sit back up and turn it off again, actually getting up this time so it won't go off again.

I get out of bed, wiping my black hair out of my face as I do and look around the room that still hasn't been painted since I moved in. Of course, living in an apartment, I know that the owners won't let me paint the walls anyway, so I don't know what I'm complaining about. I go to my closet and pick out the school uniform. All black from head to two with a white lab coat for girls while the guys have to wear all grey with a black lab coat. Who knows why the school chose those colors, but they are easily identifiable, and that's probably why.

I get dressed and then go to my bathroom to deal with extra accessories along with brushing my hair. I look in the mirror, admiring my black hair, black earrings, pale face, dark green eyes, and okay body.

I then teleport to my kitchen, looking for something to eat and find out that I forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday, so all I have is protein shakes. That'll have to do, I have extra stuff to do today, so I don't have much time to eat anyway. I grab the chocolate mocha and start shaking it as I snap and have socks and black sneakers on. I then go to my ship that looks like a flying car. Which on Earth One, that's what they'd call it. The exterior is a dark, slightly sparkly blue, and the interior is black leather.

I type in my passcode and then get into the car and push the 'start' button, turning on the car that will start driving me to school by itself. It powers up, making a slight roaring noise and then opening the garage by itself as I start digging in my backpack for my notes that I took last night. Recently we've been learning about what to do in case any kind of Alien that's not tamed escapes in the lab.

"Welcome back Scarlet, having a nice breakfast? It's a beautiful morning, the weather for today is going to be sunny with no clouds. The highest today will be ninety degrees Fahrenheit," Ruby tells me. Ruby is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and she's like my only friend in this world. I've explained to her everything about me since I first got a car. Her mainframe is installed on a USB, so when I get a new car, I just take her USB and then have her with me in the new car.

"Good morning Ruby, and that does sound like a good day. Too bad I have to waste it at school," I say, making sure to call her by her name, so she knows that it's really me. While she may be advanced technology, she can't see me and doesn't actually know if it's me or not until I say something to her. Someone could get my passcode and then get in the car. Thankfully, when it's not me, she secretly calls the cops and gives them her location.

"I assume that means I'm driving you right back to school, right?" She asks, already knowing that since today is Thursday and Thursdays are always school days. Technically, this is my weekly schedule. I go to school from seven thirty to three in the afternoon, then I go home, do two hours' worth of homework, and then go to sleep. On the weekends, I do Friday's homework and then sleep the rest of it away because I'm so tired.

"Yep, I'm a little early, drive slower because I don't think I finished my notes last night because I passed out," I tell Ruby, digging through my bag and taking out my dark purple folder and getting out my notes.

"Facts on Isolation Aliens by Scarlet Norwood

Isolation Aliens are mean and violent creatures that feast on the blood and souls of humans or so it's said they do. They're just misunderstood if you ask me. Most female Isolation Aliens have bad tempers and tend to be known as bipolar. They're a silky black from head to toe with razor-sharp teeth that can grow about a foot long and can tear through your skin in seconds." I read down further but then find out that it's wasn't notes that were taken, but drawings of Aliens and me holding them. As much as I hate to, I take out my eraser and erase the drawings so I won't get in trouble in case they get checked. Because my notes aren't long enough, I start to think of some well-known facts right off the top of my head. "They can grow up to twelve feet tall, not including their tail. The baby Aliens are only about one-foot-tall for the first couple of months and are usually protected by the mother until the baby grows old enough to be able to survive on its own without the mother killing their food for them. A mother Alien will actually take in another baby Alien if it was abandoned, and the mother Aliens will feed the babies meat from the prey that it caught. The Aliens are known for their extremely long tails; their tails can grow from three to fifteen feet long." As the car reaches the school, I put the notes back in, knowing that those notes are good enough in case they're checked. The car then stops, opening the door for me to get out.

I get out of the car and look at the large college that I've called my school for almost a year or two now. It's painted a dirty grey and green. For a building that's covered in windows, it's still really dark on the inside. Which always makes me wonder if they're hiding a huge secret or something. Then again, this school is ancient, or so it looks like it is.

This is a place where everyone is judged by appearance and grades. I'm hated by most students because I'm the teacher pet without wanting to be, loved by most teachers as I try the hardest, and a straight-A student. There's only one teacher that I have that hates me more than any other student in the school. Because I'm the only one that can pass her tests that she makes really hard on purpose. Her tests are known to be almost impossible to pass. I just think if you study hard enough, you will be able to pass it without a problem. I never talk to anyone here knowing they all hate me even though at the end of the year I tried my best to be kind to everyone. It didn't really work so right now I don't have any friends. I'll just hurry and go to class and maybe ask Mrs. Avernol to give me a book for more studying. I think as I put my head down. I keep walking and passing people who give me nasty looks, nasty smirks, and some friendly waves. I just ignore all three of them as I wish to get to class as soon as possible so this agonizingly long day can just start and then be over sooner.

I reach the classroom, and the teacher looks up at me with a smile but as she saw it was me it was no longer a smile but an angry expression. I just got here, and it's already going to be a terrible day with her.

Her grey and white hair are in a pretty bun, but her face is ugly and spread with thousands of wrinkles that she calls Alien killings. It's supposed to mean that she killed that many Aliens in her lifetime, but I bet the newest Aliens they make today she couldn't shoot, even if she tried. To be honest, I think that she tells us that so she can feel better about herself because, at her age, Mrs. Avernol knows that her time is almost up and she's surrounded by young people who remind her of that every day.

I used to like this teacher at the beginning of the year because she gave me a hard time. I thought it was because she wanted me to succeed, so she tried to be harder on me because she knew I was smarter, but I soon found out that she just didn't like me and was being so hard on me because she wanted me to give up and fail her class.

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