Chapter Sixteen

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We waited for about three minutes when the door finally opened. That's when we saw Mineu Yang. She has brown hair that's up in a messy bun, black glasses on, and she's wearing a lab coat, and her skin is a tannish yellow. After looking at me weirdly for a couple seconds, she realized it was me and smiled.

"You must be Scarlet, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Mineu tells me. I smile as she wants to shake my hand with her right hand. I smile nervously, holding out my gloved hand, then rocking back. I covered it up with a jacket and glove. I shake her hand, and she smiles wider. Her teeth are crooked at the sides, but perfect in the front. Her brown eyes are looking me up and down as she's taking in my view as I take her. As Mineu and I were shaking hands, my Aliens rudely walked into her house.

"Oh jeez! I'm so sorry! They don't have any manners!" I say as Mineu chuckles sweetly. Her voice is soft and sweet, like a wrapper on taffy. "Aliens tend to be rude anyhow, let me call mine. Pardon me." Mineu says as she grabs my hand and drags me into her house. She then turns around and cups her hands over her mouth. "Zuran!" Mineu says as nothing happens from what I can tell. But, my Aliens start growling as if there's a threat that I can't see. That's when a chair begins moving on its own.

"Uh, well, are your chairs supposed to move?" I ask her as she shakes her head no. She's smiling the entire time as if this is some kind of joke. But, this joke is kind of creeping me out.

"No, you know, Diversity Aliens can change to the same color as anything. Just like chameleons. But, they can also take the shape of things, like shapeshifters for example. Their tails are sharper than a kitchen knife meant for cutting beef. They also get to be as tall as ten feet. They may be shorter than other Aliens, but, their poison is the deadliest poison that we know of. After the Isolation Alien, of course," Mineu explains to me, helping me understand more about her Alien. She knows all of that from memory? She doesn't need memory cards, or even a paper to read off. She's more exciting in person than I thought. She's like me when it comes to Isolation Aliens. Now Acids, I'm still trying to memorize things to take care of them, let alone spit it out like a diss track.

"So, enough about my Alien, tell me a little about yours," Mineu says as she sits down in a chair. I wonder if she ever sits or steps on her Alien while it's shapeshifting or color blending or whatever.

Once you walk into her house, there's a front room. In this front room, there's a table to the right, with five chairs surrounding it that are all pushed in neatly. The table is a dark brown and looks relatively new. It's already set up for dinner time since all the silverware, and other things are neatly put on the table. The napkins that are holding the silver together are a dark black. So, then you can't see the stains.

Then, to the left, multiple doors lead to different rooms. There aren't any stairs in this room, which means they have to be in a separate place. I stop looking at Mineu's house and go to the right and pulled out of the leather chairs and sat down.

Once I did the Diversity Alien turned from invisible to visible. She's huge. Zuran is way taller than me. She's a sandy color, and she actually looks like the texture of sand. The Alien looks down at me and starts to sniff me. I immediately tense, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry! Zuran is totally friendly, she's used to people coming over and visiting. She just likes smelling people. She wouldn't harm anyone that doesn't want to hurt me." Mineu explains to me. I nod as the Alien smiles, showing me all of her deadly, toxic teeth. She then turns around and lay on Mineu's lap. Forcing Mineu moves uncomfortable as the Alien probably weighs a lot. But, she lets Zuran stay there anyway.

"So, I guess I can just start talking about my Aliens. Well, the baby one's name is Buddy. The mother's name is Orbit." I say as I take a breath.

My Aliens go over to and start to smell Zuran. Zuran hisses at them as they back up. Then, Buddy looks at me and smiles, as he does he runs over to me and jumps onto my lap. I smile and pet him. He's still small enough to sit in my lap and not hurt me. But Orbit, on the other hand, I think her and I both know that she's too big to be sitting on anyone's lap.

"I found Buddy when I was in the school bathroom, calling my friend because something perfect happened. Apparently, they escaped from the lab that was horribly testing on them and hid in my backpack. We then started to become friends, teaching each other about one another and each day was a blast. Before I could reunite him with the mother, they shocked her and took her away; because of that, I thought that it was my duty to take care of him. I took care of him for two days; on the third day, he licked me causing me to go to the hospital. While I was there, they took him away from me. Then I went to go and see him. After that, I got licked by the mother causing me to go to the hospital again, and that's all I can remember." I say as Mineu was nodding and writing all this down on paper with a blue pen. She really seems to like to write my responses down. Maybe if she listened better, she wouldn't have such a hard time remembering things.

"Yes, I know your story already since it's all over the news. I want to know about the Aliens. Not your story." Mineu says in a soft tone. I can clearly tell she's annoyed, but I fake a smile and make a face that means I didn't know. Honestly, they're just like any other Acid Aliens so can't she just search it up?

"Well, Orbit and Buddy like pepperoni, Orbit knows how to open the fridge, Buddy knows how to untie knots, and they sleep together," I say as Mineu nods some more and starts writing things faster. Once that page is filled she turns the page and starts writing on the back. "When Orbit sleeps, she curls up in a ball, which makes her look like a giant green blob," I say as Mineu writes all of that down as well. Looking at her handwriting, it doesn't look that elidable, but then I realize that's because it's in a different language. Once she is done, she looks up to me. Almost as if she wants me to continue but there's not much else to say. "Buddy doesn't like being shook since that's what caused him to bite me. Orbit is new to me, so I'm slowly but surely finding out about her and her emotions. That's pretty much all I know." I say as she puts her pen on the table. Along with her notebook.

"So, you don't know a lot about them," Mineu says. I look at her in the eyes. I know a lot about them. But, that's what I've learned about them from school. Personally, I don't know a lot about their emotions towards things and how they will react to certain things.

"I've only had them for a couple days. I lost a lot of my memory too." I say making an excuse to not know anything. I didn't realize that it was going to be essential for me to understand all these things. I thought that she wanted to know the basics, not their favorite time of day, favorite snack, and other stuff like that. Maybe if she gave me more time like I asked her to, I would have a lot more information.

"Okay. Live here with me! I want to learn about your Aliens. No one has ever had Acid Aliens, that are mother and son. So, I'm very interested." Mineu says. As she does, Orbit growls at her. Almost as if she knows that something is going on that I don't. I look down at Buddy who's standing with his back up. Like a cat does when it is scared or knows that there is something wrong.

"I think that I can go home. Then I can update you every week on what I learn." I say making Orbit stop growling. Mineu frowns as if that wasn't her plan. But the Aliens don't feel comfortable here, so I don't want to stress them out.

"Come on, you don't have to pay rent, you can eat whenever and whatever you want, and enjoy the view of the forest in the back! I promise they won't be harmed," Mineu says smiling again as Zuran gets up and growls at me. I start to get scared. If I say no, she could have her Alien kill me, along with my own Aliens and that's not worth it. Whatever the problem is, my Aliens can get over it.

"Okay," I say making Zuran stop growling and Mineu smile.

"I knew you wanted to!" She says with a giant smile as if she didn't force me to say yes to her. How bad can this possibly be? Maybe the Aliens are just getting that at first vibe. Perhaps they're wrong, who knows.

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