Chapter Eleven

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Finally, it's been three agonizingly long days, and Dave is going to take me to see Buddy with his mother. I write my name on the sign-out list, and then I go into Dave's car. I felt a little weird since I've never been in here before. He looks at me and smiles, and I smile back, trying to be as happy with him as possible.

"So, we're really going to see him?" I ask hoping he'll say yes. Unless he lied to me. He sighs and smiles.

"Yes, don't you worry, he's ready for you," Dave tells me making me even happier. That means that the scientists said to him about me and he knows my name.

"Yay!" I chirp as he starts the car and puts it in reverse and we start getting out of the parking lot. We start driving, and I just look out the window happily seeing the world again.

We pass trees and the grass and some people as we drive. I look at Dave as his eyes are not looking to me but a hundred percent on the road at all times.

"How far are we from where they have Buddy and his mother?" I ask hoping we aren't too far. I've been patiently waiting to see him, but I don't know how much longer I can wait for him.

"We are at least an hour away." He says as the light turns red and he kisses my cheek.

"Well, what are we going to do as we are driving there?" I ask as the light turns green and he starts driving again.

"You can just stare out the window and start laughing at funny people in their cars. They can't see you because the windows are darkly tinted." Dave says smiling, and I go back to looking out the window.

Next, to us, a fat man is eating a double hamburger with everything on it plus more. It was the size of his face, but he was eating it like it was nothing. His car is old and beat up. It's a dark red, and it has scratches all over. I bet that an Alien attacked it or he just got in a horrible accident. Aliens are actually known to do that because they see their reflection in the cars and then strikes them.

He's fat and very unattractive, but I bet that he has someone at home that loves him. I bet he's going to die from a heart attack. I think as Dave sees I've checked out that guy and starts going faster so I can see another person. I smile knowing that I'm going to have a fun time with this guy as my boyfriend. He's relaxed and isn't really strict about everything. I like guys like that.

The next person I see is probably younger than me with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks to have the perfect body. She has a lot of money because she is driving a BMW27.

She's a beautiful blonde chick that has no imperfections. She's probably never worked a day in her life and thinks that her life sucks though. She's probably one of those daddy's girls. I guess until she pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking it. I stick my tongue out in disgust, knowing that those are one of the biggest reasons that people die these days. Not like that wasn't the reason many years ago either though. I guess she does have one imperfection. I think as I see another person.

She is very old and has a lot of wrinkles. She reminds me of Mrs. Avernol. I stop looking out the window and start looking out the front window where I can't judge anyone anymore. It's not okay to judge people, and I should know that by now, but some people are just so easy to judge that I sometimes forget that it's wrong.

I hope this car ride is almost over. I really want to see Buddy and tell him that it's going to be okay. I may not have done a lot of research, but I'll use the EPA against those scientists.

Dave and I drove for another thirty minutes in silence. I have to say something.

"Hey, do you know what they're doing to Buddy and his mother? Are they testing on them?" I ask Dave. He keeps his eyes on the road as he answers.

"No, they are experimenting on them by seeing what they like the most. Do they like small spaces? Or big spaces? That kind of stuff, no needles are involved." Dave explains to me. I nodded, as I like the fact that they're not hurting them, but doing those kinds of tests can also stress them out and cause heart issues.

"I just wanted to know. I just- I feel like Buddy is my Alien. So, I'd like to know what they're doing to him and stuff like that. I guess it's just a motherly instinct kicking in." I tell Dave as if he's going to understand what I'm feeling.

"Yeah? I've never met someone that had an Alien that was good. You know, I knew this murderer. Okay? So, I was around this guy, a lot. So, I found out after a couple months that he had a Queen Isolation Alien. She's huge, about fifteen feet tall, and a beautiful, silky black. But she was dangerous, and if that wasn't bad enough, she was overprotective of him. But he was able to take care of her and treat her properly. This guy is rich, and that's why he never got caught for murder. He was too rich, anyone that wanted to frame him was in for a big-time price. This guy owns the Factory, you know that place in Montana?" Dave tells me as it clicks in my head of who he's talking about. I'm surprised he's telling me that this guy is a murderer. He could get in trouble for that.

"The Factory? That is the biggest company ever built! The people that own that place are the richest people in the world!" I tell Dave as he nods.

"Yeah, so they caught Isolation Aliens, the murderer told me that he became attracted to the Isolation Alien's natural beauty. They're amazing creatures. They're prettiest things you'll ever see in your entire life. Of course, that's only from a distance. So, he got one when it was a baby. Because of that, when it became an adult, it loved him and was always there for him when he called it. He's a smart man, he taught the Alien sign language, English, German, Swedish, Russian, and a lot of other languages. She knew commands by snapping, clapping, and even eye signs. She's brilliant. To him, she's kind and loving and anyone that made him upset, stressed, or anything like that, she would show them who's boss. She's beautiful, her tall posture ruled over the others. She has huge teeth the size of my hand, but she was huge, a lot bigger than other Isolation Aliens. She needed her own room because she was too big to be in the same bed as the murderer. I learned a lot from that guy. He told me that all Aliens will sleep better if you let them lay their head on your chest and let them listen to your heartbeat. I never believed the guy until he showed me. I was miffed at the sight of how close he would let her get to him. She fell asleep on his chest in five minutes. I no longer talk to him because of the accident. I knew him before he was a murderer. But after the fire... He changed." Dave explains as I start to wonder what the guy looked like. What started the fire, and if the Alien is still with him.

"What happened to the Alien?" I ask him He shakes his head.

"After the fire? I have no idea. Her master was terribly burned. I doubt she knew who he was. The guy turned into a murderer because of the insanity the fire caused him. He didn't deserve to live like that, I guess it wasn't his plan. But, he was greedy, they say greed will hurt you." Dave says chuckling. I smile at his cruel and dark sense of humor and then start to wonder if the murderer ever approached the Queen if it would know who he was. Would she only know him by his looks or by his smell?

"Yeah, I'm in school right now, so I can't work with Isolation Aliens just yet. Only one more year of college and I'm done." I tell him. He nods, and then we go back into an awkward silence. I want to ask more questions about the man that was in the fire. But, I don't want to get too personal. He doesn't seem to like to talk about him since this is the first time he has spoken about him and he tried his best to shorten the conversation.

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