Chapter Six

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I keep looking and can't find him! I've checked everywhere in the house. I just can't seem to find him anywhere. He has to be in my bedroom. I go in my bedroom and triple check everything again.

"Buddy!" I say anxiously as he comes out from under my pillow and yawns. I start to breathe knowing that he's here and safe. He opens his tired eyes and looks at me confused about why I'm worrying if he's gone or missing.

I feel my heart starting to calm down as I go over and pick him up. I lay down on my bed and get under the covers and snuggle under them tired. I yawn and watch as my Alien goes next to my head and lays down going back to sleep. I close my eyes knowing he's safe. Searching for him took about three hours and plenty of time to clean most of my house. Which means sorting things over and over as if he was going to magically appear there.

After keeping my eyes closed for a few minutes, the Alien starts to whine and cry and whine some more. I opened my eyes and looked at him angrily. He looked at me curious about what I was doing.

"Look I'm trying to sleep!" I say looking at him angrily but then smile knowing that I can't be mad at him for long. He's just not sure of what I'm doing. He tilted his head awkwardly not understanding why I need to sleep. I close my eyes once more trying to sleep, and he starts crying again. I then begin to remember what Alien mothers do, they wait for their baby to sleep before they go to sleep. I open my eyes, and he stops crying.

I then wait for twenty minutes till I close my eyes and I too, go to sleep.

I wake up with a little person jumping on me and making an annoying noise. It's not my alarm, but my baby Alien. I open my eyes and look at him. He jumps up and down and then looks at the window and then points to it. He wants to go outside. But everyone would see him if I put him in my backyard. Too bad. I'm probably up way to early. No one else is up right now. I think as I get out of bed and look at the clock.

"5:34 am" It's really early, but if he has to go, he has to go. I'd rather him go in my backyard than my house. I grab the baby and go to the back door that leads outside. I look around for a rope and find a string. I tie the chain around his neck and put him down on the grass.

He looks at me and then the string unties itself and he walks far away from me and pees. I look at the chain amazed as if he just did magic right in front of my eyes. I swear, this Alien is a lot smarter than the scientist at the Factory are letting us know. They know how to let you know they need to go potty, they eat, they know the language you're speaking, how to untie things, and how to hide very well. They don't teach us any of this information on school or online!

I take the string and see no way of how it could've just untied itself. I keep looking at it and still find no idea of how it could've untied itself. After Buddy is done going to the bathroom he looks up at me and then goes up to the string and eats it, then he goes inside like a little butt. I walk inside and look at him who has already opened the fridge and is trying to open the bag of pepperoni but is having trouble because he has tiny fingers. I start to feel bad but then stop, realizing that means Buddy can't get food without my help. I go up to him, and he growls at me angrily. It's like he thinks that I'm going to take it from him and not give it back. I have plenty of other things to eat in this house, I don't want his pepperoni.

"Do you want to eat the pepperoni or not?" I ask him. He looks at me and drops the bag showing me that he understands that I'm going to give it back. I like that he can entirely follow me. It's better than having to train him every little word in the English dictionary. He then backs up from the bag and lets me take it. I open the bag and take two pepperonis out of the pocket and then tear them in half. I then put them on the counter where he devours them as if he's worried someone else is going to eat them first.

I hurry and then make myself something to eat. I made myself some cereal. After I ate my cereal, I felt my phone vibrate, I take it out and look at it. It's a number that I don't know. I hurry and look at the paper that Dave gave to me to find out that it's the same number. I shouldn't have given him my number so then he couldn't call me but would wait for me to call him even though I never would. I answer the call and wait for him to say something.

"Hey, Is this Scarlet?" He asks me making me remember his cunning but amazing green eyes and sexy voice that I crave to hear more often.

"Yes, this is her," I say yawning as this is an earlier time than usual of when I get up.

"Oh, hey, did I wake you up?" He asks me as I yawn once more. Man, I must be fatigued already, and I've barely done anything. At least I'm not going to school today, not like Mrs. Avernol would be there anyway.

"Oh, uh no. I was already up because I kept hearing barking noises from my neighbors and just forgot about sleeping once I noticed it wasn't stopping anytime soon. But now it's done. I can't go back to sleep though." I lie to him, realizing that I'm lying a lot recently. Ever since Buddy came around lying has been my number one thing to count on. Probably because I can't trust anyone with the information that I have him. I'd go to prison, and they'd take him away from me.

"Oh, good. I was hoping I didn't wake you up. I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee with me." Dave asks me as I smile thinking that is sweet that he thought of me.

"Uh..." I say as I start to think about Buddy. I can't go. What about Buddy? I doubt he'll destroy anything, but I still don't want to leave him in case he does. He may have separation anxiety, and he could ruin stuff since he's so young.

"Well, sure! I have nothing better to do." I say not wanting him to think that I'm weird. Because who doesn't like coffee at my age? Most people assume that college kids practically live off coffee.

"Okay! It's the coffee shop ten miles away from your house. I'll meet you there!" He says and hangs up. I hang up on my line and look at Buddy who jumps onto my shoulder.

"I have to go, Buddy, I don't want to leave you but I can't- I can bring you!" I say walking quickly to my room, and I put Buddy on my bed and then get changed into jeans and a red t-shirt. I grab my overly exaggerated, big purse. I could fit an entire laptop in this bag. That means that there's plenty of space for Buddy in there. I put a tiny blanket inside and then put Buddy inside of it. As soon as I do, he looks at the purple sheet and then me. Realizing that I'm doing this for his protection, he lays down and closes his eyes, ready to go to sleep.

I then teleport to Ruby and get inside, putting my purse in the passenger seat.

"Hey, Ruby, can you drive me to that new coffee shop about ten miles away?" I ask, unable to remember the name of this newly made coffee shop. Honestly, I never go out for coffee because I have a coffee maker at home, and that means that I can just make my own coffee.

"Of course, run out of coffee at home?" She asks, reversing out of the garage. Proving my point that I never go out for coffee.

"No, the officer that was here yesterday invited me- "

"Oh, that's wonderful Scarlet! It's about time you got out there," Ruby tells me, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, whatever Ruby," I say, blushing lightly as we get onto the street and start driving to the coffee shop.

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