Chapter Four

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I start walking to the kitchen and hear a tiny yawn, I put my hand on the Alien to tell him that it's okay. He then snuggles closer to my neck craving my warmth. I wonder why he's so cold. Maybe it's because he's still a baby and is incapable of making his own heat since that's his mother's job until he's two years old.

I open the fridge and take out a frozen pizza for me to eat since that's the only thing I have. I really need to go grocery shopping. If I thought that shopping without an Alien was hard, I don't want to know what it's going to be like with one. So, I just snap so the fridge, pantry, and cabinets are full of food that the Alien and I can both enjoy.

The Alien stands up on my shoulder and jumps onto the counter. I look at him as I know he's a carnivore and would not like to share the pizza with me. I open the fridge door and take out some pepperoni. He looks at me and tilts his head. I hold it ups little too far for him to reach to start teaching him some tricks.

"Jump Buddy jump," I say as he jumps up and takes the piece of meat from my fingers and eats it. I know he's going to be a very good trained Alien at this rate. He understands perfect English already. His kind may be a little more advanced than we think, or that they're letting us know.

The pepperoni is almost bigger than his head which makes me laugh as he's having a hard time trying to eat the entire thing in one bite. I smile and tear it in half for him he looks at me and puts his head down and then starts eating.

I take out my pizza from its box and tell the oven to start pre-heating. After it's done doing that, I put the pizza in there and set a timer on the microwave hoping that the pizza will be perfect if I put it to the right temperature.

I walk to the living room and turn the television on and sit down on the couch and watch the news. It's talking about my teacher and what happened to her today at school. I roll my eyes and change the channel to see the same thing is on. It must be an emergency broadcast that's canceling all the other shows. I guess this is the worst thing that's happened since an Isolation Alien escaped and let out a convicted murderer. That just happened three or four weeks ago, Aliens are getting out of control to be honest. Maybe if we didn't make so many of them, we wouldn't have a problem. But, they're starting to outnumber us and everyone on Erton knows that, but we just keep making more of them, more intelligent than the last.

I look at the ceiling and groan out loud in boredom. I look over at the kitchen, and the baby Alien is looking at me like I'm weird.

"It's a sign of boredom. Come here, Buddy!" I say patting my lap, and he hops down from the counter, and he comes up to me and jumps onto my lap. I pet him letting him know that he's doing something right just like my aunt told me to do with her Alien. He starts purring as if he is a cat. I know what that means that I am making him feel good like he's done something right which isn't a lie is so it's good that I'm doing this to him. I guess school is finally paying off.

He's so cute. How could anyone hate these little cuties? They don't harm anyone on purpose, they're just scared. I feel bad that his mother was taken away. I hope we can reunite them soon. I think as he looks up at me and then hops onto my shoulder and lays down ready to take another nap on my shoulder.

I yawn quietly and go to the oven and turn off the oven and get a mitten, so I don't get burned. I go and take the pizza out of the oven and put it on the stove. I let it stay there so it can cool down just a little bit before I decide to eat it. I look at the Alien who's sound asleep on my shoulder. As I'm finally able to put the pizza on a plate, my doorbell is rung. I go over and look through the tiny hole and see it's the cops! What are they doing here? I start to panic as they knock once more. What am I going to do?

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