Chapter Thirteen

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The mother Alien looks at me and licks my hand with her acid tongue telling me that she accepts my apology and now I should leave her and her baby alone. The pain in my hand was unbearable, but I kept my scream inside as I don't want to scare her or make her think that I'm threatening her. I exit the cage as quickly as I could while holding my right hand. I shut the door, and it automatically locks itself. I then make a new password that only I know. They can still feed the Aliens considering that the food falls from the ceiling and it hangs from a meat hook so they can jump on their prey and eat it while it's hanging.

I then run to Dave quickly as the acid is going through my skin and it is burning away showing my muscle.

"I need to go back to the hospital," I say annoyed as I don't want to go back to that white place.

He then takes my hand, and we go back to the car and go as fast as we can because my hand is covered in acid from a mother Alien. This is apparently going to be my new life. Going with Aliens to save them and then go to the hospital because of them. Hello, new life.

Dave and I get to the hospital, and they put all this stuff in my hand. While they do it, I pass out from the anesthetics that they inject into my skin.

I wake up in my house, that's weird. Maybe it was all a dream. I sit up in my bed and look around my unpainted room. I sigh, thinking that my imagination made me feel that something actually cool was happening in my life. But there's something off. There's something vast and light green laying in the corner of my room. I get off my bed and see my left hand is metallic instead of healthy, human skin. It wasn't a dream? Or maybe I'm still dreaming about this. Perhaps this is a part of my dream. I wake up and walk around my room awkwardly.

"Buddy?" I say curiously as I little head pops out of the big light green blob. "Buddy!" I whisper-yell as he yawns and gets out of the green blob and jumps to me. I pick him up and hug him. As I do, the green blob gets up and turns out to be his mother! I look at her as she smiles showing all of her teeth that are covered in dark green slobber. She's so big; just to think that buddy will one day be that big. She walks up to me and gives me a hug as well. I stand there with a confused look on my face. She likes me? I thought that she didn't even know who I was. Maybe buddy told her about me in Alien talk or something. Or perhaps because he likes me, she does too.

"Hey, I'm going to name you... Melissa. No that's a little too girly and human for you. I'll name you Orbit because you look like something the planets would orbit around because you're so big," I say as the mother stops hugging me and Buddy climbs up her back and sits on her shoulder. Just to think that if she were a Queen Alien, she would be four times bigger. Right now, she's about eight feet tall. She could be thirty-two feet tall. "Do you like the name Orbit?" I ask her as she nods as if she can understand me. I think that Aliens are a lot smarter than the scientists are telling us they are. I smile knowing that she and I are going to get along just fine, just like Buddy and me. She bows telling me that she likes me. After she stands up straight, I bow letting her know that I respect her. She nods and gets on all fours as she leaves my room. I follow her as she gets back on her two feet and opens the fridge. Of course, the first thing she does is ransack my fridge.

I look around and see my phone, I go to it and look at it. It's the same one I've had this whole time, at least something is still reasonable. That's a lot more relaxing to know. If it were new, I would've sworn that it wasn't mine. I pick it up and call Dave to see if he knows what is going on. He quickly answers it after it rings five times.

"Yes?" He says as she answers the phone. I don't know if he's bothered, or happy to hear my voice.

"Hi, where are you?" I ask him being weird as I look around my apartment.

"At work? Is that okay?" He replies awkwardly as if I'm going to tell him no, and that he needs to come home right now. I'm a little controlling, but I'm not that bad.

"I was just wondering because... I'm just at home with two Aliens. I was just wondering if you could fill me in on what is going on. I'm perplexed." I explain to him. He hums, trying to remember what's happened over the past few days.

"Yeah, the scientists noticed that after you met the mother and left. She stopped eating. So, the baby was starving because he can't eat all the big meats. She has to eat it for him. So, I told them that you would love to take care of them. So, they agreed and gave them to you. You just got home yesterday from the hospital. I also got an official license for you to be able to keep them." Dave explains, filling me in on everything that's happened so far. I guess that it all makes sense right now. I look at the mother Alien as she tears open a package of raw beef and chews it up and then spits it onto the counter, so the baby starts eating it. I look away from them a little disgusted, glad that's not how humans feed their babies.

"Okay, so, are you going to come here and help me?" I ask Sebastian. He huffs out annoyed.

"Babe, we live together, remember?" Dave says confusing me. I wonder if he's telling the truth or if he's lying, using my forgetfulness to his advantage. Of course, I personally wouldn't mind if someone was here with me because what if something happens?

"Oh yeah, sorry; I just woke up from a nap, so everything is coming back to me." I lie knowing that he's getting annoyed by all the questions I'm asking. I wonder what's going on. Do I have short-term memory loss? What's wrong with me?

"I'm going to the grocery store, need anything? Other than meat?" Dave asks me as I look back at Orbit and Buddy. She's done feeding him, and she shut the fridge all on her own.

"Bread and lots of painkillers," I tell him as I look at my right hand that's made of metal. I'm part robot now, the acid must've eaten all the bones causing my right hand to be removed, and a metal one replaces it.

"Alright, I'll be there in a couple of hours," Dave says as we both say bye and we hang up. I look at the Aliens as they smile. I smile back at them letting them know that I see them. They then wave to me as if they are humans too. I look them up and down to see that they're both a light green, the same color as the inside of a lime. They're both staring at me as if I'm weird. I look at my right hand again. I have total control over it, or something, I don't know, it just doesn't feel the same.

The Aliens walk out of the kitchen and then go into the living room. The mother jumps onto the black leather couch and lays down. She then yawns as the baby runs to her and jumps onto her. This is going to be a fun roller coaster ride.

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