Preference for Mia

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Here is a preference for the amazing Mia! Here username is penguinhemmings8 so head over and give her a follow!

The request:
I would love a Niall one where I'm really nervous about meeting the guys or something and when I get there they're really intimidating and Niall takes me aside and tells them how nervous I am and how they all are really chill.

I got a decently loose outline, so I had a little bit of wiggle room for this preference, which really excites me. Hope you like this Mia!


I hopped out of the car as my best friend (friends name) and I walked towards the line of girls waiting. We all knew exactly what we're getting ourselves into, and that consisted of lots of standing around and waiting. Although that wasn't exactly going to be the highlight of the day, (friends name) and I were still super excited.

************3 hours later*************

We were almost at the front of the line, and I was starting to get really anxious. I had looking forward to today for around 4 months now, and I really didn't want to do something I might end up regretting. (Friends name) saw me starting to get nervous and pulled me in for a quick hug, knowing that that would help calm me down. I hugged her back before we let go. I turned my head and realized that we were up next. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I hear some of the guards talking to me and telling me to move up. One of them is motioning to where I need to go. I follow his hands and am met with the edge of a table. I lean on it slightly and take a few breaths. (Friends name) comes up behind me and looks me in the eye. I give her a nod, which our way of saying "no worries," and she gives me a nod back.

We wait a few minutes before a security guard is opening up a door for us to go in. I close my eyes for a quick second before waking in. I'm immediately met with multiple "hellos" and "heys." I first walk over to Niall, who I have actually met before. I felt very comfortable around him since I've met him a few times before. He actually remembered me the last time I saw him!

When I got over to him he immediately smiled and wrapped me into a famous 'Horan Hug.' There is seriously nothing better than one of those. I felt myself shaking slightly and tried to calm myself down. I feel Niall pull away from me slightly. I look up to see what he's doing. I feel him pulling slightly on my wrist and I follow him over to one of the corners of the room.

"Are you alright?" He asks, and he looks genuinely concerned.

"I guess so," I respond, looking slightly down after I tell him. Maybe he won't notice that I'm lying.

"You don't really look like it. Are you sure that you're ok?" He says. I give him one more nod before looking towards (friends name). I can tell now that he knows that I'm lying.

"Alright then," he says. I can tell that he isn't really going to let this go that easily, but I might be off the hook for a little while at least.

We walk back over to everyone else, and I see Niall talking to Liam and saying something in his ear. I see Liam nod his head and tell Louis something. Louis tells Harry as well, and they all nod towards each other.

The atmosphere in the room lightened up after that. The boys were a lot less intimidating and I felt a lot more at ease. I had a feeling that I would owe Niall for this, and the next time I saw him, I had to get him back. But I just had to figure out how.

Hi guys! I really hope you liked this preference Mia, and that it's sort of what you wanted. I know that I went off a little, but I really hope that you like it! What do you all think of this preference? I really want your feedback so I can write stuff that you'll all enjoy. Let me know what you think.

I'm still taking requests, so feel free to hit me in my message inbox. I'll do my best to respond as soon as I can!!

That's all for now.

See you soon young blood.


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