9- He Finds Out Your Hidden Talent

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9- He Finds Out Your Hidden Talent

H/GF/N: Harry's Girlfriend's Name

Harry: You walked out of your ninth period class before hopping into your car and heading towards the gym. You changed into your leotard before stretching out. You pulled out the mats and practiced. Harry had ran to Starbucks to grab you a drink before he came in. He came earlier than you had expected and he caught you mid-backflip. You finished with an aerial before seeing Harry watching you. You immediately brought your arms before walking over to him.

"Why have you never told me that you were a gymnast? You are extremely good. You gotta teach me and the rest of the guys how to do that!" You blushed at his sweet comment before walking closer to him.

"I was going to tell you next week because I have a competition coming up. I wanted you and the boys there. And, I don't think that you and the rest of the band would be very good with this. That and I can't spot you guys." He smiled at you before handing you your Starbucks as you giggled at how much he knew you. You were more excited about this upcoming competition. And after that day, Harry watched you practice every single day.

Louis: "Hey baby," Louis greeted as you came downstairs.

"Hello Lewis," you replied, before seeing him give you his attempt at a death glare. It didn't last very long before he smiled at you.

"Hey babe, the lads and I are gonna go play some football (soccer). You wanna come?" You nodded your head enthusiastically as you grabbed your high tops.

"I'd love to Lou." You got to the park that you were supposed to be playing at and saw that Zayn, Perrie, Harry,
H/GF/N, Liam, and Niall were all there. You walked over to the group before realising that there was a problem.

"Uh, we've got an odd number of people who are playing. Y/N, you wanna play?" Liam logically suggested.

"Yea, sure." You grabbed the ball before facing off with Louis.

"You want me to go easy on you love?"

"No thanks boo, that's alright. I think I'll be okay."

"Whatever you say love."


The game ended with a score of 6-2. Your team had dominated against Louis' and that shocked him. You had scored or assisted on almost all of the goals.

"You need to play with us more often babe. That, was awesome."

"Thanks Lou." He smiled at you before turning to the boys.

"And that, lads, is an example of the most perfect girlfriend ever."

Niall: A/N: I attached the song above, listen to while you read this one.

You knew that Niall would be at the studio for another few hours so you figured that it would be safe. You grabbed his acoustic before sitting down with a laptop. You typed in the song that you wanted and fingered the chords quickly. You made sure that the guitar was in tune, before starting a metronome and strumming the guitar.

'Oh, his eyes, his eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shining

His hair, his hair

Falls perfectly without him tryin'

He's so wonderful, and I tell him everyday

Yeah, I know, I know

When I compliment him he won't believe me

And it's so, it's so

Sad to think that he don't see what I see

But everytime he asks me "Do I look ok?"

I say

When I see your face

There not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are'

Niall walked through the door to the room before singing with you on the last part of the song.

'And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

Because you're amazing

Just the way you are'

"You are, quite the singer Princess. Next time I'm stuck at the studio, we're recording that together."

"Alright. By the way Ni, I think that that song, was kinda written about you." You giggled slightly before looking him in the eye as he walked towards you.

"No Princess, that song is about you." he kissed you gently the lips as you kissed him back, so happy that he had come home early.

Zayn: "Is everything alright in there babe?"

"Everything's fine Zayn. I'll be down soon." You had an art show this Saturday and needed to finish your drawing. It was a picture of you and the band, and you knew that it would mean a lot to them. All of the boys knew about it and planned to help get Zayn there that night. You were excited, but didn't want to let anyone down.

About a half an hour later, Zayn came upstairs and knocked on your door. He opened it slowly before you realized what was going on. You quickly turned around and dropped your pencil, shielding the drawing with your body.

"What's that behind you babe? You can tell me ya know." You slowly moved out of the way before looking at Zayn's face, hoping for a positive reaction.

"This is... This is just... Wow baby, just wow," he stuttered, at a complete lost for words.

"The boys and I were gonna surprise you on Saturday at the art show, but I guess that won't be happening."

"I won't see the finished product until then. So, it will still be a surprise. Just probably not the one that you wanted."

"Thanks Zayn."

"Anything for you love."

Liam: You had your music loud as you tried to finish up some homework. You had to write an essay and Liam was trying to help. You began to get on a roll as you realized that your hand was starting to hurt. You finished your sentence before shaking it out, and switching to your other hand. You continued to write before realising that Liam was watching you.

"Umm, what was that?"

"What was what Li?"

"You just, switched your hand and, it looks exactly the same! You're ambidextrous love?"

"Yea, I am. I thought that I've told you?"

"Well now you have!"

HI! What's up lovelies? How are you guys? It's nice to be able to write decent material again! Thank goodness my writers block is better. This preference is most defiantly not my best work, but it's getting better. Sorry about Liam's, that didn't come out the way I wanted it to. That song in Niall's was 'Just the Way You Are' by Bruno Mars. It was covered by Boyce Avenue.

My first book is started! Go check it out, it's on my profile and I'll be updating it soon.

As far as that vampire story that is coming soon (to a Wattpad near you), Luke or Louis, let me know. I want to write about what you guys want.

Also, I need some requests lovelies! Preferences or imagines I don't care!! If you want to request a preference, just comment "Preference request: (insert request here)". If you want an imagine, private message me with the following:
What boy you want
Personality (funny, clumsy etc.)
Short plot of what happens
Username (so I can dedicate it to you)

Question time: Favorite Niall quote? I attached a picture of mine up top. I just love it. "Boys that lose our Directioners are so stupid. They'll never find such beatific girls like them in the world."
Awwwww, Niall just called us all beautiful! I'm blushing!

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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