Preference for Amber

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Once again, a preference for the lovely Amber. You guys can talk to me and request if you want, I don't bite. I promise.

The request:
Can it be with Harry again? Can he not be famous again? Can you surprise me? I'm sure I'll love it!!

So I was given pretty much free reign, so I got a little creative. Hope you guys like it. Amber, this is for you.


I was on my way over to a friends house and had to grab some brownies or treats from the bakery. I walked inside, taking in the warm, sweet smelling air. I walked over to the counter, greeting all of the ladies who were working there.

"Nice to see you Amber. What's going on?" a nice woman named Julie asked.

"Nothing much. Just heading to a friends house and I'm in charge of sweets," I replied. She gave me a smile before putting up her pointer finger. I gave her a nod before waiting patiently. She came back and nodded to the counter with the cookies and stuff like that.

"You know the drill, you're here often enough. Harry's down there." I gave her a nod before walking over to the curly boy. He was looking down at his phone or something like that, it was hard to see. I cleared my throat and he looked up, smiling.

"'Ello love. What can I getc'ha?" He seemed pretty nice so I decided to tell him my story of what I needed. He nodded his head.

"I know what you should get. Give me sec." He walked into the back room before coming back out with around a dozen cupcakes. They were all frosted blue with the edible pearls on top. I smiled at him gratefully before walking over to meet him at the register. We did what we needed to. Just before he handed me the cupcakes, he wrote something on a small slip of paper and taped it to the box. I looked at it, smiling.

'Let me know when you're free. I'd love to hang out.



HI! What's going on? Another preference for Amber. I love to write these so you guys can request all you want! I'm not scary! I promise. ;)

So I have some big news; well, sorta. My book that I started recently (Heartache on the Big Screen) is going to be a little different. I was just going to make it a regular AU book. But instead, I'll be combining it with the vampire story that I was talking about.

I have some more story ideas ready to go as well. I have an Ashton one and a Josh Hutcherson one also. I won't be posting those for a while. The Ash one will come first. I wanna have more chapters done before I start them.

Since I have so many other stories right now to start and write, the updates on here will be less frequent and probably a little bit shorter. I have some more from Quotev that I'll post every once in a while if I don't have the time to write one for you guys.

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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