11- You're Stressed

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11- You're Stressed

A/N: I suggest listening to the song that I attached while you read.

Harry: You had finals coming up with school and you were freaked out. Your science final could make or break your grade for the last quarter and you needed to do well in that subject. You had been cramming every night for almost a week and were exhausted. It was around midnight two days before the test when Harry came down to find you cramming again.

"Angel, you look exhausted. Come up and go to sleep, you look like you need it." He gave you a concerned look before you shook your head.

"I have to keep studying Harry, this test is too important." He was unhappy to hear your answer and was going to help you in any way possible.

"Y/N, no test is worth your sanity, if your not ready for it, you can go in late that day to keep studying. Just come up to bed with me."

You realised he was right but had to keep studying. You felt tears well up in your eyes before looking at him. He saw the upset look on your face before you broke down completely. He held you close before calming you down some. He managed to calm you down enough to talk to you, and made you sane enough to come up to bed and sleep. You followed him up to bed, and snuggled against him; grateful to have such a caring and helpful boyfriend by your side.

Louis: You were in the car on the way to meet Louis' family for the first time. To say you were nervous was the biggest understatement you had ever heard. You were holding his hand while he drove. He felt your hand tense up slightly and pulled the car over.

"Love, I've told you so many times, they're going to love you. And even if they don't, I do, so it doesn't matter. You'll be fine baby, I promise."

"Thanks Lou. I just really want your sisters to like me. I wanna be apart of your family some day so I want to be as much of a real sister to them as I can. I'm just nervous babe." He squeezed your hand before giving you a kiss on the cheek. He gently tilted your head with his fingers to make you look him in the eye.

"Y/N listen to me. they're going to love you so much, you're just a lovable person. You're going to be a great sister to them one day, I promise."

Niall: (You and Niall are both in high school for this one)
You paced back and forth backstage. You were extremely nervous. You were the lead for your schools fall drama, and the people from Juilliard were going to be watching. You were continuously running your lines before your co-star and boyfriend Niall, came up to you. He put his arms around you immediately before you buried your face in his shoulder.

"You nervous at all?" He asked sarcastically, before giving a gentle laugh. "You'll be fine princess, I know it. We've done this 5,000 times, it will all be fine."

"I don't know Ni, this one is going to be really important that will decide if I get into Juilliard or not. I just want it to go well."

" I know you do, and we've rehearsed this so many times we could do it in our sleep. It will all be fine. Your going to be a great Juliet and I look forward to stalking you from your balcony." He gave a failed attempt at a polite bow before you had no choice but to laugh at his way to make you feel better. And it had worked.

"Why thank you Romeo. I look forward to being stalked and then finding your dead body later. I think it will be rather fun." You both laughed at the ridiculousness of what you were saying before calming down.

"Feel better baby?"

"Yea, thanks Ni. I don't even know nor do I want to know what I would do without you. Thank you." You hugged each other tightly, and he gave you a quick peck on the lips before you heard the five minute warning to start the show.

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