4- He Sees You Cry

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4- He Sees You Cry

TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you feel that this may affect you, please skip Liam's. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here! Please don't feel like you need to harm yourself, you're beautiful. Keep your chin up and remember that so many people love you. Sometimes, just talking about it can be the first step to getting better.

Harry: He didn't know what to do. He had never seen you so upset. Your grandmother had just passed, and you were devastated to say the least. You were always very close with her, she was your second mother. You were hunched over on the bed, and he just put his arms around you and let you cry yourself out. When you calmed down he asked, "Do you wanna talk?"
You numbly shook your head no and buried your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you tighter and just continued to whisper sweet nothings in your ear, telling you that everything was alright and that she was now an angel watching over you. You nodded in agreement and just continued to bury yourself closer to him, grateful for his comforting words.

Louis: "I can't believe you did that! You know, why are you even here? Get out and NEVER come back!!" You knew that when your dad yelled, he meant it. You quickly grab your phone, wallet and keys and ran out the door. You drove over to your boyfriend Louis' house and knocked on the door. When he saw you standing outside wet and crying, he grabbed your small, shaking body and quickly closed the door, shielding out the cold, wet night.
"What's wrong love?" He knew that it would have been something going on at home. It was too late to be out.
"M-m-my d-dad s-said that I, I was worthless a-and ugly and a b-bunch of o-other aw-awful things. He y-yelled at me and said t-to never come b-back." He gave you a concerned look before wrapping his arms around you. He knew that all you would need was comfort and that was what he planned on giving you. He gave you a gentle squeeze as you cried on his shoulder.
"Don't worry 'bout it love, you can stay here. I'll treat you better than he ever has. And no one will treat like that again, ok? I promise."

Niall: You were sitting with your boyfriend during movie night, and made the dumb choice of putting on your favorite movie, "A Walk to Remember" which always made you cry. When it got to the part that always made you tear up, you reached for the tissue box and sat up quietly. You thought the Niall had not noticed before you quickly looked in his direction to see him smiling at you. When the boy onscreen finally broke down, you did also and were in a puddle of sobs. He pulled you close and rubbed his hand up and down your arm, not exactly sure how to react. He softly kissed your hair, and you were grateful for his comfort, it was the only thing could get you to calm down. You snuggled deeper into him, and stayed there for the rest of the movie.

Zayn: As your so-called 'boyfriend' finished listing all of the different reasons that he hated you, you grabbed your keys and gave him a big 'f you' before getting in your car and almost immediately breaking down. You sat there for a few minutes before starting up the car and driving away from his horrible house. It held so many memories that you wanted to erase completely. You weren't exactly sure where you were heading but once you began passing the familiar houses of London, you knew what you were doing. It was as if you went into autopilot and went to the place you knew almost better than your own home, your best friend Zayn's. You pulled over to send him a quick text, letting him know you were on your way and to unlock the door so you wouldn't need to use your key. When you pulled up to the familiar house, you put the car in park and jumped straight into his open arms. He held you until you nodded toward the door, letting him know that you should go inside and finish. He brought you to his kitchen and poured you a glass of tea. He sat beside you (omg 5sos, complete accident no pun intended) and let you talk until you felt that you were through. He would nod occasionally and scrunch his eyebrows in concentration on what you were saying. He just brought you into his arms again, telling you that you didn't deserve that jerk and that nobody would ever treat you like that again. You softly mumbled a "yes" to him before crying into his shoulder. He rubbed your arm soothingly, thinking about how he would never treat you the way that he did, if he ever had the chance.

Liam: You thought about all of the horrible things that had been said to you all of your life, and to have just heard them once again brought back the urge to restart the bad habit. you knew Liam's heart would probably stop if he ever found out, so you were determined to keep it a secret. You crept into the bathroom and grabbed a razor from the drawer, carefully removing the blade. You pulled up your sleeve to see your old scars that have started to fade slightly, and swiped the blade across your wrist. The blood oozed out as you felt the pain relieve all of your thoughts. You began to make more before you heard the front door close and footsteps that were coming closer. You knew Liam was home and you needed another 5 minutes at least. You heard his footsteps getting louder and panicked, before throwing the blade across the room and pulling your sleeve down over the fresh cuts. Liam knocked and opened the door slightly just in time to see you put the bloody razor in the trash. He immediately took your arms and pulled up the sleeve, seeing the fresh cuts and widen his eyes. He gently moved your wrist to see what you had done to yourself, feeling like it was his fault that it happened. He looked up to your teary eyes before you both broke down in sobs, holding each other for comfort.
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize that you felt like you needed to do this. It's all my fault. Oh, God, I'm such an idiot." He continued to ramble as you kept silently crying, just trying to calm down before telling him everything; what people at school had said to what your family was telling you all of your life. When the girl in store said what she did to you, it was the last straw and it brought you back to the habit. You told him how you broke it once and he said that he would help you break it again. You cried quietly into his shoulder as he softly hummed an Ed Sheeran song to you, until you finally calmed down. You knew that he would help you, he promised you he would always help whenever you needed. And you were so grateful for that.

HI!! What d'ya think? I tried writing some of them a little bit differently to try out a new technique that I know some other people on here have done. I always think that they always come out great this way, although Niall's is an exception, it was kinda bad. Sorry Niall Lovers!! I got my first preference request yesterday so I'll have that up ASAP. The form is in the description and on the first few chapters. I'll put it on here in a few chapters, but not this one.

Did you guys like them written this way, or the normal way that it I do them? I want to know what YOU guys like so I can make preferences that you'll all enjoy reading. I love writing them and I hope you love to read them!

Also, would you be interested in reading a story of mine if I post one soon? If I get the preferences that I want done by around February, I'm thinking of starting one.

Who should I write about? I'll do any One Direction member, 5SOS member, or Hunger Games character. I'm thinking some kind of supernatural story. Comment and let me know who you want me to write about and I'll give you a follow if I haven't already!

If you give me a suggestion for a story, I may use you for a character in it when I get closer to starting it. So, yes, I'm bribing you but it just might work. I really hope it will!

Question time: What sports do you guys play? I'm a dancer for life. I'd love to know what you guys play so that i could make a preference you playing it with the guys. Let me know!! I love seeing what you think, it's quite funny.

One last thing: I need some advice. I'm in my school's mock trial team and I have a big job to do. I'm the youngest person on the team with one of the two most important witnesses. I have a lot to memorize in a little less than 2 months. Does anyone know of any tricks or methods to memorize the stuff that I need to? Anything would be helpful, whether it is silly or not! Thanks in advance. Whatever ideas you have I'm open to, so comment away!

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood!


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