8- You Find Out He Can Cook

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8- You Find Out He Can Cook

A/N: Idk if they can actually do this, but for the sake of my sanity, they can.

Harry: You were always wondered what there was that Harry hadn't told you about. So the day you came home to find him in the kitchen, it came as a shock. You laughed, expecting a failed attempt like your old boyfriends' cooking always turned out to be. But when Harry held a dainty sugar cookie for you to taste, you were pleasantly surprised.

"Why haven't you told me that you could cook Hazz? You're quite good." He smiled at your comment before quickly checking the oven. Deciding that he had a few more minutes until the next batch would be ready, he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I wanted to surprise you tonight for dinner since we always go out for date night. So why don't we stay home tonight and eat all of this food. And we can still get all fancy and romantic." You giggled at your wonderful boyfriend before giving him a nod. He kissed you on the nose gently before embracing you in a hug. You were certainly looking forward to tonight's date.

Louis: You walked into your house and sniffed curiously. You smelled the delicious scent of fresh cupcakes and walked towards the kitchen. You thought that it was one of your friends but to your surprise, it was Louis.

"Hey baby, how's it going?"

"I'm fine babe thanks. Umm... What did you do?" He smiled at you before coming over and giving you a kiss.

"I decided to bake a little for my girlfriend. Is there something wrong with that?" You giggled and shook your head.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it. I just didn't know that you could actually bake."

"You wanna try the first one?" You nodded your head before Louis plopped a frosted cupcake into your hand. You took a bite and smiled.

"These are great Lou! Now let's work on those frosting skills."

Niall: You were sick as a dog and all you wanted was some warm soup. So of course, that's want Niall wanted to get you. He thought of it being a good opportunity to let you try one of the soups that his mom always made him when he was sick. He prepped everything and cooked it just the his mom taught him to. He brought it over to you as you popped up at the sight of your boyfriend.

"Here you go princess." You smiled warmly at him as you gave it a taste.

"This feels so good Ni. What is this?"

"This old recipe my mum taught me. Why, do you like it?"

"Yea babe it's great. My God, it feels great on the throat. I think I'll let you cook more often."

"Whatever you want baby. I just want to feel better first."

Zayn: It was a cold, snowy February night. But you didn't mind, because it gave you a chance to cuddle with your boyfriend. So when you came downstairs from finishing up some work and just wanting to snuggle up with Zayn on the couch, you were a little surprised to find the table filled with a wide assortment of food. And it all smelled extremely appetizing.

"Zaynie, what's all of this?" He came walking into the kitchen with phone and placed it on the desk. He took yours from your hand and put next to his, putting it on silent.

"I made it for us. And then we can spend some time together. Like a normal couple. Not a couple who are always buried in their phones. Because we kinda are. Do you mind?" You smiled at his suggestion before walking closer to him.

"Sounds perfect." He kissed your nose and pulled out your chair, gesturing for you to sit. You did and he sat across from you.

"Cheers babe."


Liam: "Hey Li, what are we having for dinner?"

"I thought that I would surprise you. Is that alright love?"

"It's fine babe. Do I need to change or..."

"Yea, something nice. Be down here in an hour. No more, no less."


You finished getting changed into a nice navy blue dress and silver heels before checking the time and heading downstairs. You saw roses on the table and Liam standing I the doorway in a nice shirt. You were slightly confused before you took his outstretched hand. You followed him into the dining room. You were shocked to see the meal that he had made. You smiled at him before he returned the favor.

"I didn't know that you could cook Li. Why haven't you told me?"

"Because, it was more fun to it this way."

HI! What'd you think? I know some of these aren't the best and I'm sorry. My writers block is still kinda bad. Hopefully I'll have a good preference for you guys soon.

Sooooo, I started my first book!! It's called 'Heartache On The Big Screen' so go check it out. The idea was inspired by the wonderful AllTime_Luke so go give her a follow.

I still wanna know what I should do with my vampire book. That will be coming in late February to early March. Louis or Luke, let me know.

Question time: Favorite Louis quote? I'll be doing this for each of the boys so start doing your homework. Mine is "Live life for the moment, because everything else is uncertain." I love that one. Which ones do you guys like? Let me know!

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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