10- How He Kisses You

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10- How He Kisses You

Harry: Passionately. Every movement means something. Not one is wasted, nor missed. The touch of his hand on your neck or the the fight between your tongues. It is always savoured, each more meaningful than the last.

Louis: Playfully. You're always giggling and laughing when he kisses you. It usually starts out with small kisses all over your face. Then he pushes you onto the couch lightly to kiss you better, and before you both know it, it becomes much more than just playful kissing.

Niall: Sweet and lovingly. He tries to take his time, never rushing you, but always at a good pace. Every movement is tender and loving. he wraps his arms around your waist before gesturing for you to jump. You always do, and he catches you, taking you to the closest spot sit down and kiss you deeper.

Zayn: Roughly. He attacks, always wanting more. You hungrily fight over dominance, which you usually let him win. He just smiles and guides you up to the bedroom, where he attacks you once more.

Liam: Gently. He never wants to hurt you, or rush you. Sometimes he just can't wait, so he gives you a look, and you always give him the okay. He still is very gentle, but goes a little bit faster, before slipping his tongue into your mouth, and it just continues like that.

HI! How are you my lovelies? So the updates are getting better! I know this was a little bit short, but the next one should hopefully be a little bit longer.

The vampire story is getting votes, and Luke is winning! Louis is also an option, so let me know!!

Also, my first book is started. It's a Luke book, and I have some ideas once I get it going.

One more thing: Has anyone ever noticed that 'Same Mistakes' is literally the definition of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result, which is exactly what happens in the song. Just saying!!

Question time: Favorite Liam quote? He has so many good ones that I can't chose! I put a picture of one up top and I'll put another down here. I love it because it is a Niam moment but whatever. It goes like this: "Niall is always hungry because he has an angel eating inside of him. That's why he sings like one." I love Niam.

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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