Preference for Amber

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This a personal preference for the lovely Amber. Go follow her!! She's super sweet! Her username is


I really hope you like it Amber and it's like what you wanted!

So without further ado...

The request:

My names Amber. I have brown hair brown eyes. Clumsy funny,shy can it be with harry please where he isn't famous. can I meet him walking home in the rain and he drives past and offers me a lift home. Thank you!!😀

Her POV:

Looking outside the window for the twentieth time in the past 5 minutes, I sighed and sat at the chair next to the window. My friend had said she could give me a ride home, but had to leave early and left me with no ride in the cold, dark, rainy night. I checked my phone, seeing that the time was now 11:23. I grabbed my jacket from my chair, regretting grabbing the one with the hood when I left earlier.

I walked towards the door, saying my goodbyes as I went. I pulled up the sides of my jacket to shield some of my face from the rain. My hair was sticking to my forehead and my makeup was, without a doubt, running everywhere. I walked slowly, realizing that walking faster wouldn't do me any good. I turned the corner of the street before being blinded by a car's bright headlights. I stepped toward the building behind me, and waited until it drove away.

I continued walking until that same silver car drove past me again. This time it pulled up right next to me. The driver rolled down the window. Sitting inside was a curly, brunette boy with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing out here all alone love?"

"Long story," I replied, not wanting to deal with him.

"I've got some time. You want a lift?" He looked trustworthy. And the worst that could happen was maybe walking a little bit further. I gave him a nod as he unlocked the door. I slid into the dry, warm car before shutting the door. He handed me a towel as I dried off my face and got some of the water out of my hair.

"Harry. And you are..."


"Nice to meet you Amber."

"Same." We sat in an awkward silence as he drove down the road and pulled up to a large house.

"It's quite late. Why don't you stay and I'll drop you off tomorrow?" I nodded my head, grateful for not having to go home. He gave a small nod and stepped out of the car. I opened my door and slid out and followed him up to the door. He opened it up and we greeted with lots of screams and shouting.

"Niall get off of my leg!"

"Louis quit your screaming!"

"Zayn, will you stop looking at yourself and help me please?"

"Liam!!! Louis' sitting on me!"

As soon as you both walked into the room all noise seized and all eyes looked at you.

"What the hell happened boys?" Harry began running around the room, trying to pry the four boys off of each other.

"Um, who's that?" A blonde boy asked, pointing his finger at me.

"Boys this is Amber. Amber this is Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. I'll meet you upstairs in a second." I gave a curt nod before heading up to the room he told you about. I sat down and dried off more before hearing him open the door.

"Sorry 'bout them, they're always like that."

"No, it's fine, I don't mind. How do you know them?"

"We're friends from X Factor. We're trying to get our band going but we're not that famous yet."

"That's really cool."

"Hey, you wanna hang out sometime, when it's not pouring rain?"

"If that was a Maroon 5 reference, then it's a yes."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Amber."


HI! I really hope you guys liked this one. Amber, I really hope it's what you wanted!! I did add on a little at the end just make the end seem a little more satisfiying. If you guys want personal preferences, message me on my profile and let me know!! The form is still in the description.

Question time: How do you add a cast to a story on Wattpad? I've tried and I can't figure it out. If anyone knows how, please let me know. Thanks!!

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood!!


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