13- First 'I Love You'

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13- First 'I Love you'

Y/L/N: Your Last Name

A/N: I really, definitely suggest listening to the song up top while you read. CAUTION: FEELS WILL COME AFTER READING!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Harry: It was your 6 month anniversary with Harry. He had taken you out to a very fancy restraint and you were on a walk after the meal. You had your hands intertwined and and swung them back and forth. You were just talking about nothing, laughing and having a good time with each other. You and Harry had come up to a fountain when he brought you over to sit on it.

"Y/N, I've been meaning to uh, to, tell you this, for a, for a while," he stutters, unable to form a coherent sentence at the moment.

"Harry, what's going on?" you ask nervously, worried about what he might say.

"I'm just gonna say it Y/N. I love you." The words that he had just said had shocked you to the core. You and Harry were a strong couple, and now this would make you stronger.

You had been waiting for him to say this for a while. And now he finally had. So there wasn't a doubt in your mind when you replied with an "I love you too."

He smiled gratefully at you before kissing you gently. You wrapped your arms around each other and deepened the kiss. This was the anniversary you would never forget.

Louis: You and Louis had just gotten into a really big argument. About what, nobody really knows. But whatever had happened set you two off. You were upstairs in your room while Louis sat up against the door, trying to think of what to say. He couldn't just let you slip out of his grasp the way that you might be right now. He stood up, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

You froze once when you saw him come in, shocked, and worried. His eyes were red and puffy. His face looked splotchy, and his hair was all out of place. You knew that was from running his hands through it in frustration. You both looked at each other, not really knowing what to do. Your eyes locked as you turned your head away. He walked closer to the bed that you were sitting on and sat down next to you.

"Listen, Y/N, I'm really sorry. I don't, I don't know what just happened but I love you and I..."

Your heart stopped beating for a moment. You couldn't believe what he had just said. He couldn't believe it either, apparently, because he stopped talking and looked down, embarrassed.

"I love you, so much baby."

"Love you too Lou," you replied quietly. He grabbed your face and smashed his lips into yours, kissing until you both needed air.

"I love you, so much more than you could ever imagine."

Niall: You and your loving boyfriend of 4 months were playing and joking around outside. You decided to jump in the pool since it extremely hot outside. You were goofing off and just hanging around when you unexpectedly were hit by a huge wave of the chlorine water. You gasped, before turning around and finding Niall armed with a water gun. He had one laying on the ground which you grabbed and filled up immediately. You continually shot at each other. You were shooting in a path that would lead Niall to fall directly into the pool. He continued to run away from the water that you were shooting, not looking where he was going. He fell into the pool and resurfaced quickly.

"I'm gonna get you so bad Princess," he smirked evilly. You shrieked before running towards his house. He jumped out of the pool and began to chase you around the yard. He grabbed hold of your waist before carrying you over and dropping you into the pool. You came above water before tugging at his ankle, motioning that you wanted him to come in. He jumped in next to you and splashed you gently.

"I hate you Horan," you joked. He smiled.

"I love you Y/L/N."

You gasped and looked down. He looked down as well, just realizing what he had just said. You swam over to him before kneeling in front of him.

"I love you too," you replied. He smiled even wider at you before kissing you. He grabbed your waist before grabbing two towels and bringing you inside. You say cuddled on the couch on top of the blankets and just sat together. Every once in a while he would say it and you would say it back. One time he said it and you decided to surprise him.

"I love you so much Niall, so much."

"Me too Princess, me too."

Zayn: You were laying down on your towel which was now covered in sand. You and your boyfriend of 5 months were laying together watching the sunset after a day at the beach. You were resting your head on his shoulder. The sunset was setting and he was playing with your hair. He gently pressed a kiss to your damp hair before you turned your head to look at him. You smiled at each other before embracing each other in a kiss. You broke apart and had your foreheads leaning against each other's.

"Y/N, I, uh, I love you," he stuttered. You looked him in the eye before kissing him once more.

"Love you too Zayn, so much."

Liam: It was dark inside the theatre, except for the light coming off of the screen in the front. Your boyfriend of 5 and a half months Liam, had his arm draped over your shoulder and your head was leaning on his. You say like that for a long while until the two characters looked deeply at each other. (Pic) Liam placed two fingers under your jaw and turned your head to face him. You gazed into each other's eyes before connecting your lips. You pulled apart and without thinking you whispered.

"Love you Lili." He looked into your eyes once again.

"Love you too babe," he said, smiling. You connected your lips once more before turning back to the movie, to see the characters on screen doing the same thing that you had just done.

HI! I know it's been forever, I'm sorry!! I had been really busy with competitions with school, and then I had massive writers block. But I'm back and writing, but writers block is still here, as you can see by the length of Zayn's. Sorry 'bout that.

Requests are still open, so request away!! Private message me all the info that is in the description, or leave me a comment. Either way works.

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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