12- You're An Actress And He's Working With You

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12- You're An Actress And He's Working With You

A/N: These are all from Quotev. All rights go to the wonderful person who wrote them.

Harry: "Come on! You're supposed to despise her," the director shouts at Harry and points to you. "How am I supposed to despise her? I like her!" Harry replies, shrugging. "You're a terrible actor," you tease, watching the frazzled boy with the green eyes. He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm aware. Did you see me on iCarly? Yikes." You laugh and the director sighs deeply. "Come on Y/N, help the boy out! Make him despise you," the director calls out again, the other four boys of One Direction watching from the side, waiting for their parts in the scene. They were the most... interesting guest stars your show has seen. "Yeah, Y/N, make me despise you," he says, whispering in your ear with a teasing grin. "I'll do my best," you whisper back, before giving him a kick right in the groin. "Ay!" He winces, the other four boys laugh and so do you. "Sorry, but I had to me you despise me," you tell him, patting his arm. "Oi, I think it worked a little, but I still like you," he replies, still slightly in pain. "ALL RIGHT, ACTION!" the director calls. Harry clears his throat and looks at you, reciting his lines. "You're an awful person! How could you do that?" He spits. You roll your eyes and get into character. "Because sometimes, you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want." He shakes his head, his face looking angry but his acting still not very good. "Well, whatever, you must be really good because that was really awful," he tells you, shaking his head and walking away. "AND CUT!" Harry turns back to you with a smile. "Did I do good?" You shrug. "Eh, I've seen better, but you're not so bad Curly." He winks. "Did I do enough to earn dinner with you tonight?" You laugh and nod. "Cheeky, I suppose so."

Louis: "This is a children's show!" You shout, as Louis does a joking sexy dance on one of the tables. Louis looks over at you and smiles. "Well we aren't filming yet. Join me!" He motions you over and pulls you on top of the table. "Ay! What are you two doing?" the director shouts. You both look at him wide-eyed. "Dancing?" Louis offers, shaking his bum. The director laughs, and you smile. "Right, now Louis, you and Niall need to sit at that table to the far right. Y/N, you have to walk in and fangirl over them, alright?" You nod. "That should be easy," you mumble to yourself. "Hm, what's that?" Louis helps you off the table and raises an eyebrow. "Huh? Oh, I was just... Fangirling should be easy to act because I'm a huge fan," you blush and he smiles. "Are you?" he asks, making his way over to his blonde-haired friend. "Fan enough to... say, go and get some coffee after we're done filming?" You roll your eyes and laugh at his lame attempt. "I guess I can squeeze you in," you reply, walking over to your mark.

Niall: "How am I supposed to pretend to cry?" Niall looks at you and you shrug. "Dunno, I'm an actress. I learned how to fake cry when I was little," you reply. Niall looks around the set and laughs. "Man, management keeps signing me and the boys up for these guest starring roles and stuff, but I clearly can't act. I just laugh at everything." You smile and fix his tie before the scene begins. "Just think of sad things, that's what I do," you advise. "Sad things? Like what? What do you think of?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Well, this is kind of embarrassing, but I think of One Direction splitting up and Moments playing in the background..." you say softly, feeling tears prick at your eyes, perfect for the scene. "Crap, that is sad," he replies frowning. "Right, I'll think of something sad." The scene begins and you an Niall stand side-by-side in front of the gravestone, huddled in tears. "I can't believe he's gone. He just, left," you sniff. "But he's in a better place," Niall whispers, tears sliding down his pale cheeks. "AND CUT!" Niall wipes the tears from his cheeks and smiles. "I cried! Real tears! Whooo!" he cheers like he just won the lottery. You laugh and brush away your own tears. "See? Told you it worked!" you say proudly. "What did you think of?" He looks at you and smiles. "I thought of you rejecting me for dinner and a movie tonight." You raise an eyebrow. "Kidding! I thought of dead puppies. But, would you want to go for a movie and dinner...?" You nudge his shoulder playfully and smile. "Sounds lovely."

Zayn: "This is so exciting, I'm a huge fan," Zayn smiles and gathers you in a hug. You smile. "Funny, I'm a huge fan of yours as well," you reply, carefully stepping into your mark for the scene. "Really? That's amazing, aha," he replies, finding his own mark on the set. "It's so weird being on this show, I watch it all the time while I'm on tour," he continues. "But now I'm actually on it, and I get to be fake shot, it's so cool." You smile and nod. "Yeah, being fake shot is certainly exciting." A few moments later the cameras are rolling and you watch Liam, dressed in black, pulls out a prop gun and pretends to shot Zayn's chest and runs away. This is your cue. "No! No!" you cry out, leaning over him as he plays dead. "No! Stay with me! No! No!" you shout frantically, touching the fake blood on his polo. Zayn, who is supposed to be dead, suddenly blinks and you burst out laughing. "Zayn! You can't blink! You're dead!" you tell him as the director calls 'cut.' He smiles and shrugs. "Hey, I'm a singer, not an actor," he replies.

Liam: "Come on! You have to push her into the lake! You're supposed to be the murderer," the director angrily shouts at Liam; you look up at him with pity. "But I don't wanna hurt her! Why do I have to be the murderer? Can I be a tree or something else instead?" he pouts. "Hey, you won't hurt me. It's acting, Liam. This is my job." You put you hand on his arm reassuringly and he bites his lip. The director looks at the sky and shuts his eyes, veins prominent. "C'mon, just do it before he has a meltdown," you add. Liam looks at the director wide-eyed and nods. "All right. Please be careful," he looks at you with worry. "Liam, it's not a real river and I'm just pretending to drown. I'll be fine," you smile at him, loving how sweet he is. "OKAY, I'M READY!" he shouts to the director. The director sighs with relief and shouts "ACTION!" You feel Liam softly nude your arm, looking at you apologetically and you toss yourself into the river, drowning until the scene ends. As soon as the director calls 'cut' he's pulling you out of the river and wrapping you in a towel. "Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay? Are you cold?" he asks, drying you off. "Aw, you're the sweetest thing. I'm fine, you did great," you assure him, smiling, water dripping down from your hair. "Okay, good. Good, I'm defiantly a singer, not an actor." he adds with a laugh.

HI! What's up loves? I really how you guys liked this one. I found it a while ago and I thought that you guys would like it. All credit goes to the owner who wrote it, none of this was mine.

I have a lot of ideas for some upcoming preferences. Some of them are from Quotev, but most of them are going to be mine. I'm really excited to get them up for you guys.

Question time: Favorite Zayn quote? This is the last one of the quote questions. This is my favorite: "Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life."

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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