6- Contacts

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6- Contacts

His: Hazza❤️
Yours: Cutie😘

His: Lewis😜
Yours: Angel😇

His: Leprechaun💚
Yours: Princess👸

His: Zaynie-bear🐻
Yours: Baby💘

His: Batman⚫️
Yours: Lovely💜

HI! Just a quick preference for you guys. I have a lot of ideas to write about but I've got some writers block. If you know of any good 1D preferences, please comment and let me know. Anything for some inspiration would be helpful. Hopefully it'll pass in a few days but I'll try my best to write a little bit everyday. Maybe I'll have a new preference by the end of the week. I really hope so guys!

Also, I have recently finished a fantastic book by BritishBums for the second time. It's called 'She's the Man' and its a phenomenal book. Please go give it a read. She's a great writer.

Question time: Favorite 1D album? I'm pretty sure mine would be Take Me Home or Four. They're both amazing.

One last thing: Please comment and let me know which person you want my first book to be about. It's either going to be Louis or Luke. It's going to be a vampire story. I think either would be a hot vampire so I'll let you guys decide. I'll let you know when it gets close to when I'm going to start it.

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood!!


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