14- "Stay" **IMPORTANT A/N**

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14- "Stay,"

Harry: You knew that he had to leave, management didn't give the boy's a choice in when they left for press. But you could only hope that he could stay for a few minutes longer. You stood together in the airport, hugging tightly, trying to remember every last detail about each other. He would only be gone for a few days, but it was beginning to feel like it would be a lot longer.

"Stay, please," you whimpered, understanding that your pleas would do nothing. He simply shook his head slightly, and kissed your forehead. You buried you face deeper into his chest and held him tighter. You nodded your head, signalling to him that it was time for him to go. He released you from his grip and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. He gave your hand a subtle squeeze before letting go and walking towards the other boys and boarding the airplane.

Louis: It was 9:43 am and Louis had a recording session at 10:30. But the problem was that, neither one of you wanted to get out of bed. You were cuddled together in bed, your head on his bare chest, and his arm wrapped loosely around your small waist. He gently pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, then one on your nose, then your temple, your ear, near your eye, working his way around your entire face. He finally pressed a soft kiss onto your lips. Even through your drowsy state you knew the warm sensation and pressed your lips back against his. You smiled gently through the kiss. He pulled back and smiled down at you. You opened your Y/E/C eyes at looked back up at him. He slowly began to remove his arm from your waist. You simply moved closer to his chest in response. He chuckled lightly at your indication of refusal.

"Stay..." you whined gently, dragging out the last syllable. He chuckled once again before pressing another kiss to your temple. You rubbed your noses together before he slipped out of bed to get ready for the day.

Niall: You were nervous beyond words and couldn't stop pacing. You were attending an important meet for your gymnastics team, and your placement today would depend on your placement for the team next year. You felt a pair of arms slither around your waist as you paced and playing with the strap on your leotard once again. You stopped trying to move when you heard an Irish accent whispering soothing little sweet nothings into your ear. You relaxed into his arms as you closed your eyes and embraced his words.

"Stay for a minute babe, just relax," he said. You nodded your head against his chest and closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and felt much calmer. He released you from his grip before placing a gentle kiss on your nose and whispering a quiet 'good luck' into your ear, but it made your confidence soar.

Liam: You slammed the door into Liam's face as you felt hot tears fall down your cheeks. You had never had such an intense fight with each other. You knew that your anger would only soar higher if you tried to reason with each other. You collapsed onto yours and Liam's shared bed and sighed heavily. You heard the door slowly open and felt the bed drop drastically, signalling to you that Liam was sitting next to you. You didn't want to deal with his reasoning at the moment, and got up from the bed. You obviously didn't move quick enough because he was able to grab your wrist and restrain you from moving away from him.

"Stay, please, let's just figure this out," he said, as he gazed into your eyes with his. You saw the slight pout near his lips and how heavy his eyes looked, and you couldn't help but nod your head numbly and sit back on the bed.

HIII! It's nice to see you all again! It's been an eternity since I've written anything and I'm super sorry about that. I have been thinking about this and I have decided to label this book as 'completed.'  I realize that writing these preferences is just not something I consistently have the time to be doing. I much as I enjoyed writing these, I think that ending it will be for the best.

Fear not though, I will still be working on "Heartache,' as well as ideas for 'Him & Her.' By not worrying about these preferences, I can continue to focus on those two books and get those completed.

I've also decided that labeling this book as 'completed' may only be temporary. If for some random reason I feel like writing one I will, although there is a very large chance of that not happening.

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented, or requested on these preferences. I always appreciate your support and I love each and every one of you. I hope that you guys will continue to support me in writing my other two books. Thank you for being there and giving me a reason to continue these preferences for as long as I did.

Thank you guys for everything.

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood.


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