7- Song Preference -> Battleships

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7- Song Preference -> Battleships by Daughtry

AN: The song is attached. Please listen to it while you read, it makes it much more interesting and less awful because of my freaking writers block at the moment. Enjoy this preference!

'I'm sinking inside, and the masts and lines are broken down tonight.
I swallow my pride
But we're drowning in the ocean and it's tearing my heart open'

You knew that what had happened would be hard to fix. But you didn't realise that he would be so broken and lost because of it. You had never seen Harry so upset, and that worried you.

"Hazz, what's wrong?"

"I don't really know baby. I wish I did. But whatever is going on between us is drowning this relationship. We have to stop it." He gave a sad look before you realized what he said.

He was right. This relationship was still new and was not working right at the moment. You knew that it needed to be fixed, that was for sure. And you intended on doing that.

'Baby, we're high then we're low, first it's yes then it's no, and we're changing like the tides
Yeah, but I want you, I need you, and I guarantee you we'll make it out alive'

You and Louis had been going through a tough few months. Things were not the way they used to be. It was a good day, then a bad day. And it never lasted that way for long. Whenever there was any kind of argument, you could never seem to work it out anymore. This worried you and Louis. Things had been going great for almost 3 years and when he finally worked up the nerves to propose to you, this started to happen. And neither of you knew what to do.

"Lou, I don't get it anymore! What is going on? What can't seem to do anything without fighting over it!"

"I know babe, I know. Whatever is going on has to stop, before this relationship just sinks. But I guarantee you, we'll work it out. I promise. We were always able to, why can't we do it again?"

'Cause I don't wanna fight no more,
Even when the waves get rough
I don't wanna see the day we say we've had enough
And I don't wanna fight this war
Bullets coming off our lips
But we stick to our guns and we love like battleships, like battleships.'

"I'm sick of fighting all of the time
Y/N!! I'm so done with the constant screaming. What are we even doing?"

He raised a good point. You didn't know what you were doing anymore. But you both knew that the fighting had to stop. Niall was so sick of always screaming at you. You didn't appreciate screaming at him either, but it was the only way that you could talk with each other any more.

"We've got to stop arguing before something bad really happens. I don't wanna see that day where someone says that they're though with this relationship and walks out the door. I don't ever want to see that day. I don't intend to see it and I don't think you do either. So can we try and fix this? Please Y/N? Please?"

As soon as you saw the look on his face, your heart melted. You gave him a nod before a gentle kiss on the lips. You were never the one to lean in first, but if that's what you had to do to keep Niall around, then that's what you would do. You didn't plan on losing him for a while. You didn't plan on losing him ever.

'Bombs fly through the air
And I know that we're both playing not so fair.'

Some of the worst things were flying out of your mouth and at Zayn, who just fired right back at you. As soon as he mentioned your family, that was it, and you fired back at him with all of your might. You brought up every single thing that would weaken him that you could think of. And once all of that was through, you collapsed on the couch and cried. Zayn walked up to the bedroom to think over what had just happened. He knew something was not right, and he wanted to fix it. He just didn't know how. And neither did you.

But as you began to think of all of things that you had said to each other tonight, you both knew it would take a while to patch this up. It wouldn't be easy, that was for sure. But it had to be done, that was for certain. And the next morning you both collapsed into each other's arms, never wanting to let go.

Things weren't completely better just yet, but it was one baby step closer than you thought you were. And that big fight brought you both closer than ever before.

'Oh, show, show me you care
I got my white flag up and it's waving 'cause you know this love's worth saving, baby.'

"Liam, I can't keep fighting like this anymore! I'm done with it. I really hope you are too." And with that, you slammed the door to the bedroom you shared. You crouched down against it, the constant fighting replaying in your head. This was the end. If this fighting didn't stop now, you were done. You surrendered, and were just hoping that Liam would do the same. The only thing that he could to show you was to let you know that he did truly care. And he did.

He just didn't know how to show you. You showed your love for him constantly, and he never showed you anything in return. And he felt awful. So he knew what he had to do. He left a note on the door before setting everything up. He snuck outside setting up his master plan before knocking on the door to the bedroom. He quietly went back to his post before you came across his note.

'Meet me out on the balcony. I've got a surprise for you.


You suspiciously made your way outside to find the homemade meal that Liam has prepared and roses scattered all around.

"So, can we stop fighting and try to talk this one out?"

HI! What's up guys? So my writers block is getting better! YAY!!! I figured a song preference would be good 'cause I didn't have to come up with the ideas, they were already there! I've been obsessed with this song for a while and it's an awesome song. I feel like I should've just called this 'You Fight' because that happens every single one. I'll do that another time though. I'll probably do some more of the song preferences, they're a lot of fun to write! Do you guys like them? I do have another few planned that are going to be really good. One of them is a song that I've talked about before so it won't be completely new. The others are my secret!

Does anyone know how to dedicate a chapter to someone? I'd like to start doing that for requests and LashtonMaIum I'll dedicate your request to you when I figure out how to do it! I'm still quite new here so just give me little time to start figuring things out.

Question time: Favorite ballard? I don't know if I spelt that right so if I didn't let me know lol. My favs would be 'What a Catch, Donnie' by Fall Out Boy, 'I Miss You' by 5 Seconds of Summer (it's a cover, and it's perfection), or 'Hotel Ceiling' by Rixton. My fav 1D ballard would be 'Little Things' from Take Me Home or 'Night Changes' from Four. I also love their cover of 'Torn' from when they were not The X Factor and were all fetus and asdfghjkl. You guys know what I mean. Now they're all grown up and asdfghjkl.

Okay, so that concludes my fangirl session. I need mental help, lol. DEDICATED DIRECTIONER

Also!! Keep voting for my new story. Luke vampire or Louis vampire. It's up to you now!

That's it for now.

See you soon young blood!!


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