2- Your First Date

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2- Your First Date

Harry: You finished the final bit of makeup before double-checking your appearance in the mirror. Saying that you were nervous was the understatement of the century. You and Harry had gotten quite close since that first time he asked to get to know each other. You became very good friends. So the day he asked you to go out on a date came as a surprise to you. You shook your head yes, not wanting to see what he would do is you said no; you just worried that if this date didn't go well, it would ruin your friendship. But the calming feeling replaced all the butterflies when you saw Harry standing outside the door.

"Ready to go love?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side which made your heart almost skip a beat.

"Yea, let's go," you replied, before grabbing your phone and locking the door. You smushed your phone into the pocket of your shorts and followed Harry to his car; where he was waiting for you and holding the door open. You smiled at him gratefully before sliding into the passengers seat. He shut the door and sat in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going Hazz?" You asked. He hadn't told you anything about what you were doing or where you going. The only details you had was to dress casual and comfortable. This, of course, led you wear a graphic tank, an old pair of shorty-shorts and your black high top converse. You left your hair down and wavy, your makeup was natural; just some light bronzer, eye shadow, and mascara. You finished the look with a touch of light pink lip gloss.

"It wouldn't be a much of a surprise if I told you, now would it?" He responded, before you quietly groaned on turned on the radio. You flipped through a few of the stations before stopping on one. You were quietly singing along to the lyrics and bopping your head to the beat. You soon heard Harry join in on the singing before it turned into a full-on jam session.

'This love has taken its toll on me

She said goodbye too many times before

And her heart is breaking in front of me

I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh woah oh

I'll fix these broken things

Repair your broken wings

And make sure everything's alright

My pressure on your hips

Sinking my fingertips

Into every inch of you

Cause I know that's what you want me to do

This love has taken its toll on me

She said goodbye too many times before

And her heart is breaking in front of me

I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh woah oh'

"We're here Y/N," Harry said as he stopped the car and walked around to meet you at the other side. He opened your door to reveal a beautiful little valley with flowers and trees. He was holding a basket in his hand as he watched your reaction. Your face broke into a smile as he smiled as well and led you a shady tree. He laid out the picnic as you ate and talked. You were both laying down on the blanket together before Harry perked up and went over to the basket. He grabbed a soccer ball (football for anyone who calls it that) and walked back over to you. Your face lit up as you saw the round, white and black checked ball.

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