Fate Or Accident

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"Excuse me. Excuse me." I said in a rush tone while holding 2 paper bags from Starbucks. It was already 9:05 A.M. and I am sure that they were all looking for me. Who are they? Hmmm.. You'll know.

I arrived at the office at 09:10 A.M. As soon as I arrived, they were all glaring at me. I just smiled at them. Well, I was used to it already.

"Here is your Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino, Mercedes." I said as I approached Mercedes first.

"God! Finally Brittany! You are so goddamned slow!" Mercedes said as she shot me a glare and then she took the drink I offered.

I gave her a weak smile, "I am so sorry. Next time, I promise I won't be late."

"You better be!" she said as she turned her back away from me.

I took a deep breath and I felt bad already about myself. I should adjust my alarm clock again so I can't be late next time.

I saw Unique stood up from her chair so I ran to catch him. "Unique! Here is your Caramel Frappuccino."

"Thanks Brittany. Wait, you ordered light blended right?" he asked.

I mentally cursed myself. "I'm sorry. I forgot that you liked light blended." I said, apologizing again.

Unique raised his eyebrow and then took a deep breath. "How many times do I have to remind you?"

"I am so sorry." I lowered my head.

"Hey Pierce! Where is mine?" Puck yelled.

I left Unique and went straight to Puck. "Here."

Puck smiled, "Thanks." then he went back to work.

I approached Rory and gave him his coffee. Then to Joe, Tina and Mike. After I finished giving all their drinks, I went straight to my desk. Time to start working on my real job.

You see, buying drinks for my officemates is not really part of my job. I was just doing favors for them.

I run errands even though I am not their servant. Even if I am busy, I just can't turn them down.

Let me tell you something first. My name is Brittany S. Pierce. Not Britney Spears. It is BRITTANY S. PIERCE. You heard that right. I have the same name as the famous pop icon which makes the people around me instantly remembers my name.

But I am no Britney Spears. I am just an ordinary girl. My existence is like a sticky note.

Yeah. Sticky note. Let me define it.

It is very convenient. You can toss it after you were done with it. It comes in handy when you needed it but you can just ignore it when you don't.

So therefore, I am the convenient sticky note girl Brittany S. Pierce. To say it more nicely, My personality like to help others and I just can't refuse when others ask for my help. Even if I'm taking advantage of, I won't mind a bit.

But the truth is... I am just scared!

I am afraid of turning people down.

I am afraid of making others mad.

Even if I'm being advantage of, I won't dare to say it.

I am a person who is completely without self esteem!

Having no personality is my personality.

Why have I become like this?

I am going to tell you a short story of mine.

My mom doesn't want me. She doesn't want to get pregnant again so to speak. I already have two sisters namely Serena and Hanna and she didn't expect that she would be pregnant again with me. But fate brought me in this world. So here I am.

Sticky Note Girl (Brittana Glee Fic)Where stories live. Discover now