Going Back

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With trembling hands, I press the answer button.

Hey honey! Surprise! Where is your hotel room? I'm here in France. I miss you baby.

I shut my eyes closed. I bit my bottom lip.


I look at Santana's sleeping form. Once again, my heart is broken. No. My heart is shattered into pieces.

I'm already here inside the hotel. Oh screw it. I'm just going to ask the receptionist. See you in a bit Honey.

Then the call ended.

Quinn is here. She can't see me.

"I don't want to ruin your relationship with your first love, Santana. I'm setting you free. Again." I whisper against her.

Then I kiss her lips. For the very last time.

"Goodbye Santana."

With a heavy heart and a severely broken one, I left Santana's room.

My tears fell down uncontrollably as I step inside the elevator wishing that I won't face Quinn anymore. My heart can't take it if I happened to see her, the LOVE of the Love of my Life.

"Brittany!" my mom shouts as soon as she opened the door. "Why didn't you tell us you are coming home?" she hugs me tightly.

Hanna came running inside the house and hugs me too. "Oh my god! You are so gorgeous, Brittany!" she exclaims as she looks at me.

I smile at them. It's nice to be home, finally after 2 long years.

"I miss you mom, Hanna and Serena too." I give them a wide smile.

"Mom! Mom! I'm hungry! Do you have food in there?" Serena's voice filled the entire house as she pass through the front door.

"We have soup in here." Mom said.

Serena looks at me then back to mom again. "We have a guest?"

Mom rolls her eyes, and I laugh. "That's your sister, Serena."

Serena looks at me then whispers to mom, which I manage to hear, "You have a daughter outside marriage? Mom! How could you do that!"

Mom widens her eyes, "What are you talking about? That is Brittany, your sister!"

"Serena, it's me Brittany!" I exclaim.

Serena looks at me, from top to bottom. I am wearing a tight pants and a gray tank top. My hair grew longer with big curls at the end. I'm not wearing my eyeglasses anymore as I had my Lasik Eye Surgery in France to bring back my normal 20/20 vision. My eyes are accentuated because of the black eyeliner I put. I can't blame my sister if she can't recognize me now. i'm a complete different person.

"Brittany? Is that you? Oh shocks! You changed!" Serena grins at me and hugs me super tight. "You had plastic surgery?"

"Serena!" I whine. "Of course not."

"Just kidding" Serena grins, "Oh my god! You are absolutely gorgeous!" she exclaims again.

I laugh again. "And you're pregnant?"

"Yup. We tried IVF and it works." Serena said, grinning at me.

"Wow!" I said, my tears starts to fall down as memories of me being pregnant filled my brain.

"Oh Brittany." the three of them said in unison, then they wrap me with their arms.

"Serena! I've been looking all over for you!" Blair's voice filled the house.

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