Our First Family Photo

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My eyes flutters open and I smile when I felt Santana's arms still wrap around my body. I actually thought that last night was a dream, but feeling Santana's naked body wrap around mine, I felt complete and contented.

I look at the clock, it's already 8:30 A.M. She's going to be late. So I start to move, but her arms holds me tight as a response.

I take a deep breath. "Santana." I whisper.

No response.

So, I move again then she holds me tightly again, her breathing against my neck that I shivers.

"Santana." I said softly, trying to wake her up.

"Mmmmm..." she mumbles.

I move again but I didn't expect her sudden movement, she cups my left cheek making me face her then she plants a soft kiss on my lips.

She opens her eyes, "Good morning. I could get used to this." she mumbles then she kiss me again on my lips. This time, she nips on my bottom lip.

I chuckle, pulling away from her, I said, "You're going to be late, San."

"I don't care." she said in a flirtatious manner that I felt hot all over. Last night was amazing. Santana has been gentle to me.

In one flash, she moves on top of me, and I felt her standing sex poking on my thigh that I blushed furiously.

She starts to kiss my forehead, then my nose, then on my cheeks, then lastly, my lips. "You are so beautiful." she said huskily that I avoid her intense stare, with my cheeks flushed.

"I am not." I said, still avoiding her gaze.

"Don't say that. You are very much beautiful, Brittany." she said again, then she kisses me again on my lips.

She swipes her tongue against my lips that I can't hold back a moan.

She opens my mouth by cupping my chin softly, so I open my mouth for her and she waste no time in pushing her tongue against mine. I suck her tongue in response that made her moan.

"Hmmm..." she moans.

I swipe my tongue against hers that she suck it immediately, this time, eliciting a moan from me.

"Santana!" Grandma calls while knocking the door which made us pull apart from each other. "Santana, you're going to be late. Sugar called, she said that you have a very important meeting to attend to!" she yells again.

"Oh crap!" she mutters under her breath. "I'm awake!" she yells back, then looks at me.

I nod my head.

She smiles at me widely then mouthed the words 'sorry'.

I follow her with my eyes as she goes straight into the bathroom.

Guess I need a cold shower too.

I sigh deeply.

"Britt, you should eat this, it would make you and our baby healthy." Santana said as she practically shove the food to my plate.

"It's too much." I said, whining.

"No, it's not. It's just right. Come on, eat this." she said again as she directs the spoon into my mouth.

Sticky Note Girl (Brittana Glee Fic)Where stories live. Discover now